Voluntary Contributions Subrecipient must assure that voluntary contributions shall be allowed and may be solicited in accordance with the following requirements [OAA § 315(b)]: 1. The Subrecipient or any subcontractors for any Title III or Title VII-A services shall not use means tests. 2. Any Title III or Title VII-A client that does not contribute toward the cost of the services received shall not be denied services. 3. Methods used to solicit voluntary contributions for Title III and Title VII-A services shall be non-coercive. 4. Each service provider will: a) Provide each recipient with an opportunity to voluntarily contribute to the cost of the service. b) Clearly inform each recipient that there is no obligation to contribute and that the contribution is purely voluntary. c) Protect the privacy and confidentiality of each recipient with respect to the recipient’s contribution or lack of contribution; and d) Establish appropriate procedures to safeguard and account for all contributions. e) Use all collected contributions to expand the services for which the contributions were given and to supplement (not supplant) funds received under this program.
Catch-Up Contributions In the case of a Traditional IRA Owner who is age 50 or older by the close of the taxable year, the annual cash contribution limit is increased by $1,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2006 and years thereafter.
City Contribution The City agrees to maintain health and dental benefits at present levels for the life of the Agreement.
Deductions from Sick Leave A deduction shall be made from accumulated sick leave of all normal working days (exclusive of holidays) absent for sick leave.
Payment of Contributions The University and eligible academic staff members shall each contribute one-half of the contributions to the Academic and Administrative Pension Plan.
Pension Contributions While on leave pursuant to Section B. of this Article, an employee may make contributions to the appropriate State pension system and will receive service credit for the time the employee is on unpaid leave.
DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachers' salaries unified membership dues for Xxxxxxxxx County Teachers Association, the Maryland State Education Association and the National Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association and approved by the Human Resources Division. The Board agrees to transmit such monies promptly to the Association. 1. Deductions shall be made in twenty (20) equal installments beginning in August and ending in June of each year. For new enrollees, deductions shall be made in sixteen (16) equal installments beginning in October. The Board will not be required to honor any authorizations that are delivered to it later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the distribution of the November payroll, except for authorized deductions for first-year teachers, delivered after the distribution of the November payroll whose deductions will be made in equal installments computed in accordance with the number of pay periods remaining in that school year. 2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any change in the rate of dues. 3. No later than October 1 of each year, the Board will provide the Association with a list of those teachers from whom dues were deducted on the first payroll. The Board will provide a similar list from the November 15 payroll not later than December 1. 4. In the event that a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct the balance of the unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher's final pay check and transmit these dues promptly to the Association. B. Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the teacher for the plans listed below and XXXXX. Except in case of an emergency, the Board shall distribute all monies from payroll deduction accounts to the proper recipients within ten (10) workdays of its deduction following the pay date. 1. 403(b) and 457(b) Programs A list of companies authorized to offer 403(b) and 457(b) products to the employees of the Board will be made available to all employees by September 1 of each fiscal year beginning July 1. The number of authorized companies for which payroll deductions will be made will be determined by the insurance council. The insurance council will recommend a number of providers deemed sufficient to provide an adequate array of eligible investment products for the benefit of all employees. In order to be eligible for inclusion on this authorized list, the companies must meet the following criteria: a. A company must submit a written explanation of their company background, administrative capabilities, products and services for consideration by the insurance council. b. The insurance council will recommend to both the Board and the Association companies that should be on the authorized list. c. When a new company is added to the list before payroll begins, the company must initially sign up a minimum of ten (10) employees. Once the minimum number of employees is signed up, payroll deductions will begin as soon as practical. Approved service-fee based providers must sign up additional employees following the minimum participants schedule listed below for the first three (3) years: Year 1 – minimum of 15 employees Year 2 – minimum of 30 employees Year 3 – minimum of 50 employees After year three (3), if at any time an approved service-fee based provider drops below fifty (50) employees participating in its program for six (6) consecutive months during the school year, it will be dropped from the authorized list of companies at the end of the particular fiscal year in which such event occurs. No- load based providers will not be required to maintain a minimum number of participants due to the lack of on-site marketing. d. At any time the service-fee based company fails to meet this requirement by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. At any time, a company fails to comply with IRS regulations, by decision of the insurance council, it can be dropped from the list of authorized companies. 2. Insurance plans approved by the Association and the Board. 3. Teachers desiring payroll deductions for XXXXX shall notify the Board in writing with fifteen
Special Parental Allowance for Totally Disabled Employees (a) An employee who: (i) fails to satisfy the eligibility requirement specified in subparagraph 17.05(a)(ii) solely because a concurrent entitlement to benefits under the Disability Insurance (DI) Plan, the Long-term Disability (LTD) Insurance portion of the Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP) or via the Government Employees Compensation Act prevents the employee from receiving Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits, and (ii) has satisfied all of the other eligibility criteria specified in paragraph 17.05(a), other than those specified in sections (A) and (B) of subparagraph 17.05(a)(iii), shall be paid, in respect of each week of benefits under the parental allowance not received for the reason described in subparagraph (i), the difference between ninety-three per cent (93%) of the employee's rate of pay and the gross amount of his or her weekly disability benefit under the DI Plan, the LTD Plan or via the Government Employees Compensation Act. (b) An employee shall be paid an allowance under this clause and under clause 17.05 for a combined period of no more than the number of weeks during which the employee would have been eligible for parental, paternity or adoption benefits under the Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan, had the employee not been disqualified from Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits for the reasons described in subparagraph (a)(i).
Retirement Contribution 1. The State shall, as permitted by 5 M.R.S.A. §17702 §§s5 and 6, pay its cost of the 6.5% or 7.5% retirement contribution for employees in the bargaining unit who are covered under special Law Enforcement retirement plans. 2. The State shall, as permitted by 5 M.R.S.A. §17702 §§s5 and 6, pay the cost of the 6.5% or 7.5% retirement contribution for employees in the following classifications.
Retirement Contributions On behalf of employees, the State will continue to “pick up” the six percent (6%) employee contribution, payable pursuant to law. The parties acknowledge that various challenges have been filed that contest the lawfulness, including the constitutionality, of various aspects of PERS reform legislation enacted by the 2003 Legislative Assembly, including Chapters 67 (HB 2003) and 68 (HB 2004) of Oregon Laws 2003 (“PERS Litigation”). Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any party’s rights, claims or defenses with respect to the PERS Litigation.