Class Size a) When CONTRACTOR is a nonpublic school, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that class size shall not exceed a ratio of one teacher per fourteen (14) pupils. Each classroom with 2 or more students shall be assigned at least one paraprofessional. Upon written approval by an authorized XXX representative, class size may be temporarily increased by a ratio of 1 teacher to sixteen (16) pupils when necessary to provide services to pupils with disabilities. For any billing period where the class size has exceeded sixteen (16) students for five consecutive school days, the CONTRACTOR shall have a 10% decrease in its approved daily rate for those LEA students that exceeded sixteen (16), for those days (over five). b) In the event a nonpublic school is unable to fill a vacant teaching position responsible for direct instruction to students, and the vacancy has direct impact on the California Department of Education Certification of that school, the nonpublic school shall develop a plan to assure appropriate coverage of student by first utilizing existing certificated staff. The nonpublic school and the LEA may agree to one 30 school day period per contract year where class size may be increased to assure coverage by an appropriately credentialed teacher. Such an agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties. This provision does not apply to a nonpublic agency. c) CONTRACTOR providing special education instruction for individuals with exceptional needs between the ages of three and five years, inclusive, shall also comply with the appropriate instructional adult to child ratios pursuant to California Education Code sections 56440 et seq.
Loop Provisioning Involving Integrated Digital Loop Carriers 2.6.1 Where Freedom has requested an Unbundled Loop and BellSouth uses IDLC systems to provide the local service to the End User and BellSouth has a suitable alternate facility available, BellSouth will make such alternative facilities available to Freedom. If a suitable alternative facility is not available, then to the extent it is technically feasible, BellSouth will implement one of the following alternative arrangements for Freedom (e.g. hairpinning): 1. Roll the circuit(s) from the IDLC to any spare copper that exists to the customer premises. 2. Roll the circuit(s) from the IDLC to an existing DLC that is not integrated. 3. If capacity exists, provide "side-door" porting through the switch. 4. If capacity exists, provide "Digital Access Cross Connect System (DACS)- door" porting (if the IDLC routes through a DACS prior to integration into the switch). 2.6.2 Arrangements 3 and 4 above require the use of a designed circuit. Therefore, non- designed Loops such as the SL1 voice grade and UCL-ND may not be ordered in these cases. 2.6.3 If no alternate facility is available, and upon request from Freedom, and if agreed to by both Parties, BellSouth may utilize its Special Construction (SC) process to determine the additional costs required to provision facilities. Freedom will then have the option of paying the one-time SC rates to place the Loop.
SPECIALIZED JOB CLASSES Where there is a particular specialized job class in which the pay rate is below the local market value assessment of that job class, the parties may use existing means under the collective agreement to adjust compensation for that job class.
To Class Counsel A Class Counsel Fees Payment of not more than one- third, which is currently estimated to be $60,000.00 and a Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment of not more than $15,000.00. Defendant will not oppose requests for these payments provided that they do not exceed these amounts. Plaintiffs and/or Class Counsel will file a motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Litigation Expenses Payment no later than 16 court days prior to the Final Approval Hearing. If the Court approves a Class Counsel Fees Payment and/or a Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment less than the amounts requested, the Administrator will allocate the remainder to the Net Settlement Amount. Released Parties shall have no liability to Class Counsel or any other Plaintiffs’ Counsel arising from any claim to any portion any Class Counsel Fee Payment and/or Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment. The Administrator will pay the Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Counsel Expenses Payment using one or more IRS 1099 Forms. Class Counsel assumes full responsibility and liability for taxes owed on the Class Counsel Fees Payment and the Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and holds Defendant harmless, and indemnifies Defendant, from any dispute or controversy regarding any division or sharing of any of these Payments.
Multi-Class Distribution Arrangements You understand and acknowledge that the Funds may offer Shares in multiple classes, and you represent and warrant that you have established compliance procedures designed to ensure that your customers are made aware of the terms of each available class of Fund Shares, to ensure that each customer is offered only Shares that are suitable investments for him or her, to ensure that each customer is availed of the opportunity to obtain sales charge break points as detailed in the Prospectus, and to ensure proper supervision of your representatives in recommending and offering the Shares of multiple classes to your customers.
CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION AND SOLICITATION LIMITATIONS No state contractor, prospective state contractor, principal of a state contractor or principal of a prospective state contractor, with regard to a state contract or state contract solicitation with or from a state agency in the executive branch or a quasi-public agency or a holder, or principal of a holder of a valid prequalification certificate, shall make a contribution to (i) an exploratory committee or candidate committee established by a candidate for nomination or election to the office of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State Comptroller, Secretary of the State or State Treasurer, (ii) a political committee authorized to make contributions or expenditures to or for the benefit of such candidates, or (iii) a party committee (which includes town committees). In addition, no holder or principal of a holder of a valid prequalification certificate, shall make a contribution to (i) an exploratory committee or candidate committee established by a candidate for nomination or election to the office of State senator or State representative, (ii) a political committee authorized to make contributions or expenditures to or for the benefit of such candidates, or (iii) a party committee. On and after January 1, 2011, no state contractor, prospective state contractor, principal of a state contractor or principal of a prospective state contractor, with regard to a state contract or state contract solicitation with or from a state agency in the executive branch or a quasi-public agency or a holder, or principal of a holder of a valid prequalification certificate, shall knowingly solicit contributions from the state contractor's or prospective state contractor's employees or from a subcontractor or principals of the subcontractor on behalf of (i) an exploratory committee or candidate committee established by a candidate for nomination or election to the office of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State Comptroller, Secretary of the State or State Treasurer, (ii) a political committee authorized to make contributions or expenditures to or for the benefit of such candidates, or (iii) a party committee. State contractors and prospective state contractors are required to inform their principals of the above prohibitions, as applicable, and the possible penalties and other consequences of any violation thereof. Contributions or solicitations of contributions made in violation of the above prohibitions may result in the following civil and criminal penalties: Civil penalties—Up to $2,000 or twice the amount of the prohibited contribution, whichever is greater, against a principal or a contractor. Any state contractor or prospective state contractor which fails to make reasonable efforts to comply with the provisions requiring notice to its principals of these prohibitions and the possible consequences of their violations may also be subject to civil penalties of up to $2,000 or twice the amount of the prohibited contributions made by their principals. Criminal penalties—Any knowing and willful violation of the prohibition is a Class D felony, which may subject the violator to imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or not more than $5,000 in fines, or both.
Settlement Class The “Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class Releasing Parties” are the Class Plaintiffs, each and every member of the Rule 23(b)
Reverse ADSL Loops If a CLEC’s ADSL Transmission Unit (including those integrated into DSLAMs) is attached to Sprint’s Network and if an ADSL Copper Loop should start at an outside location, and is looped through a host or remote, and then to the subscriber, the copper plant from the outside location to the Sprint host or remote central office must be a facility dedicated to ADSL transmission only and not part of Sprint’s regular feeder or distribution plant.
Proxies; Class Actions (a) The Manager has provided the Subadvisor a copy of the Manager’s Proxy Voting Policy, setting forth the policy that proxies be voted for the exclusive benefit and in the best interests of the Trust. Absent contrary instructions received in writing from the Trust, the Subadvisor will vote all proxies solicited by or with respect to the issuers of securities held by the Series in accordance with applicable fiduciary obligations. The Subadvisor shall maintain records concerning how it has voted proxies on behalf of the Trust, and these records shall be available to the Trust upon request. (b) Manager acknowledges and agrees that the Subadvisor shall not be responsible for taking any action or rendering advice with respect to any class action claim relating to any assets held in the Allocated Assets or Series. Manager will instruct the applicable service providers not to forward to the Subadvisor any information concerning such actions. The Subadvisor will, however, forward to Manager any information it receives regarding any legal matters involving any asset held in the Allocated Assets or Series.
COSTS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH COUNTYWIDE COST ALLOCATIONS The indirect overhead and support service costs listed in the Summary Schedule (attached) are formally approved as actual costs for fiscal year 2022-23, and as estimated costs for fiscal year 2024-25 on a “fixed with carry-forward” basis. These costs may be included as part of the county departments’ costs indicated effective July 1, 2024, for further allocation to federal grants and contracts performed by the respective county departments.