To Class Counsel Sample Clauses
To Class Counsel. A Class Counsel Fees Payment of not more than one- third of the Gross Settlement Amount, which is currently estimated to be $116,666.67 and a Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment of not more than $15,000.00. Defendants will not oppose requests for these payments provided that they do not exceed these amounts. As part of the motion for Final Approval or as a separate motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Litigation Expenses Payment, Plaintiffs and/or Class Counsel will seek Court approval for any Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Litigation Expenses Payment no later than sixteen (16) court days prior to the Final Approval Hearing. If the Court approves a Class Counsel Fees Payment and/or a Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment less than the amounts requested, the Administrator will allocate the remainder to the Net Settlement Amount. Released Parties shall have no liability to Class Counsel or any other Plaintiffs’ counsel arising from any claim to any portion of any Class Counsel Fee Payment and/or Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment. The Administrator will pay the Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Counsel Expenses Payment using one or more IRS 1099 Forms. Class Counsel assumes full responsibility and liability for taxes owed on the Class Counsel Fees Payment and the Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and holds Defendants harmless, and indemnifies Defendants, from any dispute or controversy regarding any division or sharing of any of these payments.
To Class Counsel. A Class Counsel Fees Payment of not more than 33.4%, which is currently estimated to be Four Hundred Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($417,500) and a Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment of not more than Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000). Defendants will not oppose requests for these payments provided that they do not exceed these amounts. Class Counsel will file a motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Litigation Expenses Payment no later than sixteen (16) court days prior to the Final Approval Hearing. If the Court approves a Class Counsel Fees Payment and/or a Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment less than the amounts requested, the Administrator will allocate the remainder to the Net Settlement Amount. Released Parties shall have no liability to Class Counsel or any other Plaintiffs’ Counsel arising from any claim to any portion any Class Counsel Fee Payment and/or Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment. The Administrator will pay the Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Counsel Expenses Payment using one or more IRS 1099 Forms. Class Counsel assumes full responsibility and liability for taxes owed on the Class Counsel Fees Payment and the Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and hold Defendants harmless, and indemnifies Defendants, from any dispute or controversy regarding any division or sharing of any of these Payments.
To Class Counsel. A Class Counsel Fees Payment of not more than 3 5 %, which is currently estimated to be $308,000 and a Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment of not more than $25,000. AHF will not oppose requests for these payments provided that do not exceed these amounts. Plaintiff and/or Class Counsel will file a motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Litigation Expenses Payment no later than 16 court days prior to the Final Approval Hearing. If the Court approves a Class Counsel Fees Payment and/or a Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment less than the amounts requested, the Administrator will allocate the remainder to the Net Settlement Amount. Released Parties shall have no liability to Class Counsel or any other Plaintiff’s Counsel arising from any claim to any portion any Class Counsel Fee Payment and/or Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment. The Administrator will pay the Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Counsel Expenses Payment using one or more IRS 1099 Forms. Class Counsel assumes full responsibility and liability for taxes owed on the Class Counsel Fees Payment and the Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and holds AHF harmless, and indemnifies AHF, from any dispute or controversy regarding any division or sharing of any of these Payments.
To Class Counsel. Class Counsel will apply to the Court for, and Xxxxxxxxx agrees not to oppose, a total Attorney Fee Award not to exceed thirty-eight percent (38%) or $722,000 of the Gross Settlement Amount and a Cost Award not to exceed $25,000. The Settlement Administrator will pay the court-approved amounts for the Attorney Fee Award and Cost Award out of the Gross Settlement Amount. The Settlement Administrator may purchase an annuity to utilize US treasuries and bonds or other attorney fee deferral vehicles for Class Counsel. Payroll tax withholding and deductions will not be taken from the Attorney Fee Award or the Cost Award. IRS Forms 1099 will be issued to Class Counsel with respect to these payments. In the event the Court does not approve the entirety of the application for the Attorney Fee Award and/or Cost Award, the Settlement Administrator shall pay whatever amount the Court awards, and neither Defendant nor the Settlement Administrator shall be responsible for paying the difference between the amount requested and the amount awarded. If the amount awarded is less than the amount requested by Class Counsel for the Attorney Fee Award and/or Cost Award, the difference shall become part of the Net Settlement Amount and be available for distribution to Participating Class Members. Except as provided herein, each side shall bear its own attorneys’ fees and costs.
To Class Counsel. Class Counsel will apply to the Court for an award of not more than one-third (1/3) of the Gross Settlement Amount, which is presently $1,833,333.33 as their Class Counsel Fees Payment and an amount not more than $11,000 for all expenses incurred as documented in Class Counsel’s billing records as their Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment. Defendants will not oppose their request for a Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment consistent with this Agreement and approved by the Court. The Settlement Administrator will pay the Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment out of the Gross Settlement Amount. If the Court approves a Class Counsel Fees Payment or a Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment less than provided for in this Agreement, the remainder will be retained in the Class Net Settlement Fund for distribution to Participating Class Members. Payroll tax withholding and deductions, if any, will not be taken from the Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and instead one or more Forms 1099 will be issued to Class Counsel with respect to those payments. The payment of the Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment shall be made to Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Law Group PLLC and Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx LLP.
To Class Counsel. Class Counsel will apply to the Court for, and Defendants agree not to oppose, a total Attorney Fee Award not to exceed one third (1/3) of the Gross Settlement Amount or $352,102.00 and a Cost Award not to exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($20,000.00). The Settlement Administrator will pay the Court-approved amounts for the Attorney Fee Award and Cost Award out of the Gross Settlement Amount. Payroll tax withholding and deductions will not be taken from the Attorney Fee Award or the Cost Award. IRS Forms 1099 will be issued to Class Counsel with respect to these payments. In the event the Court does not approve the entirety of the application for the Attorney Fee Award and/or Cost Award, the Settlement Administrator shall pay whatever amount the Court awards, and neither Defendants nor the Settlement Administrator shall be responsible for paying the difference between the amount requested and the amount awarded. If the amount awarded is less than the amount requested by Class Counsel for the Attorney Fee Award and/or Cost Award, the difference shall become part of the Net Settlement Amount and be available for distribution to Participating Class Members. Except as provided herein, each side shall bear its own attorneys’ fees and costs.
To Class Counsel. Class Counsel will apply to the Court for, and Defendants agree not to oppose, a total Attorney Fee Award not to exceed thirty-three and one-third percent (33 1/3%) or $175,833.33 of the GSA and a Cost Award not to exceed $15,000. The Settlement Administrator will pay the court-approved amounts for the Attorney Fee Award and Cost Award out of the Gross Settlement Fund. The Settlement Administrator may purchase an annuity to utilize US treasuries and bonds or other attorney fee deferral vehicles for Class Counsel. Payroll tax withholding and deductions will not be taken from the Attorney Fee Award or the Cost Award. IRS Forms 1099 will be issued to Class Counsel with respect to these payments. In the event the Court does not approve the entirety of the application for the Attorney Fee Award and/or Cost Award, the Settlement Administrator shall pay whatever amount the Court awards, and neither Defendants nor the Settlement Administrator shall be responsible for paying the difference between the amount requested and the amount awarded. If the amount awarded is less than the amount requested by Class Counsel for the Attorney Fee Award and/or Cost Award, the difference shall become part of the NSA and be available for distribution to Participating Class Members.
To Class Counsel. Class Counsel Attorneys’ Fees and Class Counsel Litigation Costs to Class Counsel. Defendant will not oppose requests for these payments, provided the requests do not exceed these amounts. If the Court approves a Class Counsel Attorneys’ Fees and/or a Class Counsel Litigation Costs less than the amounts requested, the Administrator will allocate the remainder to the Net Settlement Amount. Released Parties shall have no liability to Class Counsel or any other Plaintiffs’ Counsel arising from any claim to any portion of any Class Counsel Fee Payment and/or Class Counsel Litigation Costs. The Administrator will pay the Class Counsel Attorneys’ Fees and Class Counsel Expenses Payment using one or more IRS 1099 Forms.
To Class Counsel. Class Counsel will apply to the Court for, and Xxxxxxxxx agrees not to oppose, a total Attorney Fee Award not to exceed one-third (1/3) or $83,333.33 of the GSA and a Cost Award not to exceed
To Class Counsel. Class Counsel will apply to the Court for, and Defendant agrees not to oppose, a total Attorney Fee Award not to exceed thirty-five percent (35%) or $665,000 of the GSA and a Cost Award not to exceed $20,000. The Settlement Administrator will pay the Court-approved amounts for the Attorney Fee Award and Cost Award out of the Gross Settlement Fund. The Settlement Administrator may purchase an annuity to utilize US treasuries and bonds or other attorney fee deferral vehicles for Class Counsel. Payroll tax withholding and deductions will not be taken from the Attorney Fee Award or the Cost Award. IRS Forms 1099 will be issued to Class Counsel with respect to these payments. Class Counsel shall be solely and legally responsible to pay all applicable taxes on the Fee and Cost Awards. In the event the Court does not approve the entirety of the application for the Attorney Fee Award and/or Cost Award, the Settlement Administrator shall pay whatever amount the Court awards, and neither Defendant nor the Settlement Administrator shall be responsible for paying the difference between the amount requested and the amount awarded. If the amount awarded is less than the amount requested by Class Counsel for the Attorney Fee Award and/or Cost Award, the difference shall become part of the NSA and will be distributed to Participating Class Members.