Title, Duplication, Return and Destruction Confidential Information shall remain the property of the Discloser Sample Clauses

Title, Duplication, Return and Destruction Confidential Information shall remain the property of the Discloser. It may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of the Discloser, which may be revoked at any time. This prohibition shall not apply to copies which inevitably occur within the scope of data transmission processes (e.g. e-mail, fax) due to technical circumstances. Physical copies shall become the property of the Discloser of Confidential Information at the time of production. The Parties hereby agree on the transfer of ownership and further agree that the Recipient shall take the copies into its custody on behalf of the Discloser. Upon the request of the Discloser, the Recipient shall immediately return or destroy Confidential Information and any copies thereof. Upon request the Discloser shall be provided with a written declaration stating that the Confidential Information has been destroyed. The obligation to return or destroy shall not apply to copies of Confidential Information which the Recipient must archive due to mandatory commercial and/or tax regulations, nor shall it apply to any routinely made back-up copies of electronic data. In such case, the Recipient hereby undertakes to keep such copies separately and to treat them for an indefinite period in accordance with the confidentiality 2. Žiadna povinnosť poskytovať Dôverné informácie Táto Dohoda o ochrane dôverných informácií nezakladá žiadnu povinnosť poskytovať Dôverné informácie. 3. Vlastnícke právo, duplikácia, vrátenie a zničenie Dôverné informácie zostávajú vo vlastníctve Poskytovateľa. Bez predchádzajúceho písomného súhlasu Poskytovateľa, ktorý môže byť kedykoľvek odvolaný, sa nesmú reprodukovať. Tento zákaz sa nevzťahuje na kópie, ktoré nevyhnutne vzniknú v rámci procesov prenosu údajov (napr. e-mail, fax), a to z dôvodu technických okolností. Fyzické kópie sa v okamihu výroby stávajú vlastníctvom Poskytovateľa Dôverných informácií. Strany súhlasia s prevodom vlastníctva a s tým, že Príjemca prevezme kópie do svojej úschovy v mene Poskytovateľa. Na požiadanie Poskytovateľa Príjemca Dôverné informácie a všetky ich kópie bezodkladne vráti alebo zničí. Príjemca na požiadanie poskytne Poskytovateľovi písomné vyhlásenie, v ktorom uvedie, že Dôverné informácie boli zničené. Povinnosť vrátiť alebo zničiť Dôverné informácie sa nevzťahuje na kópie Dôverných informácií, ktoré Príjemca musí archivovať z dôvodu záväzných obchodných a/alebo daňových predpisov, a nevzťahuje sa ani na žiadne bežne vyhotovené záložné kópie elektronických údajov. V takom prípade sa Príjemca zaväzuje, že takéto...
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Related to Title, Duplication, Return and Destruction Confidential Information shall remain the property of the Discloser

  • Return or Destruction of Confidential Information If an Interconnection Party provides any Confidential Information to another Interconnection Party in the course of an audit or inspection, the providing Interconnection Party may request the other party to return or destroy such Confidential Information after the termination of the audit period and the resolution of all matters relating to that audit. Each Interconnection Party shall make Reasonable Efforts to comply with any such requests for return or destruction within ten days of receiving the request and shall certify in writing to the other Interconnection Party that it has complied with such request.

  • Return of material containing or pertaining to the Confidential Information 7.1 The Disclosing Party may, at any time, and in its sole discretion request the Receiving Party to return any material and/or data in whatever form containing, pertaining to or relating to Confidential Information disclosed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and may, in addition request the Receiving Party to furnish a written statement to the effect that, upon such return, the Receiving Party has not retained in its possession, or under its control, either directly or indirectly, any such material and/or data.

  • Retention or destruction of Confidential Information If Network Rail or the Train Operator, as the case may be, has not received a request to return any Confidential Information to the other party under and within the time limits specified in Clause 14.3, it may destroy or retain such Confidential Information.

  • Access to Records – Files; Confidential Information Contractor shall maintain all books, documents, papers and records relating to the Agreement for at least seven years following completion of the project. Contractor shall maintain any other records pertinent to this Agreement in such a manner as to clearly document Contractor’s performance. City, state and federal government, and their duly authorized representatives shall have access to the books, documents, papers and records of the Contractor which are directly pertinent to the specific Agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcript. Contractor agrees that all files or other documents generated or in the possession of Contractor related to Contractor's delivery of service are the property of the City and shall be available to the City upon request. Contractor understands the nature of project/projects means that Contractor may be privy to information that is confidential, proprietary or sensitive in nature, which information shall not be disclosed to any third person or entity without the consent of the City of Bend or at the City's direction, either during the term of this Agreement or after its termination. Likewise, any analysis or commentary provided by Contractor of a confidential or sensitive nature shall not be released or disclosed to any person without the consent or direction of the City.

  • Verizon OSS Information 8.5.1 Subject to the provisions of this Section 8, in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law, Verizon grants to CBB a non-exclusive license to use Verizon OSS Information.

  • Destruction of Confidential Information Upon the written request of the disclosing Party, the receiving Party shall cease using and arrange for the destruction of all copies of any Confidential Information then in the receiving Party’s possession or under such Party’s control. The receiving Party agrees to dispose of the Confidential Information in such a manner that the information cannot be read or reconstructed after destruction. Upon the written request of the disclosing Party, the receiving Party shall certify in writing that it has complied with the obligations set forth in this paragraph.

  • Return or Destruction of Information Upon termination of this Agreement and at the request of ODM, the MCP will return to ODM or destroy all PHI in MCP’s possession stemming from this Agreement as soon as possible but no later than 90 calendar days and will not keep copies of the PHI except as may be requested by ODM or required by law, or as otherwise allowed for under this Agreement. If the MCP, its agent(s), or subcontractor(s) destroy any PHI, then the MCP will provide to ODM documentation evidencing such destruction. Any PHI retained by the MCP will continue to be extended the same protections set forth in this section, HIPAA regulations, and this Agreement for as long as it is maintained.

  • Title to Confidential Information a) Transnet will retain all right, title and interest in and to its Confidential Information and Background Intellectual Property and the Supplier/Service Provider acknowledges that it has no claim of any nature in and to the Confidential Information and Background Intellectual Property that is proprietary to Transnet. For the avoidance of doubt all the Supplier/Service Provider’s Background Intellectual Property shall remain vested in the Supplier/Service Provider.

  • Access to Confidential Information Each party acknowledges that the other party, its employees or agents, may be given access to Confidential Information relating to the other parties' business or the operation of this Agreement or any negotiations relating to this Agreement.

  • Excluded Confidential Information The obligations of the Receiving Party pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall not apply to any Confidential Information that:

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