Working Arrangements (i) The former industry practice whereby all Employees on site working in direct sunlight were relocated to shaded or air- conditioned areas when the temperature reached 32°C, will no longer operate.
Monitoring Arrangements 8.1 We will formally monitor the progress of the access agreement at least once a year and report annually to the SCITT Executive Group. Initial monitoring will be concerned with participation rates and the development of data on lower income and other under-represented groups. When specific data is accrued, we will look to monitor against this.
Flexible Working Arrangements 16.1 The Act entitles a specified Employee to request flexible working arrangements in specified circumstances.
Billing Arrangements Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, you will receive a consolidated bill from the LDU for each billing period containing both the electric supply services provided by Starion and the services provided by your LDU. Your LDU will set your payment due date and payment address. You will continue to make payment for all of these services to the LDU in accordance with the payment terms stated in the LDU’s tariffs. Xxxxxxx’s charges are due when the LDU’s charges are due. Customer agrees to timely review its invoices and agrees that subject to applicable tariff and law, unless notice is given to Starion within ninety (90) days of the invoice date, all invoiced amounts will be deemed by you to be correct and Customer shall waive any right to dispute amounts set forth on such invoice. We reserve the right to assume any and all billing responsibility, including the LDU’s charges, if necessary. If we assume billing responsibility, we will follow the applicable Uniform Business Practices Act (UBP) and Home Energy Fair Practices Act (HEFPA), and the following provisions will apply: a $30 fee may be assessed for all returned payments; if you pay a lesser amount than is due, even if you designate it as a full payment, our acceptance of the payment is without prejudice to any other rights or remedies we may have, and you agree we may disregard your designation and apply the payment as a partial payment to your account; and if payments are returned two (2) times in a 12-month period, we may demand payment be made using a money order, certified check or electronic funds transfer.
Monitoring and evaluation arrangements We will continue to monitor the above targets on an annual basis, as part of the re- submission of the Access Agreement. Evaluation of our core and collaborative outreach, using quantitative and qualitative methods, will be conducted both internally and potentially as a combined research project with our HEI partners. Recognising that successful widening participation at Bath will require new approaches and a sustained strategic overview, the University will continue to support the WP Research Group, established in 2012, to explore, evaluate and monitor local strategies, work with partners where this can help to develop our expertise (e.g. Bristol’s Widening Participation Research Cluster15) and undertake funded research in widening access to increase our capacity in this area. 15 xxx.xxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxx/xxxx-xxxxxx/xxxx/ Our outreach evaluation plan has four main elements: collection of learner data to monitor engagement of our target groups; evaluation of activities to assess their immediate effectiveness; tracking students taking part in sustained activities to assess longer term impact; and small scale qualitative projects with learners in key year groups to provide in- depth understanding of the barriers and to inform future outreach activities. The Widening Participation Research Group coordinates a number of participatory action research projects designed to explore and address areas representing significant barriers to widening participation, fair access and student success. In order to better assess the long term impact of our outreach activity and the success of our collaborative activities such as the Universities Outreach Partnership we have subscribed to the Higher Education Access Tracker (HEAT) service. Measures of effectiveness in relation to supporting the retention and achievement of students from non-traditional backgrounds will continue to include completion rates, academic achievement, participation in extra-curricular activities and development, progression to graduate-level employment and/or postgraduate study, and whether they would recommend this institution to other students from non-traditional backgrounds. A mix of quantitative and qualitative measures are being developed, monitored and reviewed throughout the individual student's experience, so that individual adjustments can be made, as well as broader lessons learned. This will include specific investigations such as: the evaluation of activities to enhance induction and first year experience; degree attainment for Black and Minority Ethnic Groups; and the impact of placements on degree attainment and employment destination. New data collection systems designed to increase our understanding of participation patterns at Faculty and departmental level were established in 2012, and will be monitored, both to check our progress against targets, and also to inform the development of subject- based outreach strategies. We will closely monitor the participation and retention rates of mature students (over 21, and over 25); those with vocational qualifications; care leavers; those from black and minority ethnic groups; and students with disabilities to evaluate the effectiveness of our outreach and admissions strategies in reaching these groups. We will also monitor and research the situation with regard to the progression of non- traditional students to postgraduate degrees. Research for the HEA found that while social class alone was not a significant factor in the decision to continue beyond a first degree other factors were: “family experience of higher education had an important effect on the respondents’ decisions. This was further conflated with some ethnic groups.”16 Over time this could result in a new social divide which would be detrimental to our aim for a diverse student population. Research in this area will focus on identifying strategies to encourage wider participation. The strategy for widening participation is an integral part of the University’s Education Strategy which is overseen by the Pro-Vice Chancellor Learning and Teaching. Operational activities relating to widening participation will be shared and monitored by the Widening Participation Operational Group. Our management structures will be strengthened by the appointment of a new Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions who will oversee the outreach and fair access activities of the Widening Participation and the Admissions and
CLOSING ARRANGEMENTS Where each of the Seller and Buyer retain a lawyer to complete the Agreement of Purchase and Sale of the property, and where the transaction will be completed by electronic registration pursuant to Part III of the Land Registration Reform Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter L4 and the Electronic Registration Act, S.O. 1991, Chapter 44, and any amendments thereto, the Seller and Buyer acknowledge and agree that the exchange of closing funds, non-registrable documents and other items (the “Requisite Deliveries”) and the release thereof to the Seller and Buyer will (a) not occur at the same time as the registration of the transfer/deed (and any other documents intended to be registered in connection with the completion of this transaction) and (b) be subject to conditions whereby the lawyer(s) receiving any of the Requisite Deliveries will be required to hold same in trust and not release same except in accordance with the terms of a document registration agreement between the said lawyers. The Seller and Buyer irrevocably instruct the said lawyers to be bound by the document registration agreement which is recommended from time to time by the Law Society of Upper Canada. Unless otherwise agreed to by the lawyers, such exchange of the Requisite Deliveries will occur in the applicable Land Titles Office or such other location agreeable to both lawyers.
Reporting Arrangements The States will report against the agreed milestones during the operation of this Agreement, as set out in Part 4 – Project Milestones, Reporting and Payments.
Requests for Flexible Working Arrangements 49.1 Employee may request change in working arrangements Clause 49 applies where an Employee has made a request for a change in working arrangements under s.65 of the Act. Note 1: Section 65 of the Act provides for certain Employees to request a change in their working arrangements because of their circumstances, as set out in s.65(1A).
Payment And Billing Arrangements The terms and conditions set forth in this Attachment shall apply to all services ordered and provisioned pursuant to this Agreement.