Monitoring Arrangements. 8.1 We will formally monitor the progress of the access agreement at least once a year and report annually to the SCITT Executive Group. Initial monitoring will be concerned with participation rates and the development of data on lower income and other under-represented groups. When specific data is accrued, we will look to monitor against this.
8.2 Our annual report to the SCITT Executive Group will form the basis of our monitoring report to OFFA.
Monitoring Arrangements. (i) Summary details of the service provided by the HR team will be monitored by the Service Provider and will be discussed with the Client as part of agreed annual review procedures;
(ii) Any concerns arising on the part of the Client or Service Provider regarding the operation of this Agreement should be highlighted as soon as possible so that the matter causing concern can be addressed at the earliest opportunity.
Monitoring Arrangements. In accordance with the Department’s policy on the monitoring of governance arrangements in relation to the organisations within its remit, the PSRA will meet with the Department twice yearly, or more frequently if required by the Department, to provide an update on developments and achievement of targets as set out in this Agreement. The PSRA undertakes to return:
(a) Relevant and appropriately detailed performance information to allow for monitoring of this Agreement;
(b) relevant and appropriately detailed performance information for inclusion in the Revised Estimates for Public Services volume; and
(c) performance information in line with the set of such indicators, and in keeping with the timeframe, agreed with the Department.
Monitoring Arrangements. 3.1 The Council will employ a Contract Operations Officer who will manage the relationships between Prescribing Teams, the Service Provider and the Partners.
3.2 Activity, expenditure and quality of service delivery of the Services under this Schedule 1B will be overseen by the Budget Monitoring Group, the role and responsibility of which is set out in Annex B.
3.3 The Contract Operations Officer will provide monthly updates of activity information, expenditure and projected year-end expenditure as directed by the Budget Monitoring Group or the Partnership Board.
3.4 Prescribing teams will be given notional budgets against which they will prescribe and their activity will be monitored.
3.5 The Council will provide quarterly financial monitoring reports and year-end accounts showing funds received, funds spent, funds committed and any unspent resources, to the Partnership Board. The Council will also provide such other reports as deemed necessary to ensure compliance with Audit requirements.
3.6 The pooled budget will not pay the Service Provider for any expenditure above (or different from) that previously agreed unless so authorised in advance by the Partners.
Monitoring Arrangements. Progress and success of these arrangements is subject to operational quarterly monitoring activity by a group chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor linked to a review cycle appropriate to the nature of individual milestones. This group will prepare a formal annual monitoring report for consideration by the Board of Governors and the Academic Board.
Monitoring Arrangements. The Access Agreement and associated Widening Participation Strategy will be monitored through the corporate plan and annual operating statement and through the University’s committee structure. Regular reports will be made to the University’s Learning and Quality Committee which has a particular responsibility for learning enhancement and student achievement. The Fees and Financial Support Group and the Student Finance and Financial Support Section of the Office of Student Affairs will also play a key role in monitoring activities.
Monitoring Arrangements. The implementation of this agreement will be monitored through twice yearly, or more if required, governance meetings between IFCO and the Civil Governance Function in the Department to provide an update on developments and achievement of targets set out in this agreement. IFCO undertakes to submit all relevant and appropriately detailed performance information in line with indicators and timeframes agreed with the Department in order to • Enable monitoring • Advise of any changes necessary and how best to address these • Provide relevant performance information for the Revised Estimates process.
Monitoring Arrangements. Progress against targets for Outreach activities forms part of the University’s HEFCE Annual Monitoring Statement under ‘Widening Access and Participation’. From 2006/07 this statement will encompass all aspects of the University’s Access Agreement. From 2006/07 Aimhigher financial and enrolment data will be used to monitor the take up of the Fee Discount Scheme and its impact on: a) participation in Aimhigher activities b) progression into higher education. The take up of the Start-Right bursary will be clear from finance records, but focus groups of new entrants will be used to assess the significance of the finance support package on entry to higher education decision making. Procedures are in place to monitor the effectiveness of specific Outreach activities (i.e. via participant evaluation questionnaires and focus groups) and feedback is incorporated into regular Schools/Colleges Liaison activity reports presented to the University’s Executive. The effectiveness of key elements of the University’s strategy for providing financial information to students and their advisers will also be monitored via user evaluation return postcards (as currently used to obtain general feedback on the prospectus), monitoring of usage of specific web pages, event evaluation questionnaires, and so on. Procedures are in place to ensure, where possible, the currency of financial information published. Overall monitoring of the University’s performance in attracting applications from and recruiting under-represented groups will continue to be via a combination of published HESA data (measuring performance against benchmarks) and UCAS/institutional data on applicant profiles analysed by ethnicity, socio/economic and occupational groups, postcode and previous institution. This data will provide the major measure of progress towards the Milestone/Objective of maintaining a performance significantly above benchmark for social inclusion, despite the possible deterrent effect of top-up fees. Annual reports on the schemes covered by the Access Agreement, including a review of progress made towards the targets set out above, will be made to Academic Board and the Board of Governors. The reports will be drawn up by an Access Agreement Review Group, chaired by the Registrar, which will include Students' Union representation. The challenge for the University of Wolverhampton is to maintain its existing excellent widening participation profiles and its recruitment of students from disad...
Monitoring Arrangements. 7.1 Although the contract for the Service will be between the Service Provider and the Council, the contract will be jointly managed by both the Council and the CCG. Management of the contract between the Council and the Service Provider will be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the contract management schedule shown in Annex C.
7.2 Delivery of the Service under this Schedule will be overseen by the Core Officer Group as described in Schedule 3 (Governance) of the Agreement. This body will provide an escalation route regarding the implementation of the Integrated Therapies Model shown in Annex A.
Monitoring Arrangements. 8.1 We will formally monitor the progress of the access agreement at least once a year through our Board. Initial monitoring will be concerned with participation rates and the development of data on lower income groups and recruitment from ethnic minority groups and men against which to monitor. When specific baselines, targets, and milestones are determined we will look to monitor against these.
8.2 Our annual report to the Board will form the basis of our annual monitoring report to OFFA.