No Restriction on Existing Examination and Investigative Authority That this Agreement shall in no way preclude any State Mortgage Regulator from exercising its examination or investigative authority authorized under the laws of the corresponding Participating State in the instance a determination is made wherein Respondent is found not to be adhering to the requirements of the Agreement, other than inadvertent and isolated errors that are promptly corrected by Respondent, or involving any unrelated matter not subject to the terms of this Agreement. The Parties agree that the failure of Respondent to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement with respect to a particular State shall be treated as a violation of an Order of the State and may be enforced as such. Moreover, Respondent acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement is only binding on the State Mortgage Regulators and not any other Local, State or Federal Agency, Department or Office.
Transfer or Deletion of Student Data The Provider shall review, on an annual basis, whether the Student Data it has received pursuant to the DPA continues to be needed for the purpose(s) of the Service Agreement and this DPA. If any of the Student Data is no longer needed for purposes of the Service Agreement and this DPA, the Provider will provide written notice to the LEA as to what Student Data is no longer needed. The Provider will delete or transfer Student Data in readable form to the LEA, as directed by the LEA (which may be effectuated through Exhibit D of the DPA), within 30 calendar days if the LEA requests deletion or transfer of the Student Data and shall provide written confirmation to the LEA of such deletion or transfer. Upon termination of the Service Agreement between the Provider and LEA, Provider shall conduct a final review of Student Data within 60 calendar days. If the LEA receives a request from a parent, as that term is defined in 105 ILCS 10/2(g), that Student Data being held by the Provider be deleted, the LEA shall determine whether the requested deletion would violate State and/or federal records laws. In the event such deletion would not violate State or federal records laws, the LEA shall forward the request for deletion to the Provider. The Provider shall comply with the request and delete the Student Data within a reasonable time period after receiving the request. Any provision of Student Data to the LEA from the Provider shall be transmitted in a format readable by the LEA.