USE OF FORFEITED OR UNUTILISED DMLS. 1. After 1 April of each year, any DMLs which the Director determines will not be utilised pursuant to Section II or which have otherwise been forfeited shall be reallocated to the Parties consistent with this Section.
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  • Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions (a) The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency.

  • Leave for Storms or Hazardous Conditions (a) Time lost by an employee as a result of absence or lateness due to storm conditions or because of the condition of public streets and highways or because an employee finds it necessary to seek permission to leave prior to the end of the regular shift must be:

  • Utilisations permises de la licence et restrictions A. Licence de logiciel Apple préinstallé ou copie unique. Sous réserve des conditions générales de cette Licence, et à moins que vous ayez acquis le logiciel Apple dans le Mac App Store, par le biais d’un téléchargement automatique ou dans le cadre d’une licence ou maintenance de volume ou tout autre accord écrit passé avec Apple, une licence de non-exclusivité limitée vous est accordée pour installer, utiliser et exécuter un (1) seul exemplaire du logiciel Apple sur un seul ordinateur Apple à la fois. Par exemple, les termes de la présente Licence à copie unique s’appliquent à vous si vous avez acquis le logiciel Apple préinstallé sur un matériel de marque Apple.

  • Continuation of Optional Coverages During Unpaid Leave or Layoff An employee who takes an unpaid leave of absence or who is laid off may discontinue premium payments on optional policies during the period of leave or layoff. If the employee returns within one (1) year, the employee shall be permitted to pick up all optionals held prior to the leave or layoff. For purposes of reinstating such optional coverages, the following limitations shall be applicable. For the first twenty-four (24) months of long-term disability coverage after such a period of leave or layoff during which long-term disability coverage was discontinued, any such disability coverage shall exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions. For disability purposes, a pre-existing condition is defined as any disability which is caused by, or results from, any injury, sickness or pregnancy which occurred, was diagnosed, or for which medical care was received during the period of leave or layoff. In addition, any pre-existing condition limitations that would have been in effect under the policy but for the discontinuance of coverage shall continue to apply as provided in the policy. The limitations set forth above do not apply to leaves that qualify under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

  • Approved Leave of Absence With Pay During Vacation When an employee is qualified for bereavement leave, sick leave or any other approved leave with pay during her vacation period, there shall be no deduction from the vacation credits for such leave. In the case of sick leave, this section shall only apply when the period of illness or injury is in excess of two (2) days and a note from a physician may be required. The period of vacation so displaced shall be taken at a mutually agreed time. An employee intending to claim displaced vacation leave must advise the Employer and provide necessary documentation within seven (7) days of returning to work.

  • Leave for Storm Or Hazardous Conditions It is the responsibility of the Nurse to make every reasonable effort to arrive at their work location as scheduled, however, during storm conditions, when such arrival is impossible, or delayed, all absent time will be deemed to be leave, and the Nurse has the option to:

  • Enhanced Optional Daily Usage File (EODUF 13.1 The EODUF service Agreement with terms and conditions is included in this Attachment as Exhibit C. Rates for EODUF are as set forth in Exhibit D.

  • Rollovers of Xxxx Elective Deferrals Xxxx elective deferrals distributed from a 401(k) cash or deferred arrangement, 403(b) tax-sheltered annuity, 457(b) eligible governmental deferred compensation plan, or federal Thrift Savings Plan, may only be rolled into your Xxxx XXX.

  • Tandem Transit Traffic 12.1 As used in this Section, Tandem Transit Traffic is Telephone Exchange Service traffic that originates on CBB's network, and is transported through Verizon’s Tandem to the subtending End Office or its equivalent of another carrier (CLEC, ILEC other than Verizon, Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) carrier, or other LEC (“Other Carrier”). Neither the originating nor terminating customer is a Customer of Verizon. Subtending End Offices shall be determined in accordance with and as identified in the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG). Switched Exchange Access Service traffic is not Tandem Transit Traffic.

  • Termination of Use or End of Season  At the conclusion of logging operations, ensure all conditions of these specifications have been met. Debris  Remove fallen timber, limbs, and stumps from the slopes, roadway, ditchlines, and culvert inlets. Do not undercut backslope No berms except as directed Keep clear of obstructions Add stable material or flume

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