Use of Private Vehicles for Official Business. (a) Where any teacher is required by the employer to use her/his own vehicle for official business the teacher is entitled to the motor vehicle allowance at the rate specified in Appendix 1 or equivalent public transport fares where applicable.
(b) Where the teacher is attending a school camp and providing the official emergency vehicle or an authorised substitute, the teacher is entitled to the motor vehicle allowance at the rate specified in Appendix 1.
6.4.2 A motor vehicle allowance shall be paid to itinerant teachers within the limits of the annual grant provided to the board of trustees for this purpose.
Use of Private Vehicles for Official Business. An employee who is required by the employer to use their private vehicle for official business shall be reimbursed for that usage at the following rates: Motor Car – Annual kilometres on official business: 0 – 1600 kilometres 62 cents per kilometre over 1600 kilometres 47 cents per kilometre
Use of Private Vehicles for Official Business. Where any teacher is:
Use of Private Vehicles for Official Business. (a) Where any teacher is required by the employer to use her/his own vehicle for official business the teacher is entitled to the motor vehicle allowance at the rate specified in Appendix 1 or equivalent public transport fares where applicable.
(b) Where the teacher is attending a school camp and providing the official emergency vehicle or an authorised substitute, the teacher is entitled to the motor vehicle allowance at the rate specified in Appendix 1.
6.4.2 Where any teacher is in receipt of the motor vehicle allowance and is required to use her/his own vehicle to tow a trailer while on official business, the teacher is entitled to the trailer towing allowance.
6.4.3 A motor vehicle allowance shall be paid to itinerant teachers within the limits of the annual grant provided to the Board of Trustees for this purpose.
Use of Private Vehicles for Official Business. An employee who is required by the employer to use their private vehicle for official business shall be reimbursed for that usage at the applicable IRD Vehicle Mileage Rate.
Use of Private Vehicles for Official Business. An employee who is required by the employer to use their private vehicle for official business shall be reimbursed for that usage at the following rates: MOTOR CAR – ANNUAL KILOMETRES ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS 0 – 1600 kilo etres 62 cents per kilo etre over 1600 kilo etres 47 cents per kilo etre