VALIDATING CAPABILITIES THROUGH EXERCISE. Exercises play a vital role in preparedness by testing capabilities, familiarizing emergency management personnel with role and responsibilities, fostering meaningful interaction and communicating across organizations. Exercises bring together and strengthen the whole community in its efforts to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from all hazards. To demonstrate successful completion of task 3C for Quarter 2-4, Sub-Recipients shall have a representative participate in a minimum of three (3) exercises during the agreement period. All EMPG funded personnel are encouraged to participate in a minimum of three (3) exercises during the agreement period. submit the following item to the Division’s Salesforce system:
VALIDATING CAPABILITIES THROUGH EXERCISE. Exercises play a vital role in preparedness by testing capabilities, familiarizing emergency management personnel with role and responsibilities, fostering meaningful interaction and communicating across organizations. Exercises bring together and strengthen the whole community in its efforts to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from all hazards. To demonstrate successful completion of task 3C for Quarter 2-4. All EMPG funded personnel must participate in a minimum of three (3) exercises during the agreement period. Submit the following item in XXXXX: