Value-chain models (REA Enterprise Scripts Sample Clauses

Value-chain models (REA Enterprise Scripts. REA process diagrams show the high-level flows of economic resources in the enterprise, related to the economic events and collaborations between the agents involved in the exchanges. They are sometimes referred to as value-chain diagrams. • The resource flows between processes in the value-chain diagrams represent the collective unbalanced stock-flows, consumed and produced by the events belonging to given processes. in-flow R Process 1 Res- Res- Process 4 Res+ Process 2 Process 5 Res- Res+ Res- Res+ • Value-chain model (also known as REA Enterprise Script) is a series of processes, consisting of exchanges, where collaborations between agents are realized with recipes (groups of ordered tasks). es- Res+ out-flow (resource flows) Res- Res+ Figure 5 Enterprise value-chain, seen as series of exchanges. linkage custody association Economic reserves Resource Type Economic Commitment/Event Type Economic Commitment/Event Type participation dual executes reciprocal Economic Agent Type typification Knowledge Infrastructure reserves Commitment reciprocal Commitment Operational Infrastructure participation executes executes Economic Resource stock-flow Economic Event dual Economic participation Economic Event Agent linkage custody association labor cars other processes collaboration Customer Rental Agent Rental Car GIVE Rental stock-flows Process TAKE CashRcpt Cash Customer Cashier cash used cars Find Car & Keys Check car File & Choose Check-out Car Assess Insurance & Credit Fill in Contract Return Car Update Files Figure 6 REA meta-model of economic exchanges (simplified). Assess Customer Processes Exchanges Recipes (tasks, ordering) Figure 7 Overview of the processes, exchanges and recipes. You will find the detailed description of this meta-model in the ECIMF technical specification document (ECIMF-TS).
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  • Pueblo scholarship This articulation transfer agreement replaces all previous agreements between ACC and CSU-Pueblo in Bachelor of Social Work. This agreement will be reviewed annually and revised (if necessary) as mutually agreed.

  • Indiana Veteran’s Business Enterprise Compliance Award of this Contract was based, in part, on the Indiana Veteran’s Business Enterprise (“IVBE”) participation plan. The following IVBE subcontractors will be participating in this Contract: VBE PHONE COMPANY NAME SCOPE OF PRODUCTS and/or SERVICES UTILIZATION DATE PERCENT _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ A copy of each subcontractor agreement shall be submitted to IDOA within thirty (30) days of the request. Failure to provide any subcontractor agreement may also be considered a material breach of this Contract. The Contractor must obtain approval from IDOA before changing the IVBE participation plan submitted in connection with this Contract. The Contractor shall report payments made to IVBE subcontractors under this Contract on a monthly basis. Monthly reports shall be made using the online audit tool, commonly referred to as “Pay Audit.” IVBE subcontractor payments shall also be reported to IDOA as reasonably requested and in a format to be determined by IDOA.

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