Visibility 1. Unless the Council of Europe requests or agrees otherwise, the Grantee shall take all necessary measures to publicise the fact that the Action has been funded within the framework of a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe. Information given to the press and to the beneficiaries of the Action, all related publicity material, official notices, reports and publications, shall acknowledge that the Action was carried out with a grant from a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe and shall display in an appropriate way the Joint Projects’ visual identity (for instructions on use of the Joint Projects’ visual identity, see Appendix IV). 2. In cases where equipment or major items have been purchased using funds provided by the European Union or the Council of Europe, the Grantee shall indicate this clearly on that equipment and those major items (including display of the European Union and Council of Europe’s logos), provided that such actions do not jeopardise the safety and security of the Grantee’s staff. 3. The acknowledgement and Joint Projects’ visual identity shall be clearly visible in a manner that will not create any confusion regarding the identification of the Acton as a project of the Grantee and the ownership of the equipment and items by the Grantee. 4. All publications by the Grantee pertaining to the Action that have received funding from a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe, in whatever form and whatever medium, including the Internet, shall carry the following or a similar disclaimer: “This document has been produced using funds of a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union or the Council of Europe”. 5. If the equipment purchased with a grant from a Joint Project is not transferred to the local partners of the Grantee or to the final recipient of the Action at the end of the implementation period of this Agreement, the visibility requirements as regards this equipment shall continue to apply between the end of the implementation period of this Agreement and the end of the Joint Project, if the latter lasts longer. 6. All layouts of any communication items prepared by the Grantee are subject to approval with the Contact point within the Council of Europe. 7. The Grantee accepts that the European Union and the Council of Europe may publish in any form and medium, including on their websites, the name and address of the Grantee, the purpose and amount of the grant and, if relevant, the percentage of co-financing.
DBE Requirements A. Notice is hereby given to the CONSULTANT and any SUB-CONSULTANT, and both agree, that failure to carry out the requirements set forth in 49 CFR Sec. 26.13(b) shall constitute a breach of this Contract and, after notification and failure to promptly cure such breach, may result in termination of this Contract or such remedy as INDOT deems appropriate. The referenced section requires the following assurance to be included in all subsequent contracts between the CONSULTANT and any SUB-CONSULTANT: The CONSULTANT, sub recipient or SUB-CONSULTANT shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this Contract. The CONSULTANT shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the CONSULTANT to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this Contract, which may result in the termination of this Contract or such other remedy, as INDOT, as the recipient, deems appropriate. B. The CONSULTANT shall make good faith efforts to achieve the DBE percentage goal that may be included as part of this Contract with the approved DBE SUB-CONSULTANTS identified on its Affirmative Action Certification submitted with its Letter of Interest, or with approved amendments. Any changes to a DBE firm listed in the Affirmative Action Certification must be requested in writing and receive prior approval by the LPA and INDOT’s Economic Opportunity Division Director. After this Contract is completed and if a DBE SUB- CONSULTANT has performed services thereon, the CONSULTANT must complete, and return, a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Affidavit (“DBE-3 Form”) to INDOT’s Economic Opportunity Division Director. The DBE-3 Form requires certification by the CONSULTANT AND DBE SUB-CONSULTANT that the committed contract amounts have been paid and received.
Accessibility Requirements Under Tex. Gov’t Code Chapter 2054, Subchapter M, and implementing rules of the Texas Department of Information Resources, the System Agency must procure Products and services that comply with the Accessibility Standards when those Products are available in the commercial marketplace or when those Products are developed in response to a procurement solicitation. Accordingly, Grantee must provide electronic and information resources and associated Product documentation and technical support that comply with the Accessibility Standards.
Accessibility Supplier warrants that all Products will meet the requirements set forth in all federal, state, local and foreign laws, rules, and regulations applicable to accessibility of information technology for people with disabilities. Supplier agrees to use personnel trained and knowledgeable in supporting the needs of persons with disabilities in performance of Services under this Order.
Network Requirements Customer shall be responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the applicable network environment(s) adhere to the applicable standards and requirements specified in the Documentation and are configured appropriately to its proposed use of Ordered SaaS Services.
Geometric visibility The visibility of the illuminating surface, including its visibility in areas which do not appear to be illuminated in the direction of observation considered, shall be ensured within a divergent space defined by generating lines based on the perimeter of the illuminating surface and forming an angle of not less than 5° with the axis of reference of the headlamp.
Specific Requirements compensation insurance with statutory limits required by South Dakota law. Coverage B-Employer’s Liability coverage of not less than $500,000 each accident, $500,000 disease-policy limit, and $500,000 disease-each employee.
System Requirements Apple Software is supported only on Apple-branded hardware that meets specified system requirements as indicated by Apple.
Switching System Hierarchy and Trunking Requirements For purposes of routing PNG traffic to Verizon, the subtending arrangements between Verizon Tandem Switches and Verizon End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements Verizon maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic (i.e., traffic will be routed to the appropriate Verizon Tandem subtended by the terminating End Office serving the Verizon Customer). For purposes of routing Verizon traffic to PNG, the subtending arrangements between PNG Tandem Switches and PNG End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements that PNG maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic.
Basic Requirements To be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program, all of the following basic requirements must be met, as well as any applicable additional requirements: • The primary address for your PayPal account must be in the United States. • The item must be a physical, tangible good that can be shipped, except for items subject to the Intangible Goods Additional Requirements. Transactions involving items that you deliver in person in connection with payment made in your physical store, may also be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program so long as the buyer paid for the transaction in person by using a PayPal goods and services QR code. • You must ship the item to the shipping address on the Transaction Details page in your PayPal account for the transaction. If you originally ship the item to the recipient’s shipping address on the Transaction Details page but the item is later redirected to a different address, you will not be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. We therefore recommend not using a shipping service that is arranged by the buyer, so that you will be able to provide valid proof of shipping and delivery. • The shipping requirement does not apply to eligible transactions involving items that you deliver in person; provided, however, that you agree to provide us with alternative evidence of delivery or such additional documentation or information relating to the transaction that we may request. • You must respond to PayPal’s requests for documentation and other information in a timely manner as requested in our email correspondence with you or in our correspondence with you through the Resolution Center. If you do not respond to PayPal’s request for documentation and other information in the time requested, you may not be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. • If the sale involves pre-ordered or made-to-order goods, you must ship within the timeframe you specified in the listing. Otherwise, it is recommended that you ship all items within 7 days after receipt of payment. • You provide us with valid proof of shipment or delivery. • The payment must be marked “eligible” or “partially eligible” in the case of Unauthorized Transaction claims, or “eligible” in the case of Item Not Received claims, for PayPal’s Seller Protection program on the Transaction Details page. • In the case of an Unauthorized Transaction claim, you must provide valid proof of shipment or proof of delivery that demonstrates that the item was shipped or provided to the buyer no later than two days after PayPal notified you of the dispute or reversal. For example, if PayPal notifies you of an Unauthorized Transaction claim on September 1, the valid proof of shipment must indicate that the item was shipped to the buyer no later than September 3 to be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. PayPal determines, in its sole discretion, whether your claim is eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. PayPal will make a decision, in its sole discretion, based on the eligibility requirements, any information or documentation provided during the resolution process, or any other information PayPal deems relevant and appropriate under the circumstances. To be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program for a buyer’s Item Not Received claim, you must meet both the basic requirements and the additional requirements listed below: • Where a buyer files a chargeback with the issuer for a card-funded transaction, the payment must be marked “eligible” for PayPal’s Seller Protection on the Transaction Details page. • You must provide proof of delivery as described below.