MREL Requirements means the laws, regulations, requirements, guidelines, rules, standards and policies relating to minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities applicable to the Issuer and/or the Group, from time to time, (including any applicable transitional or grandfathering provisions), including, without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, any delegated or implementing acts (such as regulatory technical standards) adopted by the European Commission and any regulations, requirements, guidelines, rules, standards and policies relating to minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities adopted by the Federal Republic of Germany or the Republic of Italy, a relevant resolution authority or the European Banking Authority from time to time (whether or not such requirements, guidelines or policies are applied generally or specifically to the Issuer and/or the Group), as any of the preceding laws, regulations, requirements, guidelines, rules, standards, policies or interpretations may be amended, supplemented, superseded or replaced from time to time.
Program Requirements means that Partner has to fulfill certain program requirements as described in detail in the applicable SAP PartnerEdge Model and the PartnerEdge Program Guide.
OHS Requirements means all Laws applicable to the Supply and related to occupational health or safety, and all of the City Policies that relate to occupational health or safety, and includes without limitation the WCA;
Technical Requirements means the Technical Requirements in Section VII of the tendering documents.
Minimum Requirements means the minimum requirements for available commercial structures. The minimum requirements may be found at this link: choices/renewable-power/green-future-impact The minimum requirements may be updated from time to time to reflect PGE’s criteria from its latest Commission accepted renewable request for proposals.
Project Requirements means the statement included in the Request for Proposal detailing the technical and other requirements of Canada which are to be met by the successful Bidder, and which are to be addressed in the Bid;
Design requirements means the written description of the infrastructure facility to be procured pursuant to this article, including:
Pretreatment requirements means any substantive or procedural requirement related to pretreatment, other than a pretreatment standard, imposed on an industrial user.
Service Requirements means the specification that the Flexibility Services must be capable of meeting, as defined in Schedule 1;
Maintenance Requirements shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 14.2;
Operational requirements means the need to ensure that the Agency is to be operated as effectively, efficiently and economically as possible.
Minimum Hourly Work Requirement means the work hours over a given time period that are required of you by your Employer in order to be eligible for coverage. Your Minimum Hourly Work Requirement is specified in the Schedule of Benefits.
Web Site Accessibility Standards/Specifications means standards contained in Title 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 206.
MREL Requirement means the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities which is or, as the case may be, will be applicable to the Issuer;
Services Requirements means the requirements of the Authority or any other Contracting Body (as appropriate) for the Services from time to time;
Listing Requirements means the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities.
Privacy Requirements means all applicable Privacy Laws and all of the Company’s and the Company Subsidiaries’ policies, notices, and contractual obligations relating to the Processing of Personal Information.
End Client Requirements means the specific requirements of the End Client, as notified to the Supplier in writing;
Accessibility Standards means accessibility standards and specifications for Texas agency and institution of higher education websites and EIR set forth in 1 TAC Chapter 206 and/or Chapter 213.
Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards means those certain technical requirements and standards applicable to interconnections of generation and/or transmission facilities with the facilities of an Interconnected Transmission Owner or, as the case may be and to the extent applicable, of an Electric Distributor, as published by Transmission Provider in a PJM Manual provided, however, that, with respect to any generation facilities with maximum generating capacity of 2 MW or less (synchronous) or 5 MW or less (inverter-based) for which the Interconnection Customer executes a Construction Service Agreement or Interconnection Service Agreement on or after March 19, 2005, “Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards” shall refer to the “PJM Small Generator Interconnection Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards.” All Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards shall be publicly available through postings on Transmission Provider’s internet website.
Merchant Network Upgrades means additions to, or modifications or replacements of, physical facilities of the Interconnected Transmission Owner that, on the date of the pertinent Transmission Interconnection Customer’s Upgrade Request, are part of the Transmission System or are included in the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan.
Network Upgrades means modifications or additions to transmission-related facilities that are integrated with and support the Transmission Provider’s overall Transmission System for the general benefit of all users of such Transmission System. Network Upgrades shall include:
Network Code means the document now known as the Network Code and formerly known as the Railtrack Track Access Conditions 1995;
Data Protection Requirements means all applicable (i) Data Protection Laws, (ii) Privacy Policies and (iii) those terms of any Contracts imposing obligations on the Company or its Subsidiaries with respect to the Company’s collection, use, storage, disclosure, or cross-border transfer of Personal Data.
Uniform Network Code means the uniform network code as defined in Standard Special Condition A11(6) of National Grid’s transporters licence, as such code may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof.
Safety Requirements means Prudent Electrical Practices, CPUC General Order No. 167, Contractor Safety Program Requirements, and all applicable requirements of Law, PG&E, the Utility Distribution Company, the Transmission Provider, Governmental Approvals, the CAISO, CARB, NERC and WECC.