Voicemail Sample Clauses

Voicemail. Customers who subscribe to WOW! Phone with voicemail must set-up the voicemail box account within ninety (90) days of subscription. After 90 days, WOW! shall have the right to remove any unused voicemail boxes. Voicemail boxes that have been removed may be reinstated by calling WOW at 0-000-000-0000.
Voicemail. 13.1 You acknowledge that where more than one End User uses call-routing with virtual land lines, calls may transfer to voice mailboxes of other End Users.
Voicemail. If Voicemail is provided as part of your Service, we will provide you information on establishing and managing individual voice mailboxes.
Voicemail. Per the above policy with regard to cell phone use, please be informed that our voicemail system cannot be guaranteed confidential although we take every measure to protect your confidentiality. It is advised that you not leave sensitive information on voicemail, rather utilize voicemail to request a return call and/or to schedule an in-person appointment. When you leave a message, please leave your full name, brief reason for your call and return phone number (even if we have it on file). We check our voicemail frequently unless we are on vacation. Although we cannot answer phone calls while in session with clients, we will make an attempt to return calls within the same business day if possible. This may be late in the evening. When not possible, we will return all calls within 3 business days.
Voicemail. Voicemail is provided as part of the Service. LS Networks will provide information on establishing and managing individual voice mailboxes. Customer must provide notice to LS Networks to opt out of individual mailboxes.
Voicemail. For employees provided with a voicemail account, contact the CCS help desk to get started. Instructions on how to use voicemail are available online. Use your my.ryerson ID to request a OneCard, the official piece of identification used at Ryerson. The OneCard allows you to access buildings and can be used for many on-campus services including the library, food purchases, photocopier access, discounts and more. It’s simple to get your OneCard, just follow these quick steps to request a card. You will be asked to provide government-issued photo ID. You are required to complete some basic training which can be done online. Once each eLearning module is complete, provide a copy of your certificate to your manager within two weeks of starting your position.
Voicemail. Customers who subscribe to FIRE DOG Phone with voicemail must set-up the voicemail box account within ninety (90) days of subscription. After 90 days, FIRE DOG shall have the right to remove any unused voicemail boxes. Voicemail boxes that have been removed may be reinstated by calling FIRE DOG.
Voicemail. We reserve the right to suspend any voicemail account that not has been accessed for a consecutive period of 5 months without prior consent or notification. A suspended voicemail account may be reactivated by contacting customer services or our online resources. In case of a suspension, we reserve the right to delete the content of a voicemail account at the time of suspension, including any greetings and any saved voicemails. In case a suspended account remains suspended for an additional consecutive period of 1 month, we reserve the right to terminate the voicemail account.
Voicemail. This capability forwards those PCS customer's incoming calls which are not answered by the PCS customer, and for which no other explicit treatment has been activated (for example, those described in items above), to a voice storage and retrieval system. This capability also permits a PCS customer to subsequently retrieve messages from the PCS customer's voice mail box.
Voicemail. The capability of accessing a Voicemail depends on your Approved Device model. Unless otherwise specified in Your Plan Details, You will be charged a Flagfall to initiate the call and the Standard Call rate applicable to Your Plan.