Contract Quantity The Contract Quantity during each Contract Year is the amount set forth in the applicable Contract Year in Section D of the Cover Sheet (“Delivery Term Contract Quantity Schedule”), which amount is inclusive of outages.
Outputs Analogue and digital outputs of protected content are allowed if they meet the requirements in this section and if they are not forbidden elsewhere in this Agreement..
Fuel The Vehicle must be returned with the amount of fuel equal to that at the time of the commencement of the rental. If the Vehicle is returned with less fuel, the difference will be charged to You at a rate of $5.00 per litre (which includes a service component).
Weighing 5.1. In order to calculate the quantity of Grain delivered to a Port Terminal Facility: (a) all Grain delivered by road to the Port Terminal Facilities for unloading must be weighed using CBH’s weighing facilities operated by CBH personnel recording the gross and tare weights of the road vehicles containing the loads of Grain; (b) if the Grain is delivered by rail from a CBH Site upcountry, the weight will be determined by referencing the weight of the load determined by CBH at the relevant upcountry Site (CBH Weight); and (c) if the Grain is delivered by rail from a third party site and where the Port Terminal Facilities have such facilities, CBH will batch weigh the Grain unloaded from rail vehicles into the grid. 5.2. If Grain is delivered a Port Terminal Facility by rail pursuant to clause 5.1(b) of this Schedule 6, CBH may elect to batch weigh the Grain at the Port Terminal Facility. If, following an audit by CBH under this clause 7.2 of this Schedule 7, there is a discrepancy of more than 2.5% between the CBH Weight and the weight determined by CBH at Port (“Weight Shortfall”), CBH may deduct the relevant Weight Shortfall from the Customer’s Grain Entitlement and charge the Customer the Rail Weighing Fee as set out in the Fees and Charges Schedule. 5.3. In all cases, CBH must provide the Customer with a weighbridge ticket or other statement certifying the weight and quantity of Grain delivered to the Port Terminal Facility and confirming the name of the person in whose name the Grain is delivered based on the information contained in the Customer’s Direct to Port Delivery Declaration Form and Direct to Port Sample Declaration Form provided to CBH at or prior to the delivery of each load of Grain at the Port Terminal Facility.
Gas If Customer has selected a Gas Fixed Rate, Customer’s Price will be based on the Fixed Rate(s), plus the Administration Charge, set forth in the Application, which includes RITERATE ENERGY’s compressor fuel and transportation charges, administrative and transaction costs and the Gas Balancing Amount and any Regulatory Charges (defined below).
Delivery Points Project water made available to the Agency pursuant to Article 6 shall be delivered to the Agency by the State at the delivery structures established in accordance with Article 10.
Pressure The System user is not entitled to deliver natural gas to Gas Connect Austria at the Entry Point Überackern 7-fields at a pressure of below 64 bar. Normal cubic meter (Nm³) is a cubic meter of natural gas at 273.15 K (= 0°C) and 101,325 kPa (=1.01325 bara). The natural gas delivered by the System User at the Entry Point Xxxxxxxxxx for transportation must be in line with the following chemical and physical specifications:
Temperature Where low temperature and/or self-service cases are used for any of such merchandise coming under the jurisdiction of the Union, such cases shall be served only by employees covered by this Agreement.
Delivery Point The delivery point is the point of delivery of the Power Product to the CAISO Controlled Grid (the “Delivery Point”). Seller shall provide and convey to Buyer the Power Product from the Generating Facility at the Delivery Point. Title to and risk of loss related to the Power Product transfer from Seller to Buyer at the Delivery Point.
Natural Gas 21.1 Subject to Article 21.2, the Indian domestic market shall have the first call on the utilisation of Natural Gas discovered and produced from the Contract Area. Accordingly, any proposal by the Contractor relating to Discovery and production of Natural Gas from the Contract Area shall be made in the context of the Government's policy for the utilisation of Natural Gas and shall take into account the objectives of the Government to develop its resources in the most efficient manner and to promote conservation measures. 21.2 The Contractor shall have the right to use Natural Gas produced from the Contract Area for the purpose of Petroleum Operations including reinjection for pressure maintenance in Oil Fields, gas lifting and captive power generation required for Petroleum Operations. 21.3 For the purpose of sales in the domestic market pursuant to this Article 21, the Contractor shall have freedom to market the Gas and sell its entitlement.