Weapons and Explosives. No person while on postal property shall carry firearms, other dangerous or deadly weapons, or explosives, either openly or concealed, or store the same on postal property, except for official purposes.
Weapons and Explosives. Except where duly authorized by law, and in the performance of law enforce- ment functions, no person shall carry firearms, other dangerous or deadly weapons, or explosives, either openly or concealed, while on the premises. Consumption of food and beverages in Library buildings is prohibited except at point of purchase or other author- ized eating places. Under no cir- cumstances may food or beverages be carried to the bookstacks or other areas where there exists significant risk to Library materials or property or where there may result a detraction from the dignity or efficiency of public service.
Weapons and Explosives. No person while on government property shall carry firearms or other dangerous or deadly weapons or explosives, either openly or concealed, except for official purposes. Firearms or other dangerous or deadly weapons shall not be allowed in the temporary quarters except by written authorization by the District Ranger.
Weapons and Explosives. No person shall use, carry or possess any firearms within the park.
Weapons and Explosives. No person other than a peace officer as defined by the State of Texas may carry or possess a weapon in the Park. No person may possess gunpowder or other combustibles, explosives or fireworks in the Park, provided however that fuel for cooking purposes is allowed if the fuel is properly contained
Weapons and Explosives. Tenant, its employees, agents and invitees shall not bring any weapons and/or explosives of any size or type into the Project for any reason.
Weapons and Explosives. Because of insurance restrictions, all weapons displayed in the exhibit hall must be rendered inoperative. This may be done by the removal of a critical component of the weapon. All weapons will be inspected by an armorer before opening the exhibit hall. Live explosives of any type including, but not limited to, ammunition, smoke grenades or devices are not permitted in the exhibit hall under any circumstances.
Weapons and Explosives. For your protection, firecrackers, knives, firearms, cap guns, dangerous weapons or any object considered dangerous to the health and/or well being of fellow residents, are not allowed in residence. Disciplinary sanctions for those who contravene this policy may include appropriation of the weapon, in-house sanctions, and/or intervention by the appropriate legal authorities.
Weapons and Explosives. Weapons or weapon facsimiles are not permitted in areas under the Student Union jurisdiction.
Weapons and Explosives. The possession of weapons of all types and explosives at any company workplace or site is strictly prohibited and may result in the company or its customer banning the employee forthwith from the site or dismissal from their employment.