Library Materials definition
Examples of Library Materials in a sentence
Income from this account shall revert to the Library Materials Account.
Beginning with 2011-12 expenses for 2012-13 aid, if a school district spends more than its maximum allocation in any one of these aid areas, the excess expense over the maximum allocation can be designated as expense for aid in one or more of the other categories, (with the exception of Library Materials expense) if the district spent less than the maximum allocation in the other category.
Examples of other operating expenses that are not eligible for LERR or STARs program funds include, but are not limited to: monthly telephone services, animals, software maintenance cost, and routine maintenance.Acquisition of Library Books and Library Materials The acquisition of library books and library materials is eligible for LERR.
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Borrowers will be notified of any Library Materials retained beyond the maximum permitted loan period, but failure to give such notification shall not relieve the Borrower of the charges.