New Work Authorization If the Engineer does not complete the services authorized in a work authorization before the specified completion date and has not requested a supplemental work authorization, the work authorization shall terminate on the completion date. At the sole discretion of the State, it may issue a new work authorization to the Engineer for the incomplete work using the unexpended balance of the preceding work authorization for the project. If approved by the State, the Engineer may calculate any additional cost for the incomplete work using the rates set forth in the preceding work authorization and in accordance with Attachment E, Fee Schedule.
WORK AUTHORIZATIONS The State will issue work authorizations using the form included in Attachment D (Work Authorizations and Supplemental Work Authorizations) to authorize all work under this contract. The Engineer must sign and return a work authorization within seven (7) working days after receipt. Refusal to accept a work authorization may be grounds for termination of the contract. The State shall not be responsible for actions by the Engineer or any costs incurred by the Engineer relating to work not directly associated with or prior to the execution of a work authorization. Terms and conditions governing the use of work authorizations are set forth in Attachment A, General Provisions, Article 1.
Supplemental Work Authorizations Before additional work may be performed or additional costs incurred, a change in a work authorization shall be enacted by a written supplemental work authorization in the form identified and attached hereto as Attachment D. Both parties must execute a supplemental work authorization within the period of performance specified in the work authorization. The State shall not be responsible for actions by the Engineer or any costs incurred by the Engineer relating to additional work not directly associated with the performance or prior to the execution of the work authorization. The Engineer shall allow adequate time for review and approval of the supplemental work authorization by the State prior to expiration of the work authorization. Any supplemental work authorization must be executed by both parties within the time period established in Article 2 of the contract, (Contract Period). Under no circumstances will a work authorization be allowed to extend beyond the contract's expiration date or will the total amount of funds exceed the maximum amount payable set forth in Article 3A of the contract (Compensation).
Emergency Work Authorizations The State, at its sole discretion, may accept the Engineer's signature on a faxed copy of the work authorization as satisfying the requirements for executing the work authorization, provided that the signed original is received by the State within five business days from the date on the faxed copy.
Project Schedule Construction must begin within 30 days of the date set forth in Appendix A, Page 2, for the start of construction, or this Agreement may become null and void, at the sole discretion of the Director. However, the Recipient may apply to the Director in writing for an extension of the date to initiate construction. The Recipient shall specify the reasons for the delay in the start of construction and provide the Director with a new start of construction date. The Director will review such requests for extensions and may extend the start date, providing that the Project can be completed within a reasonable time frame.
Project Budget A Project Budget shall be prepared and maintained by Grantee. The Project Budget shall detail all costs for which the Grant will be used during the Term. The Project Budget must be approved in writing by the Project Monitor. Grantee shall carry out the Project and shall incur costs and make disbursements of funds provided hereunder by the Sponsor only in conformity with the Project Budget. The current approved Project Budget is contained in Attachment “C”. Said Project Budget may be revised from time to time, but no Project Budget or revision thereof shall be effective unless and until the same is approved in writing by Project Monitor. The funds granted under this Grant Contract cannot be used to supplant (replace) other existing funds.
Project Scope The physical scope of the Project shall be limited to only those capital improvements as described in Appendix A of this Agreement. In the event that circumstances require a change in such physical scope, the change must be approved by the District Committee, recorded in the District Committee's official meeting minutes, and provided to the OPWC Director for the execution of an amendment to this Agreement.