Data Necessary to Perform Services The Trust or its agent shall furnish to USBFS the data necessary to perform the services described herein at such times and in such form as mutually agreed upon.
Volunteer Peer Assistants 1. Up to eight (8)
Authorization to Perform Services The Consultant is not authorized to perform any services or incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement until receipt of a written Notice to Proceed from the City.
Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Consulting Teachers (CT) will be assigned to all new teachers with no prior teaching experience and tenured teachers rated ineffective on the qualitative measures at the end of the previous school year and recommended by the PAR Panel. Evaluations for Probationary and Ineffective Teachers:
Subcontracting for the Provision of Services (a) The parties acknowledge that, subject to the provisions of the Enabling Legislation, the HSP may subcontract the provision of some or all of the Services. For the purposes of this Agreement, actions taken or not taken by the subcontractor, and Services provided by the subcontractor, will be deemed actions taken or not taken by the HSP, and Services provided by the HSP. (b) When entering into a subcontract the HSP agrees that the terms of the subcontract will enable the HSP to meet its obligations under this Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, the HSP will include a provision that permits the Funder or its authorized representatives, to audit the subcontractor in respect of the subcontract if the Funder or its authorized representatives determines that such an audit would be necessary to confirm that the HSP has complied with the terms of this Agreement. (c) Nothing contained in this Agreement or a subcontract will create a contractual relationship between any subcontractor or its directors, officers, employees, agents, partners, affiliates or volunteers and the Funder. (d) When entering into a subcontract, the HSP agrees that the terms of the subcontract will enable the HSP to meet its obligations under the FLSA.
Dependent Care Assistance Program The County offers the option of enrolling in a Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) designed to qualify for tax savings under Section 129 of the Internal Revenue Code, but such savings are not guaranteed. The program allows employees to set aside up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) of annual salary (before taxes) per calendar year to pay for eligible dependent care (child and elder care) expenses. Any unused balance is forfeited and cannot be recovered by the employee.
Scope of Services and Term Subject to the provisions for early termination as set forth herein, the Contractor agrees that it will perform the Services enumerated in the scope of services attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference (the “Scope of Services”) for a term of three (3) years beginning , 2024 through , 2027 (the “Term”). The Authority in its sole discretion may extend the Agreement for two (2) additional one-year periods, for a potential maximum term of five (5) years. The Authority will provide any such renewal notice in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the Agreement. The maximum payment for the Term is set forth in Section II(a). All work shall be diligently performed by the Contractor in an economical, expeditious and professional manner.
Access to Personal Information by Subcontractors Supplier agrees to require any subcontractors or agents to which it discloses Personal Information under this Agreement or under any SOW to provide reasonable assurance, evidenced by written contract, that they will comply with the same or substantially similar confidentiality, privacy and security obligations with respect to such Personal Information as apply to Supplier under this Agreement or any SOW. Supplier shall confirm in writing to DXC that such contract is in place as a condition to DXC’s approval of use of a subcontractor in connection with any SOW. Upon request of DXC, Supplier will provide to DXC a copy of the subcontract or an extract of the relevant clauses. Supplier shall ensure that any failure on the part of any subcontractor or agent to comply with the Supplier obligations under this Agreement or any SOW shall be grounds to promptly terminate such subcontractor or agent. If during the term of this Agreement or any SOW, DXC determines, in its exclusive discretion, that any Supplier subcontractor or agent cannot comply with the Supplier obligations under this Agreement or with any SOW, then DXC may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part (with respect to any SOW for which such subcontractor or agent is providing services), if not cured by Supplier within the time prescribed in the notice of such deficiency.
Routing for Operator Services and Directory Assistance Traffic For a Verizon Telecommunications Service dial tone line purchased by VarTec for resale pursuant to the Resale Attachment, upon request by VarTec, Verizon will establish an arrangement that will permit VarTec to route the VarTec Customer’s calls for operator and directory assistance services to a provider of operator and directory assistance services selected by VarTec. Verizon will provide this routing arrangement in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. Verizon will provide this routing arrangement pursuant to an appropriate written request submitted by VarTec and a mutually agreed-upon schedule. This routing arrangement will be implemented at VarTec's expense, with charges determined on an individual case basis. In addition to charges for initially establishing the routing arrangement, VarTec will be responsible for ongoing monthly and/or usage charges for the routing arrangement. VarTec shall arrange, at its own expense, the trunking and other facilities required to transport traffic to VarTec’s selected provider of operator and directory assistance services.