Workforce Diversity - The Union will Sample Clauses

Workforce Diversity - The Union will support the goal of becoming a multicultural organization with a diverse workforce.
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Related to Workforce Diversity - The Union will

  • Diversity The Employer and the Union recognize the values of diversity in the workplace and will work cooperatively toward achieving a work environment that reflects the interests of a diverse work force.

  • Workforce A. The Contractor shall employ only orderly and competent workers, skilled in the performance of the services which they will perform under the Contract.

  • Workforce Development MPC’s technical training program is having a major impact in the region. Online modules, short courses, webinars, and on site/videoconferencing events are reaching state and local transportation department employees and tribal transportation planners. By harnessing the capabilities of the four LTAP centers located at the MPC universities and the multimedia capabilities of the Transportation Learning Network (which was founded and is partly funded by MPC) more than 76 technical training events were offered in the second half of 2015. These training modules and short courses are critical to transportation agencies that need to improve or renew the skills of engineering technicians and other frontline workers. Many MPC courses or training events result in the certification of workers. Even when certification is not required, TLN’s online learning management systems allow employees and employers to set learning goals and monitor progress towards these goals. MPC is making another major impact in workforce development. Altogether, 57 graduate students are working on MPC research projects under the tutelage of faculty researchers. These graduate students represent the researchers and technical analysts of tomorrow. Without the MPC program and the stipend funds that it provides, these students may not be specializing in transportation; but, instead would be seeking career opportunities in other fields. The MPC research program allows faculty to mentor graduate students while allowing the students to work on projects for federal and state transportation agencies—thereby, gaining valuable practical experience.

  • COMPLIANCE BY CONTRACTOR WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS/ EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 6.1 In connection with the performance of the Services, the Contractor shall comply with all applicable statutes, laws, regulations, and orders of federal, state, county or municipal authorities which impose any obligation or duty upon the Contractor, including, but not limited to, civil rights and equal employment opportunity laws. In addition, if this Agreement is funded in any part by monies of the United States, the Contractor shall comply with all federal executive orders, rules, regulations and statutes, and with any rules, regulations and guidelines as the State or the United States issue to implement these regulations. The Contractor shall also comply with all applicable intellectual property laws.

  • Employer Union Relations 7.1 Representation at Meetings with the Employer No employee or group of employees shall undertake to represent the Union at meetings with the Employer without the proper authorization of the Union. To implement this, the Union shall supply the Employer with the names of its officers and, similarly, the Employer shall supply the Union with a list of its supervisory or other personnel with whom the Union may be required to transact business.

  • Procurement Related Complaints and Administrative Review 49.1 The procedures for making a Procurement-related Complaint are as specified in the TDS.

  • Labor-Management Cooperation When an Appointing Authority initiates a planning process or management study which is anticipated to result in layoff, the Appointing Authority will meet and confer with the Local Union during the decision planning phase and again during the implementation planning phase. The Appointing Authority and the Local Union shall enter into negotiations regarding a Memoranda of Understanding upon request of either party to modify this Agreement regarding the implementation plans which shall include, but are not limited to, the following: • Length of layoff notice; • Job and retraining opportunities; • Alternative placement methods; • Early retirement options pursuant to M.S. 43A.24, Subd. 2(i); • Bumping/vacancy options for part-time employees to preserve their insurance eligibility or contribution; and • Other methods of mitigating layoff or their effect on employees.

  • WORKFORCE REDUCTION In the event that funding reductions or shortfalls in funding occur in a department or are expected, which may result in layoffs, the department will notify the union and take the following actions:

  • CULTURAL DIVERSITY The Cultural Diversity Requirement generally does not add units to a student's program. Rather, it is intended to be fulfilled by choosing courses from the approved list that also satisfy requirements in other areas of the student’s program; the exception is that Cultural Diversity courses may not satisfy Culture and Language Requirements for B.S. students. For example, Anthropology 120 can fulfill (3) units of the Behavioral Science requirement and (3) units of the Cultural Diversity requirement. This double counting of a class may only be done with the Cultural Diversity requirement. Courses in Cultural Diversity may be taken at the lower-division or upper-division level. U . S . H I S T O R Y I N S T I T U T I O N A L R E Q U I R E M E N T HIS 120, 121, 270, 275

  • Cooperation with Inspector General Grantee understands its duty, pursuant to Section 20.055(5), Fla. Stat., to cooperate with Florida Housing’s Inspector General in any investigation, audit, inspection, review, or hearing. Grantee will comply with this duty and ensure that any contracts issued under this Agreement impose this requirement, in writing, on its subcontractors.

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