Yearly Fee. Ročný poplatok.
Yearly Fee. Every year, Solution Provider shall pay the Yearly Fees defined below in payment of the various licenses granted under this Agreement. The CATIA Companion Yearly Fee and Licenses Yearly Fee are due in all circumstances. The Additional Yearly Fee is only due if additional licenses are requested.
Yearly Fee. 2.5.1 Subject to this Clause 2.5, Euronet shall pay to the Partner a Yearly fee of € 350 euros excluding VAT. VAT should be added to this amount according to current legal regulations. ("Yearly Fee").
2.5.2 The obligation to pay such Yearly Fee shall commence on the Installation Date and subject to any periods of deactivation, as detailed herein, shall be payable each rok during the Term.
2.5.3 Euronet reserves the right to take the ATM out of service from time-to-time at its sole discretion for any reason including, but not limited to, transaction flows and usage.
Yearly Fee. On a Fiscal Year by Fiscal Year basis (as “Fiscal Year” is defined below in Section 2.3 of this Exhibit C), a “Yearly Fee,” as such term is defined, described, and calculated below. For purposes of this Agreement, the terms “Gross Revenue” and “Adjusted Gross Revenue” will have the meanings as defined below:
Yearly Fee. 2.5.1 Subject to this Clause 2.5, Euronet shall pay to the Partner a Yearly fee of € 600 euros excluding VAT. VAT should be added to this amount according to current legal regulations. ("Yearly Fee").
Yearly Fee. The yearly fee for each mobile device connected to the system is €49.
Yearly Fee. The Amount of Yearly Fee for a Fiscal Year is the sum of the following amounts for that Fiscal:
Yearly Fee. 2.5.1 Subject to this Clause 2.5, Euronet shall pay to the Partner a Yearly fee of € 1 euro excluding VAT. VAT should be added to this amount according to current legal regulations. ("Yearly Fee").
2.5.2 The obligation to pay such Yearly Fee shall commence on the Installation Date and subject to any periods of deactivation, as detailed herein, shall be payable each month during the Term.
2.5.3 Euronet reserves the right to take the ATM out of service from time-to-time at its sole discretion for any reason including, but not limited to, transaction flows and usage.
1. Euronet opravneny nepretrzite prevadzkovat' bankomat v Mieste instalacie a s prihliadnutim na pristupove easy specifikovane v prilohe c.2 nepretrzite poskytovat' svoje sluzby drzitefom kariet pouzivajucich bankomat (d'alej ako ,,drzitelia kariet") bez prerusenia, obmedzenia alebo obt'azovania zo strany Partnera a tretich osob.
2.2.2 Euronet vynalozi primerane usilie na to, aby minimalizoval narusenie cinnosti Partnera a interakcie medzi Partnerom a svojimi zakaznikmi, partnermi ci host'ami v Mieste instalacie alebo v jeho blizkosti.
Yearly Fee. Every year, Solution Provider shall pay the Yearly Fees defined below in payment of the various licenses granted under this Agreement. The CATIA Companion Yearly Fee and Licenses Yearly Fee are due in all circumstances. The Additional Yearly Fee is only due if additional licenses are requested.
(a) CATIA COMPANION YEARLY FEE As of the 1st of February immediately following the Effective Date and on the 1st of February of every calendar year thereafter, Solution Provider shall pay to DS the CATIA Companion Yearly Fee of the amount set forth in Partners' Price List in payment of one CATIA Companion shareable license granted by DS pursuant to Section 8.3. CATIA V5 GALAXY PROGRAM SOLUTION PROVIDER AGREEMENT
(b) LICENSES YEARLY FEE For each AP to be developed under this Agreement, Solution Provider shall pay to DS a Licenses Yearly Fee of the amount set forth in Partners' Price List in payment of the number of licenses defined therein. This Licenses Yearly Fee is due for the first time on the effective date of the PID and on the 1st of February of every calendar year thereafter for all AP(s), except that for the first AP to be developed under this Agreement the Licenses Yearly Fee will be due for the first time on the 1st of February immediately following the Effective Date of the Agreement (as opposed to the effective date of the PID of the first AP).
(c) ADDITIONAL YEARLY FEE The Additional Yearly Fee of the amount set forth in Partners' Price List will be automatically due if Solution Provider requests additional licenses for any given AP and will entitle Solution Provider to that number of additional licenses defined in Partners' Price List. This Additional Yearly Fee is due for the first time on the date of acceptance by DS of the RFL requesting an additional license and on the 1st of February of every calendar year thereafter.
(d) PAYMENT OF THE YEARLY FEES Yearly Fees are payable within 30 days from their due date. They are payable in advance and cover the period of time between their due date and the immediately following 31st of January.