ОПИС ПРОЕКТУ Sample Clauses

ОПИС ПРОЕКТУ. Information on the Borrower/ Інформація щодо Позичальника Borrower / Позичальник (CITY)City Council / (Місто)ська міська рада Borrower’s address / Адреса позичальника (CouncilAdress) / (АдресРади) Name and position of the head / ШБ та посада керівника (BorHeadName) (BorHeadPos) /(ПІБКерПоз) (ПосКерПоз) Telephone /Fax number/ Телефон/факс (CouncilTel) Name and position of the person who is authorized to sign the Agreement/ Ім’я та посада особи, яка уповноважена на підписання Договору (Position) (Name)/ (Посада) (ПІБ) Name and position of the person who is responsible for the Agreement / ШБ та посада особи, відповідальної за Договір (Position) (Name) / (Посада) (ПІБ) Telephone/Fax number / Тслсфон/факс (FinEntityTel)
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ОПИС ПРОЕКТУ. Метою Проекту “Енергозберігаючий проект у двох закладах освіти (ДНЗ №1, 2) у м. Кремінна” є впровадження енергозберігаючих заходів, спрямованих на зменшення енергоспоживання та покращення умов перебування персоналу та дітей в закладах освіти міста. Проект передбачає комплексні заходи з утеплення 2 навчальних закладів, заміну вікон та дверей, а також модернізацію внутрішнього освітлення. Information on the beneficiary / Інформація про одержувача Name / Назва Kreminna City Council / Xxxxxxxxxx міська рада Legal address / Юридична адреса 13, Druzhby av., Kreminna city, Luhansk region, 92900, Ukraine / Україна, 92900, Луганська область, м. Кремінна, пр. Дружби, 13 Form of ownership / Форма власності Municipal / Комунальна Telephone/Fax / Телефон/факс +38 (06454) 21640 / +38 (06454) 21644 Web site / Сайт xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/ E-mail / Електронна адреса xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx Contact person / Контактна особа Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Oleksiyovych / Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Position / Посада City mayor / Міський голова


  • Full-time Nurses 10.01 (a) The following shall be recognized as paid holidays with respect to permanent full-time nurses who have completed thirty (30) calendar days or more continuous service: New Year’s Day Civic Holiday Family Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Easter Monday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day

  • Full-Time Nurse A nurse who is hired on a permanent basis and who normally works seven (7) hours per day on a thirty-five (35) hour week, normally Monday to Friday unless specifically hired to work an alternate schedule.

  • Full-Time Faculty a) Prior to the evaluation of a full-time faculty member, the first-level manager or designee shall meet with the evaluatee to discuss the criteria, procedures, and timelines (including classroom visits and non-classroom observations) for the evaluation.

  • Full-Time Only During the year of the leave, seniority shall continue to accumulate. Service for the purposes of vacation and salary progression and other benefits will be retained but will not accumulate during the period of the leave.

  • Full-Time Union Office Upon application by the Union, in writing, the Hospital will give reasonable consideration to a request for leave of absence, without pay, to an employee elected or appointed to full time Union office. It is understood that no more than one (1) employee in the bargaining unit may be on such leave at the same time. Such leave, if granted, shall be for a period of one (1) calendar year (in the case of the Union President, two (2) calendar years) from the date of appointment unless extended for a further specific period by agreement of the parties. Seniority and service shall accumulate during such leave to the maximum provided, if any, under the provisions of the Collective Agreement. It will become the responsibility of the employee for full payment of any applicable benefits in which the employee is participating during such leave of absence.

  • Internships The Hospital may establish internships for the purpose of meeting future projected nursing shortages and/or providing career opportunities where there are no internal qualified candidates for job postings. In such circumstances, the implementation and guidelines of such an arrangement will be determined locally by the Hospital and the Union subject to the following: Internships are designed to develop the Hospital’s staff in order to fill positions for which there are currently no qualified internal candidates and/or for which shortages are predicted within a five (5) year period. Internships enable hospitals to maximize the use of qualified internal staff to meet their human resources needs, while at the same time providing career development opportunities for their employees. To provide direction to the local parties in developing and implementing internship(s) the Ontario Nurses’ Association and Participating Hospitals have agreed to the following principles:

  • Strengthen the development and enforcement of environmental laws and regulations; and PROTECT, enhance and enforce basic workers' rights; HAVE AGREED as follows: PART ONE: GENERAL PART CHAPTER ONE: OBJECTIVES Article 101: Establishment of the Free Trade Area The Parties to this Agreement, consistent with Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, hereby establish a free trade area.

  • Yeah Well I mean I think look, we (done all the credit checks) within the last 12 months. So and I’ve been throw all the accreditation process very recently. And I’ve been talking to the Registrar Liaison Team about, you know, the entire experience. I mean the - I’d actually go so far as to say I mean at the moment the way it is, it’s - there are quite a lot of checks. You do have to basically state that, you know, you’re not a criminal. That you haven’t done this, you haven’t done that as Xxxxx rightly points out. If you were to start writing in very specific clauses and it would probably cause more problems then it would actually solve because don’t forget ICANN is in many respects very much an American centered organization in terms of references that are posed in a lot of these documents are very, very much American centered. And while under our European law we as a company are required to comply at a much higher level than what would seem to be the case for some of our American counterparts. The manner in which that is actually checked in an American context versus the way it can be checked with an European context is very, very different. So I’d be against, very much against the idea of prescribing anything far too specific because I can just see it causing more headaches. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx: Okay, any other comments on this? Let me suggest on this one that there really are two parts here. One is the due diligence part prior to accreditation. And as Xxxxx said, that application appears to be under review. And I assume Xxxx that you or your Compliance Team is involved in that review. Xxxxx Xxxx: We are Xxxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx: Okay. So that’s - that may not be an RAA issue strictly speaking. As far as the second - after someone has been accredited, I think the question is the specificity with which ICANN’s ability to audit is spelled out and whether for example there ought to be a specific provision on that. That is an RAA issue it seems to me. But I hear Xxxx’s point of view. That’s probably a low priority issue from your perspective, right? ((Crosstalk)) Xxxxx Xxxx: Correct. Because again under Section 3.14 I do believe we have the authority here to initiate any reasonable contractual compliance audit on any of the terms and conditions. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx: Okay, so if you get a news report that - excuse me, are we done with our musical...? Woman: That was a nice background noise... ((Crosstalk))

  • Full-Time Employees A full-time employee is one engaged as such and whose ordinary hours of work average 38 hours per week. The employee’s ordinary hours of work will not exceed an average of 38 hours per week over a 4 week period. Although the actual hours of work may vary from week to week, with some weeks greater than 38 hours and other weeks less, the employee will not work in excess of 152 ordinary hours in any four week period.

  • Full-Time Employee A full-time employee shall be an employee who is normally scheduled to work not less than forty (40) hours per week, consisting of five (5) eight (8) hour working days.

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