Investment Budget Sample Clauses

Investment Budget. 1.2 Інвестиційний кошторис The total investment amounts to [•] of EUR / Загальна вартість проекту становить [•] грн Investment budget / Інвестиційний кошторис Table/таблиця 4 Main measure / Основні заходи Date / Дата Payments EUR Date of disbursement payment / Строки оплати Budget / З бюджету міста NEFCO TRANCHE # / №№ траншу [●] [●] [●] [●] 1 [●] [●] [●] [●] [●] 2 [●] [●] [●] [●] [●] 3 [●] Project completion / Завершення проекту [●] [●] [●] [●] [●] Total/ Всього [●] [●] [●] [●] [●] In accordance with the business plan, which has been approved by NEFCO, the above investment budget requires that the Borrower provides funding to the Project at its own expense at a rate of minimum 10% of the total estimated investment. У відповідності до погодженого НЕФКО бізнес плану, вищенаведений інвестиційний бюджет передбачає, що мінімальний власний внесок Позичальника до Проекту має бути рівним 10% загальної передбаченої вартості проекту. In case the actual price for any goods and services procured in accordance with the business plan is lower than budgeted, the remaining part of the Loan can be utilised for the payment of goods and services where the actual price is higher than estimated or the procurement of additional similar goods and services, which will then be considered to form part of the approved Project, provided that the Borrower’s own funding at all times is equal to a minimum of at least 10 % (ten per cent) – of the estimated Project costs./ Якщо фактичні ціни на будь-які товари та послуги, що закуповуються у відповідності до бізнес-плану є нижчими ніж передбачено бюджетом, сума Кредиту, що залишається, може використовуватися для закупівлі товарів та послуг, фактичні ціни на які вище ніж передбачалося, або для закупівлі додаткових подібних товарів та послуг, які вважаються частиною схваленого Проекту, за умови, що внесок власних коштів Позичальника на будь-який момент становить щонайменше 10% (десять відсотків) - від передбаченої вартості Проекту.
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Investment Budget. 1.2. Інвестиційний бюджет Estimated investment amounts to UAH 17,782,560, including grant from E5P Fund in Euro for the amount of up to EUR 195,917./ Орієнтовна вартість проекту становить 17 782 560 грн, включаючи грант Фонду E5P у євро на суму до 195 917 євро. Investment budget under the Project/ Інвестиційний кошторис в рамках Проекту Table 5/Таблиця 5 Main measure / Основні заходи Budget, UAH / З бюджету міста, грн E5P grant funds, EUR/ Кошти гранту Е5Р1, євро NEFCO, UAH/ НЕФКО, грн Tranche #/№ траншу PIU support/ Управління проектом 106,995 195,917 3,000,000 I Design and planning / Проектування та планування 348,055 Equipment, materials, installation / Обладнання, матеріали, монтаж - PIU support/ Управління проектом 106,995 6,000,000 II Design and planning / Проектування та планування 348,055 Equipment, materials, installation / Обладнання, матеріали, монтаж 1,712,460 Techical supervision/Технічний нагляд 160,000 Equipment, materials, work/ Обладнання, матеріали, роботи - 1,000,000 III Contingency/Непередбачувані витрати - Total/Загалом 2,782,560 195,917 10,000,000 - 1 Grant will be disbursed according to the procurement plan agreed with NEFCO / Грант буде надано відповідно до плану закупівель, погодженого з НЕФКО. In accordance with the business plan, which has been approved by NEFCO, the above investment budget requires that the Borrower provides funding to the Project at its own expense at a rate of minimum 10% of the total estimated investment./ У відповідності до погодженого НЕФКО бізнес плану, вищенаведений інвестиційний бюджет передбачає, що мінімальний власний внесок Позичальника до Проекту має бути не менше 10% загальної передбаченої вартості проекту. In case the actual price for any goods and services procured in accordance with the business plan is lower than budgeted, the remaining part of the Loan can be utilised for the payment of goods and services where the actual price is higher than estimated or the procurement of additional similar goods and services, which will then be considered to form part of the approved Project, provided that the Borrower’s own funding at all times is equal to a minimum of at least 10 % (ten percent) – of the disbursed loan cost./ Якщо фактичні ціни на будь-які товари та послуги, що закуповуються у відповідності до бізнес-плану є нижчими ніж передбачено бюджетом, сума Кредиту, що залишається, може використовуватися для закупівлі товарів та послуг, фактичні ціни на які вище ніж передбачалося, або для закупівлі д...
Investment Budget. 1.2. Інвестиційний бюджет Table 5 / Таблиця 5 Investment budget/ Інвестиційний бюджет Activity / Захід Investments, EUR / Інвестиції, євро Tranche / Транш Project management, technical oversight / Управління проектом, технічний нагляд 7,439 - Equipment, project design /Обладнання, ПКД 38,246 І Equipment / Обладнання 98,836 ІІ Installation / Встановлення 4,709 ІІ Installation and start-up / Встановлення та введення в експлуатацію 42,000 ІІІ Contingencies / Непередбачувані витрати, 9 % 18,770 - Total / Всього 210,000 Table 6 / Таблиця 6 Detailed costs of activities / Деталізована вартість заходів Objects and measures / Об’єкти та заходи Equipment and materials / Обладнання та матеріали Construction and installation works / Будівельні та установчі роботи Total expenses / Загальні витрати Kindergarten No. 1 / ДНЗ № 1: Replacement of windows and doors, insulation of external walls, capital repair and insulation of roof / Заміна вікон та дверей, утеплення зовнішніх стін, капітальний ремонт та утеплення даху 47,693 15,897 63,590 Kindergarten No. 2 / ДНЗ № 2: Replacement of windows and doors, insulation of external walls, capital repair and insulation of roof / Заміна вікон та дверей, утеплення зовнішніх стін, капітальний ремонт та утеплення даху 80,632 26,878 107,510 Kindergarten No. 1 and No. 2 / ДНЗ № 1 та № 2: Capital repair of internal lighting / Капітальний ремонт внутрішнього освітлення 2,906 - 2,906 Kindergarten No. 1 and No. 2 / ДНЗ № 1 та № 2: Installation of individual heat sub-stations / Встановлення індивідуальних теплових підстанцій 2,807 1,203 4,010 Kindergarten No. 1 and No. 2 / ДНЗ № 1 та № 2: Installation of heat recovery ventilation system / Встановлення вентиляції з рекуперацією тепла 3,045 2,730 5,775 Total / Всього 137,083 46,708 183,791 Technical oversight, project management / Технічний нагляд, управління проектом 7,439 Contingencies / Непередбачувані витрати, 9 % 18,770 TOTAL / ВСЬОГО 210,000
Investment Budget. Constitutes the basic planning, execution and control tool for each of the investment programs and projects that the Joint Operation foresees it shall carry out, and acts as means to estimate the required funds in the execution of the various programs that are approved by the Executive Committee.
Investment Budget. 1、The investment for the first phase construction is estimated at $6 million USD for building the facilities, a list of which is attached as Appendix 1 to this agreement (to be provided by UQM), with a minimum annual capacity of 50,000 e-drive systems on two shifts. These 50,000 systems are estimated to consist of 25,000 systems for buses, 20,000 systems for LDT and 5,000 systems for other applications such as HDT.

Related to Investment Budget

  • Development Budget Attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference is the Development Budget in an amount equal to $_____________. Owner acknowledges and represents that the attached Development Budget includes the total costs and expenses to acquire, develop, renovate and construct the Real Property and the Apartment Housing.

  • Capital Budget Any amendment that is mutually agreed upon shall be set forth in writing and signed by both parties. It is acknowledged by Owner that capital expenditures required as a result of an emergency situation shall not reduce amounts available pursuant to the Capital Budget or otherwise hereunder, other than to the extent a Capital Budget item is subsumed within the capital expenditures required as a result of the occurrence of the emergency;

  • Project Budget A Project Budget shall be prepared and maintained by Grantee. The Project Budget shall detail all costs for which the Grant will be used during each calendar month of the Term. The Project Budget must be approved in writing by the Project Monitor. Grantee shall carry out the Project and shall incur costs and make disbursements of funds provided hereunder by the Sponsor only in conformity with the Project Budget. The current approved Project Budget is contained in Attachment B. Said Project Budget may be revised from time to time, but no Project Budget or revision thereof shall be effective unless and until the same is approved in writing by Project Monitor. The funds granted under this Grant Contract cannot be used to supplant (replace) other existing funds.

  • Approved Budget (a) Subject to subsection (b) and subsection (c) below, none of the Credit Parties shall pay any obligations or expenses (including, without limitation, bonus payments or other compensation to senior management personnel, but excluding legal fees and expenses) except to the extent expressly contemplated and permitted in the Current Period of the Approved Budget applicable at the time of such payment. On or before the Wednesday prior to the first Monday of each Fiscal Month of the Borrower, commencing with the Wednesday prior to the first Monday of October 2010, the Borrower shall deliver an updated budget (for the period of 13 weeks commencing with the first day of such Fiscal Month) (each, a “Proposed Budget”) to Agent. Each such Proposed Budget shall be accompanied by a variance report setting forth actual cash receipts and disbursements from the Petition Date through the last day of the preceding month and all variances, on an aggregate basis and, with respect to Specified Budget Line Items, on a line-item basis, for such period from the amounts set forth for the corresponding period in the preceding Approved Budgets (including explanations for each such material variance), certified by the Chief Restructuring Officer as being prepared in good faith and fairly presenting in all material respects the information set forth therein. Each Proposed Budget provided to Agent shall be of no force and effect unless and until it is approved in writing by the Requisite Lenders, and until such approval is given the prior Approved Budget shall remain in effect and no Credit Party may pay any obligations or expenses (excluding legal fees and expenses) other than as permitted (subject to subsection (b) below) in the Current Period of such prior Approved Budget. The Requisite Lenders shall approve or reject each Proposed Budget within four Business Days after delivery by the Borrower to Agent as set forth above, provided that any failure to approve a Proposed Budget shall constitute a rejection of such Proposed Budget. Any such Proposed Budget, upon the written approval of the Requisite Lenders shall become, as of the date of such approval and for the period of time covered thereby, the Approved Budget, and shall prospectively replace any prior Approved Budget.

  • Operating Budget (a) No less than forty-five (45) days prior to the Substantial Completion of each train of the Project, and no less than forty-five (45) days prior to the beginning of each calendar year thereafter, the Borrower shall prepare a proposed operating plan and a budget setting forth in reasonable detail the projected requirements for Operation and Maintenance Expenses for the Borrower and the Project for the ensuing calendar year (or, in the case of the initial Operating Budget, the remaining portion thereof) and provide the Independent Engineer, the Common Security Trustee, and the Senior Facility Agent with a copy of such operating plan and budget (the “Operating Budget”). Each Operating Budget shall be prepared in accordance with a form approved by the Independent Engineer, shall set forth all material assumptions used in the preparation of such Operating Budget, and shall become effective upon approval of the Senior Facility Agent, acting reasonably and in consultation with the Independent Engineer; provided, that if the Senior Facility Agent shall not have approved or disapproved the Operating Budget within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof, such Operating Budget shall be deemed to have been approved; and provided, further that the Senior Facility Agent shall have neither the right nor the obligation to approve costs for Gas purchase contracts for the Project contained in the Operating Budget. If the Borrower does not have an effective annual Operating Budget before the beginning of any calendar year, until such proposed Operating Budget is approved, the Operating Budget most recently in effect shall continue to apply; provided, that (A) any items of the proposed Operating Budget that have been approved shall be given effect in substitution of the corresponding items in the Operating Budget most recently in effect, (B) costs for Gas purchase contracts for the Project shall be as provided by the Borrower and (C) all other items shall be increased by the lesser of (x) two and one-half percent (2.5%) and (y) the increase proposed by the Borrower for such item in such proposed Operating Budget.

  • Initial Budget The initial Budget shall be agreed upon by -------------- the parties before the execution of this Management Services Agreement and shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof.

  • Budget The System Agency allocated share by State Fiscal Year is as follows:

  • Projected Operating Budget Furnish Agent, no later than thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of Borrower’s fiscal years commencing with fiscal year 2010, a month by month projected operating budget and cash flow of Borrower on a condolidated and consolidating basis for such fiscal year (including an income statement for each month and a balance sheet as at the end of the last month in each fiscal quarter), such projections to be accompanied by a certificate signed by the President or Chief Financial Officer of Borrower to the effect that such projections have been prepared on the basis of sound financial planning practice consistent with past budgets and financial statements and that such officer has no reason to question the reasonableness of any material assumptions on which such projections were prepared.

  • Annual Budget (a) The Company and its Subsidiaries shall be operated in accordance with an annual budget, as it may be annually updated from time to time pursuant to this Section 3 (the “Annual Budget”). The initial Annual Budget for the period beginning on the Effective Date and ending on December 31, 2018, including the related variances, is attached hereto as Schedule B-1 (the “Initial Annual Budget”). For each Fiscal Year thereafter, the Asset Manager shall be responsible for preparing and submitting to the Company Board for approval as a Major Decision in accordance with the terms of the Company LLC Agreement a proposed updated Annual Budget, including the related variances. The Annual Budget shall be prepared by the Asset Manager in accordance with the protocols (including the preparation of the back-up materials on the timetable set forth therein) set forth on Schedule B-2 hereto (the “Budget Development Protocols”). The Annual Budget for each Fiscal Year shall be prepared with the same detail and line items as set forth in the Initial Annual Budget and such other detail as the members of the Company Board appointed by the Preferred Partners in accordance with Section 4.3(c) of the Parent LP Agreement (the “Preferred Board Members”) may reasonably request. In connection with the review of a proposed Annual Budget, the Preferred Board Members may reasonably request additional information regarding the materials supporting the proposed Annual Budget or such other information as is necessary or desirable to enable review of such proposed Annual Budget, and the Asset Manager shall provide such requested information. The Preferred Board Members shall consent to or reject the proposed Annual Budget, or request additional information (as provided for above), within ten (10) Business Days following (i) receipt of such proposed Annual Budget or (ii) receipt of all additional information that is, in the determination of the Preferred Board Members, necessary or desirable to enable review of such proposed Annual Budget. The Asset Manager shall comply with the Budget Development Protocols regarding the Preliminary Budget for each Fiscal Year. The Annual Budget shall be prepared and submitted annually by the Asset Manager no later than December 10, 2018 for the next Fiscal Year and thereafter by December 10 of each year with respect to the following Fiscal Year. The Annual Budget for each Fiscal Year shall include use of the pre-funded reserve amounts as shown on Schedule B-3 hereto for the four Fiscal Quarters comprising such Fiscal Year. In connection with the submission of the Annual Budget, the Asset Manager shall also prepare and submit to the Company Board an annual business plan for Parent and its Subsidiaries, including a responsible five-year operations forecast, including the operating metrics set forth on Schedule B-4 hereto (the “Annual Plan”). The Preferred Board Members, or their designated representatives, shall be provided reasonable access to all information, data, reports, models and analyses relied on in developing the Annual Plan (including, for the avoidance of doubt, all financial and silvicultural assumptions, constraints, supporting stand level data, merchantable timber volumes, pre-merchantable acres by species and age class, and acres by land classification).

  • Operating Budgets Manager has submitted to Owner, for Owner's ----------------- approval, a proposed operating budget for the ensuing partial fiscal year ("Operating Budget"). Hereafter, Manager shall, not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the commencement of each full fiscal year, submit to Owner, for Owner's approval, a proposed Operating Budget for the ensuing full or partial fiscal year, as the case may be. Each Operating Budget shall be accompanied by, and shall include, a business plan which shall describe business objectives and strategies for the period covered by the Operating Budget. The business plan shall include, without limitation, an analysis of the market area in which the Hotel competes, a comparison of the Hotel and its business with competitive hotels, an analysis of categories of potential guests, and a description of sales and marketing activities designed to achieve and implement identified objectives and strategies. Fee Owner shall have no right to approve any Operating Budget. Owner's approval of the Operating Budget shall not be unreasonably withheld and shall be deemed given unless a specific written objection thereto is delivered by Owner to Manager within fifteen (15) days after submission. Owner shall review the Operating Budget on a line-by-line basis. To be effective, any notice which disapproves a proposed Operating Budget must contain specific objections in reasonable detail to individual line items. If the initial Operating Budget contains disputed budget item(s), said item(s) shall be deemed adopted until Owner and Manager have resolved the item(s) objected to by Owner or the Accountant(s) (hereinafter defined in Section 10.02) have resolved the item(s) objected to by Owner. Thereafter, if Owner disapproves or raises objections to a proposed Operating Budget in the manner and within the time period provided therefor, and Owner and Manager are unable to resolve the disputed or objectionable matters submitted by Owner prior to the commencement of the applicable fiscal year, the undisputed portions of the proposed Operating Budget shall be deemed to be adopted and approved and the corresponding line item contained in the Operating Budget for the preceding fiscal year shall be adjusted as set forth herein and shall be substituted in lieu of the disputed items in the proposed Operating Budget. Those line items which are in dispute shall be determined by increasing the preceding fiscal year's corresponding line items by an amount determined by Manager which does not exceed the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor, U.S. City Average, all items (1984-1986=100) for the fiscal year prior to the fiscal year with respect to which the adjustment to the line item is being calculated or any successor or replacement index thereto. The resulting Operating Budget obtained in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be deemed to be the Operating Budget in effect until such time as Manager and Owner have resolved the items objected to by Owner.

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