Payment Vzorová ustanovení

Payment. The following replaces 1.6b:
Payment. The following paragraph is added after 1.6c as 1.6d:
Payment. Replace the above EMEA-wide text in 1.6b with the following:
Payment. Add the following paragraphs to 1.6b:
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b Add the following to the end of this section:
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b: The following replaces 1.12.1: The following replaces the first sentence in the second paragraph in this section: The following is added after the second paragraphs of both sections: The following is added to this section
Payment. If a Candidate signs a letter of intent or any similar kind of document or enters an employment contract or any other contract for cooperation with the Customer, the Customer shall inform Xxxxx of this fact and Candidate’s Remuneration. The information shall be provided to Antal by email, not later than within 3 days from the date of signing a letter or entering such contract. If the Customer provides incorrect data or fails to inform Xxxxx of entering cooperation or intention to do that, the Customer pays Xxxxx a contractual penalty of three times the Payment due under the Agreement. The Customer will pay Xxxxx a Payment specified in the Order. In particular: dni předcházejícímu datum vystavení faktury společností Antal nebo k jakémukoli jinému dni dohodnutému mezi klientem a společností Antal. Odměna uvedená v tomto bodě VOP bude navýšena o hodnotu DPH. Odměna a ostatní pohledávky budou splatné bankovním převodem na bankovní účet uvedený na faktuře do 14 dnů ode dne doručení faktury, pokud strany v listinné podobě nedohodly jiný termín splatnosti.
Payment. 3.1 Payment is to be made after delivery within 30 calendar days of the invoice date. Timeliness of payment is determined by receipt of payment.
Payment. Licensee agrees to pay Licensor the License Fee for each Program licensed hereunder as specified in the Schedule or Exhibit A, whether or not all telecasts authorized for each Program actually occur. The License Fee shall be paid in U.S. Dollars (unless as otherwise specified in the Schedule) and remitted to Licensor's account as specified in Licensor’s invoice(s). If all licensed telecasts for a Program are completed prior to full payment of the License Fee, Licensee agrees to pay Licensor the balance of the License Fee no later than the first day of the month following the last telecast. Licensee will make each payment no later than the date(s) specified in this Agreement, irrespective of its receipt of an invoice or other itemized list of amounts owed. Any payment not made within thirty (30) days of its due date shall, at Licensor's discretion, bear interest at fifteen percent (15%) per year but in no event greater than the maximum permitted by applicable law, such interest to accrue from the due date until paid. If Licensor engages the services of a collection agency or independent legal counsel to collect any past due monies owed by Licensee under this Agreement, Licensor will be entitled to full reimbursement from Licensee for all reasonable costs and expenses incurred in these collection efforts. Acceptance of any payment after its due date shall not constitute a waiver by Licensor of any of its rights except as to such payment.