TERMS OF PAYMENT. 4.1 Unless Licensee receives written notice from Licensor to the contrary, all payments to Licensor shall be made to Licensor's
TERMS OF PAYMENT. Charges for Services are due and payable annually and in advance. For Customers desiring to pay quarterly and in advance instead of annually and in advance, Customer must request a revised Quote which shall include a convenience fee increase of fifteen percent (15%) of the total annual charges, which convenience fee Customer agrees to pay. The convenience fee shall be prorated and charged to the four quarterly invoices. All charges are due net thirty (30) calendar days from the date of invoice or prior to the beginning of the applicable Coverage Period, whichever is earlier. Charges for Covered Products added during a Coverage Period shall be prorated to the remaining months of the Coverage Period, in whole month increments only, and such charges shall be due and payable in full upon receipt of invoice.
TERMS OF PAYMENT. 1. MU se zavazuje uhradit Poskytovateli odměnu za sjednaný předmět plnění v čl. I této Smlouvy ve výši ……… Kč a dále všechny související výdaje uvedené v čl. II této Smlouvy, jejichž celkovou výši předem MU odsouhlasila. Tuto smluvní odměnu a vzájemně odsouhlasené související vynaložené náklady dle čl. II této Smlouvy budou uhrazeny do 20ti dnů ode dne
1. MU undertakes to pay the Provider a remuneration for the agreed subject of performance in Article I of this Contract in the amount of CZK ……… and further all related expenses listed in Article II of this Agreement, the total amount of which has been agreed by MU in advance. This contractual remuneration and the mutually agreed related expenses according to Article dokončení plnění bezhotovostním převodem na číslo účtu Poskytovatele uvedeného v záhlaví této smlouvy, popřípadě v hotovosti na pokladně PdF MU.
2. MU se zavazuje nahradit Poskytovateli nezbytné účelně vynaložené cestovní výdaje, které mu vznikly v souvislosti s plněním jeho závazku dle čl. I této Smlouvy, na základě předložených dokladů v tomto rozsahu: Jízdní výdaje (vlak 2. třída, letadlo, autobus, osobní automobil za cenu veřejného dopravního prostředku) z adresy bydliště uvedené v této Smlouvě na MU a zpět. Výdaje za ubytování (nejvýše do částky Kč včetně DPH za 1 nocleh).
TERMS OF PAYMENT. 7.1. The contracting parties have agreed that the price for the work is to be paid as follows: - a deposit of 30 % of the purchase price without VAT shall be paid by the Client within 5 days of order or signature of this contract. - the balance of the price inclusive of VAT on the whole amount shall be paid by the Client within 30 days of handover of the finished work. The Client’s obligation to pay the price for the work shall be considered fulfilled at the instant when it is credited to the Contractor’s bank account specified at the head of this contract or on the relevant invoice.
7.2. The invoice for the price for the work in accordance with article 7.1. must contain all appurtenances required by Act No. 235/2004 Coll., and amendments, on value added tax. The Client is entitled to return an invoice which does not contain these appurtenances or if these appurtenances are incorrect or incomplete to the Contractor.
TERMS OF PAYMENT. 25% upon signature of the contract, not later than December 15th 2017 75% upon delivery and technical acceptance of broadcast material, not later than February 28th 2018
TERMS OF PAYMENT. 5.1 The Buyer shall pay the Purchase Price to the Supplier on the basis of proper invoicing in accordance with the Purchase Agreement.
5.2 Unless otherwise specified, the invoice shall have the essentials of a tax document as specified by law.
5.3 Unless otherwise specified, all invoices shall be payable 21 days from the date of delivery of the invoice. If, at the latest on the invoice due date, the funds are not credited to the Supplier’s account or paid in cash at the Supplier’s cash desk, the Buyer is obligated to pay to the Supplier, in addition to the due amount on the invoice, interest on late payment in the amount of 0.05 % of the invoiced amount for each day of delay until full payment.
5.4 In the event of the Buyer’s delay, the Supplier shall be entitled to suspend any further handling of Orders or Supplies of Goods and/or Services to the Buyer until all amounts due to the Supplier have been paid in full.
TERMS OF PAYMENT. 1. The purchase price of the pouches specified in Article III. hereof, shall be paid by the Buyer on the basis of the Seller’s a tax document (invoice). Each tax document (invoice) shall be issued to every individual delivery of the pouches.
2. The Seller shall submit a tax document( invoice) once the pouches have been delivered in accordance to the par. 1 of the Article V. (date of taxable fulfilment), i.e. the date of signature of the delivery note by the authorized person of Seller.
3. Kupující neposkytuje Prodávajícímu jakékoli zálohy na cenu.
4. Daňový doklad (faktura) musí obsahovat: - identifikační údaje smluvních stran; - číslo objednávky a dodacího listu; - specifikaci pouzder; - množství pouzder a příslušnou měrnou jednotku; - jednotkovou cenu pouzder; - celkovou cenu pouzder a všechny náležitosti řádného daňového dokladu dle příslušných právních předpisů a této Smlouvy. Součástí daňového dokladu (faktury) je kopie potvrzeného dodacího listu uskutečněné dodávky.
5. Splatnost daňového dokladu (faktury) je 30 (slovy: třicet) dní ode dne doručení faktury Kupujícímu. Prodávající je povinen doručit fakturu spolu se všemi požadovanými dokumenty na adresu Kupujícího uvedenou v této Smlouvě. Na každé faktuře bude uveden účet, na který má být platba provedena. Tento účet bude totožný s číslem účtu uvedeným v této Smlouvě. Zaplacením se pro účely této Smlouvy rozumí den odepsání příslušné částky z účtu Kupujícího.
6. V případě, že jakákoli faktura vystavená Prodávajícím nebude obsahovat potřebné náležitosti nebo bude obsahovat nesprávné či neúplné údaje, je Kupující oprávněn fakturu vrátit Prodávajícímu s uvedením důvodu vrácení, aniž se dostane do prodlení s placením. Nová lhůta splatnosti počíná běžet ode dne doručení řádně opravené či doplněné faktury Kupujícímu. 3. Seller does not provide Buyer with any advance payments to the price.
TERMS OF PAYMENT. The trainer has the right to pay the price after the RLP training has been properly carried out in its entirety according to the terms of the order and in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
TERMS OF PAYMENT. 7.1. The contracting parties have agreed that the price for the work is to be paid as follows: - the whole price inclusive of VAT on the whole amount shall be paid by the Client within 14 days of handover of the finished work. The Client’s obligation to pay the price for the work shall be considered fulfilled at the instant when it is credited to the Contractor’s bank account specified at the head of this contract or on the relevant invoice.
7.2. The invoice for the price for the work in accordance with article 7.1. must contain all appurtenances required by Act No. 235/2004 Coll., and amendments, on value added tax. The Client is entitled to return an invoice which does not contain these appurtenances or if these appurtenances are incorrect or incomplete to the Contractor.