Property Damage Vzorová ustanovení

Property Damage. Property Damage means physical loss of or damage to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use of such property.
Property Damage. Property Damage means physical loss of or damage to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use of such property. Missile means any npn-manned, self-propelled device (other than a Launch Vehicle) capable of free flight, whether self-controlled or not, and includes any ground support or control equipment used in connection therewith: ” After the arrival of a Missile at a launching site, such Missile shall be deemed not to be Owned by, loaned to, in the possession or control of or in flight by the Insured. When the Insmed removes a Missile from a launching site or recovers a Missile, after completion of its flight, for the purpose of returning it to the Insured's premises other than a launching site, such Missile shall be deemed to be in the possession or control ofthe. Insured until such Missile again arrives at a launching site or the Insured surrenders possession of such Missile to a person or organisation who is not an Insured imder this Section.