CARE Vzorová ustanovení

CARE. The Insured shall and will at all times exercise reasonable care in seeing that the ways, implements, plant, machinery and appliances used in the Insured’s business are substantial and sound and in proper order and fit for the purpose for which they are used, and that all reasonable safeguards and precautions against accidents are provided and used.
CARE. Gynaecological prevention (once a year) X X above the Urological check-up (once a year) X X Dermatological check-up (once a year) X X framework of Abdomen sonography (once a year) X X health insurance Cardiological check-up (once a year) X X
CARE. Apply leather grease or leather balm on a regular basis or if the leather looks or feels dry. Use a small amount and apply a thin and even layer, for example with a sponge. Wipe off the excess with a clean and dry cloth. Always try first on a small inconspicuous surface to see how the color changes before you treat the whole bag. Note that greasing will also soften the leather a bit. No pigment is used to conceal natural defects in the leather, which is why some scratches and imperfections may be visible. This is normal and adds character and is not to be seen as a defect. the artificial leather from Italy is highly resistant material. Fabric is resistant to abrasion and easy to clean. soft to the touch, soft hand-feel.
CARE. Artificial leather can be easily cleaned with warm soapy water using microfiber cloth or soft brush.

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