Renewal Vzorová ustanovení

Renewal. Approximately ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of any Coverage Period, Intergraph will submit to Customer a renewal Quote that includes pricing for the upcoming Coverage Period. Section 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the formation of the Agreement based on the renewal Quote as well as the maintenance service contract terms and conditions referenced therein or made available to Customer together with the renewal Quote. If the Agreement is not entered into based on the renewal Quote as well as the maintenance service contract terms and conditions referenced therein, Intergraph, after the preceding Coverage Period has expired, shall be entitled to discontinue coverage of the affected Covered Products by the Services, including access to system support or Knowledge Base, and/or end the ability of Customer to log or check support requests. 3.2
Renewal. Prior to expiration of the Coverage Period, Hexagon may submit to Customer a renewal quote with pricing for extension of the Coverage Period. The Parties may extend the Coverage Period pursuant to Order Documents. 2.2. Obnovení. Před uplynutím Doby pokrytí je společnost Hexagon oprávněna předložit Zákazníkovi obnovovací cenovou nabídku s cenami za prodloužení Doby pokrytí. Strany mohou prodloužit Dobu pokrytí podle Objednávkových dokumentů.