Settlement of disputes Vzorová ustanovení

Settlement of disputes. 14.5.1 All disputes arising out of the contract of freight forwarding or in connection with it, inclusive the question of its validity and its terminations, shall be settled, in the first place, by negotiation and agreement of the parties.
Settlement of disputes. 13.11.1 The Parties shall endeavour to settle their disputes amicably.
Settlement of disputes. 6.1. All disputes, discords and claims, which can arise between the Parties out of this Agreement or in connection with it, shall be settled through negotiations.
Settlement of disputes. 1. States Parties shall endeavour to settle disputes concerning the interpretation or application of this Protocol through negotiation.
Settlement of disputes. The Parties shall endeavour to settle their disputes amicably. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Consortium Agreement, which cannot be solved amicably, shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The place of arbitration shall be Vienna if not otherwise agreed by the conflicting Parties. The award of the arbitration will be final and binding upon the Parties.
Settlement of disputes. The Parties to the Agreement agree to pursue and strive for an amicable solution of their disuptes, discrepancies or claims under the Agreement, or of any other matter related to the Agreement. Should the Parties to the Agreement fail to reconcile any disputes or discrepancies within an appropriate period of time, not longer than thirty (30) days, these disputes or discrepancies shall be finally resolvedby three arbitrors from the Arbitration Court attached to the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic according to the order of this court. The place of the proceedings to be in Prague. Each Prarty of the Agreement shall appoint one arbitror from the list of arbitrors filed at the Arbitration Court attached to the Economic Chamberof the Czech Republic and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic. No later than thirty (30) days after they were nominated, the two elected arbitrors will nominate the third arbitror. Should they fail to do so, the third arbitror shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Arbitration Court. The Czech language shall be the language of the proceedings.