Termination of the Agreement Vzorová ustanovení

Termination of the Agreement. The Customer, as well as Xxxxx, may terminate the Agreement upon one month’s notice with effect from the end of the calendar month. In the form of a scan of a declaration signed by an authorized person, sent by e-mail. It is permissible to terminate all Orders in one letter, but in writing only. If the Customer, despite being called to cease the violations, breaches any provision of the Agreement or GTC, Antal may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect. The notice of termination should be made in writing; otherwise, it will be null and void. In such case, Xxxxx will receive the fee in the amount specified in the Order.
Termination of the Agreement. 1. This Contract is entered into for an indefinite period of time. 2. The Account Owner and/or the Cardholder may terminate the Agreement by a termination notice in writing delivered to the Bank in accordance with Article VI. of these Conditions (Delivery, Complaints). In case of termination of the Agreement by the Cardholder, it is obliged to notify the Program Administrator about such termination without delay. In case of termination of the Agreement by the Account Owner, it is obliged to notify the Cardholder about such termination without delay. In case of termination by the Cardholder or the Account Owner the termination shall be effective on the day it has been served. The Bank is entitled to terminate the 3. Banka je dále oprávněna vypovědět Smlouvu na základě písemné výpovědi učiněné v souladu s článkem čl. VIII odst. 6 těchto Podmínek. 4. Ukončení Smlouvy nemá žádný vliv na existenci povinností Majitele Účtu vůči bance (spočívající zejména v nezaplacených poplatcích či nevyrovnaném zůstatku), které vznikly za dobu existence Smlouvy. Tyto povinnosti se i nadále budou řídit Smlouvou, těmito Podmínkami a Všeobecnými obchodními podmínkami. 5. V případě, že Majitel Účtu vypoví smlouvu o běžném účtu, na xxxxxx xxxxxxx xx x Banky veden Účet, bude se taková výpověď automaticky považovat též za výpověď Smlouvy učiněnou Majitelem Účtu podle odstavce 2 tohoto článku. Pokud je však na základě takové smlouvy o běžném účtu u Banky vedeno více účtů, pak se předchozí věta uplatní pouze v případě, že Majitel Účtu vypoví takovou smlouvu alespoň v rozsahu týkajícím se Účtu. 6. Pokud bude smluvní vztah trvat kratší dobu než jeden rok a Majitel Účtu Smlouvu vypoví, je povinen zaplatit Bance úplatu za výpověď Smlouvy podle Sazebníku. 7. Majitel Účtu je povinen bez zbytečného odkladu po učinění výpovědi Smlouvy vrátit Kartu Bance.
Termination of the Agreement. This Agreement can be terminated before the expiry of its term in the form a written agreement of the Parties on termination of the Agreement or withdrawal from the Agreement in events of material violation of the Agreement and non-material violation of the Agreement.
Termination of the Agreement. (1) Unless agreed otherwise in writing, neither Party may terminate by notice the Agreement entered into for definite term. (2) Unless agreed otherwise in writing, the Agreement entered into for indefinite term may be terminated by notice even without stating any reason. The notice period shall be 12 (in words twelve) (in words twelve) months and shall start to run as of the first day following the day of delivery of notice to other Party. The notice has to be in written form and has to be delivered to the other Party. The Client shall pay to Mazars the remuneration according to Article IX for services that have been already provided. (3) Either Party is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement in case of substantial breach of the Agreement by the other Party. The withdrawal shall come into effect and the Agreement shall end as of the day of delivery of a written withdrawal notice to the other Party. The notion “substantial breach of the Agreement” shall have the same meaning as in Section 345 (2) of the Commercial Code as amended. In case of doubts, it shall be presumed that the breach of the Agreement is non- substantial. Neither Party is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement in case of non-substantial breach of the Agreement. (4) Article 17 (4) second sentence of Act No. 78/1992 Coll. on Tax Advisors and the Slovak Chamber of Tax Advisors as amended shall not apply. (5) In case the Client fails to accept the result of the provided services or, is in delay with receipt of the services provided by Mazars, or the Client fails to provide assistance to Mazars or the Client fails to pay the remuneration to Mazars in due date in breach of the Agreement and/or this Terms and Conditions, Mazars is authorized to withdraw from the Agreement with (5) V prípade, ak Klient neprijme výsledok poskytnutých služieb alebo je v omeškaní s prijatím služieb poskytnutých zo strany Mazars, alebo ak Klient neposkytne súčinnosť Mazars alebo nezaplatí odmenu v čase splatnosti, čím poruší Zmluvu a/alebo tieto VOP, Mazars je oprávnený s okamžitým účinkom odstúpiť od Zmluvy. V prípade, ak Mazars nevyužije svoje právo odstúpiť, je oprávnený účtovať Klientovi dodatočné práce a škodu spôsobenú nedostatkom súčinnosti Klienta. (6) Výpoveď Zmluvy, odstúpenie od Zmluvy alebo akýkoľvek iný právny úkon, ktorého následkom je ukončenie Zmluvy musí mať písomnú formu, za ktorú sa na tieto účely považuje výlučne listinná (papierová)forma.
Termination of the Agreement. This Agreement shall be terminated by
Termination of the Agreement. 5.1. The Client may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving 1 month's written notice. The Provider may terminate the Agreement at any time by giving 2 months' notice. The notice period shall commence on the day following the date of delivery of the notice. Upon termination of the contractual relationship, the available funds will be paid to the account designated by the Client (in person, electronically with a guaranteed electronic signature or in writing with an officially certified signature), no later than 30 days after the expiry of the notice period.
Termination of the Agreement. 7.01 The Customer, as well as Xxxxx, may terminate the Agreement upon one month’s notice with effect from the end of the calendar month. In the form of a scan of a declaration signed by an authorized person, sent by e-mail. It is permissible to terminate all Orders in one letter, but in writing only. 7.02 If the Customer, despite being called to cease the violations, breaches any provision of the Agreement or GTC, Xxxxx xxx terminate the Agreement with immediate effect. The notice of termination should be made in writing; otherwise, it will be null and void. In such case, Xxxxx will receive the fee in the amount specified in the Order. 8.02 Informácie sa nepovažujú za dôverné, ak sú všeobecne známe alebo ak ich Klient nadobudol od tretích osôb legálnym spôsobom, bez nutnosti dodržať tajomstvo, alebo ak ich zverejnenia priamo vyplýva z právnych predpisov. 8.03 Klient sa zaväzuje dodržať tajomstvo, x. x. xxxxxxxxxxxxx žiadnym osobám, subjektom, ani verejnosti žiadne informácie podľa bodu 8.01.
Termination of the Agreement. 1. This Contract is entered into for an indefinite period of time. 2. The Account Owner and/or the Cardholder may terminate the Agreement by a termination notice in writing delivered to the Bank in accordance with Article
Termination of the Agreement. 1. Either Party may terminate this Agreement with sixty (60) days written notice to the other Party. The notice period begins on the day of delivery of written notice. 2. PROVIDER may terminate this Agreement effective upon written notice: a) any declarations made by RECIPIENT in this Agreement are untrue, incomplete or inaccurate, b) RECIPIENT will use Human Material and Data for other purpose than the Research Project or will transfer Human Material and Data to any third party contrary to the provisions of this Agreement, c) RECIPIENT will not pay reimbursement according to art. II para 1 of this Agreement within an additionally provided period not shorter than fifteen (15) days. 3. In case of breach of RECIPIENT´s obligation to use Human Material and Data only for the purpose of this Research Project stated in this Agreement RECIPIENT is obliged to pay 5.000 CZK ( five thousand czech crowns) for each sample including data associated with sample to PROVIDER as penalty for each violation within 30 days after receiving written notice from PROVIDER. RECIPIENT is not relieved from liability by paying of penalty to the extent to which the damage caused exceeds the penalty.
Termination of the Agreement. 1. The Agreement is entered into for an indefinite period of time. 2. The Agreement terminates upon expiry of the Card’s expiration date, unless the Card is replaced by a new Card. In such case the Agreement terminates only upon expiry of the expiration date of such new Card (unless it is replaced by a new Card). 3. The Agreement further terminates upon cancellation of the Card occurring before the expiry of its expiration date. Such cancellation occurs: (a) upon request of the Account Owner made on their behalf by the Program Administrator, Cardholder or other authorized person; or (b) automatically if the employment or similar relationship of the Cardholder with the Account Owner terminates. 4. The Account Owner may terminate the Agreement by a termination notice in writing delivered to the Bank in accordance with Article VI. of these Conditions (Delivery, Complaints). The Account Owner is obliged to notify the Cardholder about such termination without delay.. The effects of the termination shall commence on the date of its delivery to the Bank. The Bank is entitled to terminate the Agreement by a termination notice in writing delivered to the Account Owner in accordance with Article VI. of these Conditions (Delivery, Complaints). In such case the termination period is 2 months and begins to run on the day of delivery of the termination notice to the Account Owner. Agreement termination shall not affect the existence of the Account Owner’s obligations towards the Bank (obligations primarily involving any outstanding fees or unsettled balances) incurred during the existence of the Agreement. The obligations shall continue to be governed by the Agreement, these Conditions and the General Conditions. 5. The Bank may further terminate the Agreement with immediate effect upon delivery of termination notice to the Account Owner if: (a) the Account Owner or the Cardholder breaches the Agreement or these Conditions; or (b) a motion is filed against the Account Owner for the commencement of insolvency proceedings (regardless of whether the proposal for the commencement of insolvency proceedings is filed by the Account Owner or any third party). 5. Banka je dále oprávněna vypovědět Xxxxxxx s okamžitou účinnosti na základě výpovědi doručené Majiteli účtu, pokud: (a) Majitel účtu nebo Držitel karty poruší Smlouvu nebo tyto Podmínky; nebo (b) je proti Majiteli účtu podán návrh na zahájení insolvenčního řízení (ať už je takový návrh na zahájení insolvenčního řízení po...