Termination of the Agreement Vzorová ustanovení

Termination of the Agreement. The Customer, as well as Xxxxx, may terminate the Agreement upon one month’s notice with effect from the end of the calendar month. In the form of a scan of a declaration signed by an authorized person, sent by e-mail. It is permissible to terminate all Orders in one letter, but in writing only. If the Customer, despite being called to cease the violations, breaches any provision of the Agreement or GTC, Antal may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect. The notice of termination should be made in writing; otherwise, it will be null and void. In such case, Xxxxx will receive the fee in the amount specified in the Order.
Termination of the Agreement. 1. This Contract is entered into for an indefinite period of time.
Termination of the Agreement. 1. Either Party may terminate this Agreement with sixty (60) days written notice to the other Party. The notice period begins on the day of delivery of written notice. 2. PROVIDER may terminate this Agreement effective upon written notice: a) any declarations made by RECIPIENT in this Agreement are untrue, incomplete or inaccurate, b) RECIPIENT will use Human Material and Data for other purpose than the Research Project or will transfer Human Material and Data to any third party contrary to the provisions of this Agreement, c) RECIPIENT will not pay reimbursement according to art. II para 1 of this Agreement within an additionally provided period not shorter than fifteen (15) days. 3. In case of breach of RECIPIENT´s obligation to use Human Material and Data only for the purpose of this Research Project stated in this Agreement RECIPIENT is obliged to pay 5.000 CZK ( five thousand czech crowns) for each sample including data associated with sample to PROVIDER as penalty for each violation within 30 days after receiving written notice from PROVIDER. RECIPIENT is not relieved from liability by paying of penalty to the extent to which the damage caused exceeds the penalty.
Termination of the Agreement. (1) Unless agreed otherwise in writing, neither Party may terminate by notice the Agreement entered into for definite term.
Termination of the Agreement. 1. This Agreement shall be terminated by a) written agreement between the Parties, b) written notice of one of the Parties, even without providing any reason for the notice and with the notice period of six months, c) the withdrawal from the Agreement for 2. Kupující může odstoupit od Smlouvy, jestliže se Prodávající ocitne v prodlení s dodáním pouzder xx xxxx xxxxx xxx 0 (xxxxx: jeden) měsíc. 3. Každá z obou Smluvních stran má právo od Smlouvy odstoupit, a to na základě písemného oznámení doručeného druhé Xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx-xx xxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx způsobem ujednání této Smlouvy, nebo jedná-li v rozporu s dobrými mravy. Právo na náhradu škody strany odstupující není odstoupením dotčeno. Odstoupením od této Smlouvy nedochází ke zrušení smluvního vztahu od samého počátku; vzájemná plnění, která si Smluvní strany do ukončení Smlouvy odstoupením od Smlouvy poskytly, si obě Xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx. 0. Smluvní strany v případě ukončení Smlouvy zpracují vyúčtování vzájemných plnění a pohledávek/závazků a provedou finanční vypořádání ve lhůtě 2 (slovy: dvou) měsíců od ukončení Smlouvy. 5. Navzdory ostatním ustanovením této Smlouvy přetrvají v platnosti po vypršení nebo ukončení této Smlouvy tyto články: článek VII., článek IX., článek X. a článek XII. reasons set forth in this article. 2. The Buyer is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement if the delivery of the pouches from the Seller is delayed for over one (1) month. 3. Each of the Parties is entitled to withdraw from this Agreement by delivery of a written notice of withdrawal to the other Party, if the other Party is in serious breach of this Agreement or if the other Party acts in contradiction with good manners. The withdrawing Party’s right to claim damages is not affected. Withdrawal from this Agreement does not terminate the contractual relation from the beginning of this Agreement or mutual fulfilments already completed before the withdrawal. Completed fulfilments shall remain in the possession of both Parties. 4. In case of a withdrawal, both Parties shall produce accounting breakdown including individual completed fulfilments and receivables/obligations and shall settle these issues within two (2) months following the withdrawal. 5. Despite any other provision of this Agreement, the following Articles shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement: Article VII, Article IX, Article X, Article XII. X.
Termination of the Agreement. 1. This Contract is entered into for an indefinite period of time. 2. The Account Owner and/or the Cardholder may terminate the Agreement by a termination notice in writing delivered to the Bank in accordance with Article VI. of these Conditions (Delivery, Complaints). In case of termination of the Agreement by the Cardholder, it is obliged to notify the Program Administrator about such termination without delay. In case of termination of the Agreement by the Account Owner, it is obliged to notify the Cardholder about such termination without delay. In case of termination by the Cardholder or the Account Owner the termination shall be effective on the day it has been served. The Bank is entitled to terminate the
Termination of the Agreement. 7.01 The Customer, as well as Xxxxx, may terminate the Agreement upon one month’s notice with effect from the end of the calendar month. In the form of a scan of a declaration signed by an authorized person, sent by e-mail. It is permissible to terminate all Orders in one letter, but in writing only.
Termination of the Agreement. 1. This Contract is entered into for an indefinite period of time. 2. The Account Owner and/or the Cardholder may terminate the Agreement by a termination notice in writing delivered to the Bank in accordance with Article VI. of these Conditions (Delivery, Complaints). In case of termination of the Agreement by the Cardholder, it is obliged to notify the Program Administrator about such termination without delay. In case of termination of the Agreement by the Account Owner, it is obliged to notify
Termination of the Agreement. 1/ This Agreement can be terminated before the expiry of its term in the form a written agreement of the Parties on termination of the Agreement or withdrawal from the Agreement in events of material violation of the Agreement and non-material violation of the Agreement.
Termination of the Agreement. 5.1. The Client may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving 1 month's written notice. The Provider may terminate the Agreement at any time by giving 2 months' notice. The notice period shall commence on the day following the date of delivery of the notice. Upon termination of the contractual relationship, the available funds will be paid to the account designated by the Client (in person, electronically with a guaranteed electronic signature or in writing with an officially certified signature), no later than 30 days after the expiry of the notice period.