Confidentiality. 14.1. Novum confirms that any information about the Customer and Customer relationship are confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties without the prior written consent of the Customer. Notwithstanding the above, Novum is entitled to disclose information about the Customer and the Customer relationship with SKAT, Novum’s auditors, lawyers, external debt collection companies and other advisers, as well as third parties to whom the Loan Agreement has been transferred provided that such disclosure is required for the third parties' performance of duties.
Confidentiality. The parties are mutually obliged to treat as confidential any and all knowledge, material and information about the other party as well as information received from the other party in connection with the performance of the work. All employees in Beierholm are bound by a duty of confidentiality. Parterne må ikke i nogen form videregive den anden parts fortro- lige oplysninger til tredjemand, medmindre: – Der gives samtykke hertil – Oplysningerne er af en sådan karakter, at de er bestemt til videregivelse – Videregivelse sker til anden rådgiver under fortrolighedsfor- pligtelse, og videregivelse er nødvendig for opgavens udførsel – Videregivelse sker til opfyldelse af en pligt i henhold til gæl- dende lov, regulering eller gyldigt påbud fra myndighederne. Uanset fortrolighedsforpligtelsen er Beierholm berettiget til at anvende Kundens navn og en kort beskrivelse af opgaven i for- bindelse med markedsføring af Beierholm. Det er Beierholms politik at opretholde et højt sikkerhedsniveau omkring enhver kommunikation, hvad enten den er i brevform eller elektronisk, men Beierholm kan ikke gøres ansvarlig for sikker- heds- og fortrolighedsbrister ved transmission via elektroniske kommunikationsmidler.
Confidentiality. Hver Part accepterer at holde den anden Parts Fortrolige Oplysninger fortrolige og vil ikke offentliggøre eller benytte sådanne Fortrolige Oplysninger ud over i det omfang, det er nødvendigt for, at vedkommende kan benytte sine udtrykkelige rettigheder og udøve sine udtrykkelige forpligtelser herunder. En Parts offentliggørelse af den anden Parts Fortrolige Oplysninger må kun ske til de medarbejdere eller konsulenter, der har behov at have kendskab til sådanne oplysninger i forbindelse hermed og som har accepteret at holde de Fortrolige Oplysninger fortrolige som anført heri. Til trods for det foregående må en Part offentliggøre den anden Parts Fortrolige Oplysninger i det omfang, det er påkræveti henhold til en retskendelse eller et påkrav fra en domstol, en forvaltningsmyndighed eller anden statslig myndighed, forudsat at sådan Part, i det omfang lovgivningen tillader det, omgående giver den anden Part meddelelse om sådan kendelse eller påkrav, så denne Part kan søge om et forbud eller et tilsvarende retsmiddel. Hver Parts fortrolighedsforpligtelser i henhold til denne Aftale vil fortsætte i en periode på tre (3) år efter denne Aftales ophør, dog således at hver Parts forpligtelser fortsat vil være gældende derefter så længe eventuelle Fortrolige Oplysninger fortsat udgør en forretningshemmelighed efter gældende lovgivning. Parterne anerkender og accepterer, at Qlik-produkterne og alle prisoplysninger skal behandles som Qliks Fortrolige Oplysninger. Kunden vil opretholde rimelig adgangskontrol og systemstikkerhed til at sikre Qlik- produkterne.
Confidentiality. The parties are mutually obliged to treat confidentially any knowl- edge, materials and information about the other party as well as any information received from the other party in connection with the performance of the work. All Beierholm’s employees are bound by a duty of confidentiality. The parties may not in any way or form disclose the other party’s confidential information to a third party, unless: – the other party consents to this; – the information is of such a nature that it is intended for disclosure; – the information is disclosed to another adviser bound by a duty of confidentiality and disclosure is necessary for the performance of the engagement; or – the disclosure is required by law. Notwithstanding the duty of confidentiality, Beierholm is entitled to use the Client’s name and a brief description of the engage- ment for marketing purposes. It is Xxxxxxxxx’x policy to maintain a high level of security in re- spect of any communication, whether in letter or electronic form. However, Beierholm cannot be held liable for any security or con- fidentiality breach in connection with transmission via electronic means of communication.
Confidentiality. 1. The Purchaser is obliged to keep all information that become known in connection with the performance of the Agreement as confidential, neither to use it for his own or third parties’ purposes outside of the Agreement nor to make it available to third parties. This obligation applies for the duration of this contractual relationship as well as after its termination. The Purchaser shall impose this obligation of confidentiality, including the prohibition of use, on his employees and other representatives and agents. Further confidentiality obligations of any confiden- tiality agreement or development agreement concluded between the parties shall remain unaffected.
2. The obligation to maintain confidentiality and the prohibition of use shall not apply if and to the extent that the information (i) was already known to the Purchaser before disclosure by the Supplier, (ii) is, at the date of con- clusion of the Agreement, generally available or will thereafter be made generally available, (iii) is made available to the Purchaser from a third party lawfully entitled to do so or (iv) is required to be disclosed to any authorities for the purposes of the Agreement, or to a court, or on the basis of any statutory obligations, provided that, if legally permissible, the Purchaser first gives prompt notice to the Supplier to permit him to oppose such require- ment prior to disclosure.
Confidentiality. 10.1 Neither party may, without the other party’s approval, provide third parties with documents or otherwise disclose information of a confidential character about the Agreement or the other party, unless disclosure is necessary for the performance of the Agreement. The parties shall enter into non-disclosure agreements with its employees or take other appropriate measures to ensure that confidentiality is maintained. The confidentiality undertaking does not apply to information, which a party can demonstrate was duly brought to its notice other than by the Agreement, or which is commonly known. The confidentiality undertaking shall remain in full force and effect after the termination of this Agreement.
Confidentiality. 11.1 The Processor will ensure that the persons authorised to Process Personal Data have committed themselves to the same duty of confidentiality as the Processor under the DPA.
Confidentiality. 11.1. All information regarding the collaboration is treated confidentially by both parties and must not be disclosed to third parties without prior permission from the other party, except as stated in point 10.
11.2. The parties' confidentiality obligation applies during the collaboration and without time limitation after the termination of the agreement.
Confidentiality. All items such as drawings, sketches, notes, prototypes, models, sundry technical information and know-how received by the Supplier from Air Liquide in conjunction with the Delivery or otherwise, shall constitute confidential material and may not be used for any other purpose than for which it was provided. Confidential material may not, without Air Liquide's prior written approval, be copied, reproduced, submitted to a third party or in any other way be disclosed to a third party. Confidential material provided to the Supplier shall be immediately returned to Air Liquide upon the expiry of the Agreement or upon Air Liquide's request. The Supplier's know-how that Air Liquide becomes aware of in conjunction with the Delivery shall be treated by Air Liquide as confidential material upon the Supplier's request.
Confidentiality. Begge Parter skal beskytte den anden Parts Fortrolige Oplysninger med den samme grad af omhu, som Parten bruger til at beskytte sine egne Fortrolige Oplysninger, men under ingen omstændigheder med mindre end en rimelig grad af omhu. Den modtagende Part må ikke: (i) anvende Fortrolige Oplysninger til formål, der ligger uden for denne Aftales anvendelsesområde, eller (ii) frivilligt videregive fortrolige oplysninger, undtagen til ansatte, kontrahenter og agenter, hvilket anses som nødvendigt for at kunne opfylde sine forpligtelser i henhold til denne Aftale. Til trods for det foregående må en Part offentliggøre den anden Parts Fortrolige Oplysninger i det omfang, det er påkrævet i henhold til en retskendelse eller et påkrav fra en domstol, en forvaltningsmyndighed eller anden statslig myndighed, forudsat at sådan Part, i det omfang lovgivningen tillader det, omgående giver den anden Part meddelelse om sådan kendelse eller påkrav, så denne Part kan søge om et forbud eller et tilsvarende retsmiddel. Hver Parts fortrolighedsforpligtelser i henhold til denne Aftale vil fortsætte i en periode på tre (3) år efter denne Aftales ophør, dog således at hver Parts forpligtelser fortsat vil være gældende derefter så længe eventuelle Fortrolige Oplysninger fortsat udgør en forretningshemmelighed efter gældende lovgivning. Parterne anerkender og er enige om, at Qlik Produkterne, Tjenester, og Dokumentationen, og alle prisoplysninger er Qlik's Fortrolige Oplysninger. Each Party shall protect the other Party’s Confidential Information using the same degree of care used to protect its own confidential information, but in no event less than a reasonable degree of care. The receiving Party shall not: (i) use Confidential Information for any purpose outside the scope of this Agreement, or (ii) voluntarily disclose Confidential Information except to employees, contractors and agents as required to perform its obligations under the Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party may disclose the other Party’s Confidential Information to the extent that it is required to be disclosed in accordance with an order or requirement of a court, administrative agency or other governmental body, provided that such Party, to the extent permitted by law, provides the other Party with prompt notice of such order or requirement in order that it may seek a protective order. Each Party’s confidentiality obligations hereunder will continue for a period of three (3) years following any terminati...