Personal data eksempelklausuler
Personal data. Beierholm respects our Clients’ expectations for personal data protection and confidentiality. Beierholm collects and processes personal data in accordance with applicable legislation, including the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Danish Data Protection Act (Databeskyttelsesloven) and special legisla- tion, including the Danish Act on Approved Auditors and Audit Firms. Beierholm uses data processors for storage and processing of personal data received from the Client or its representative. On conclusion of the Agreement, the Client accepts that Beierholm may disclose the Client’s data to affiliated companies as well as member firms in Beierholm’s international network to the ex- tent necessary for the provision of the agreed Services and/or in connection with the handling of the Client’s interests. If this concerns confidential or sensitive personal data, written consent must be obtained from the Client.
Personal data. Beierholm collects and processes personal data in accordance with applicable law, including the Danish Act on Processing of Personal Data and the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Beierholm respects its clients’ expectations as to data protec- tion and confidentiality. Beierholm may disclose client data to affiliated companies and members of Beierholm’s international network where this is necessary to provide the agreed services and/or for purposes of safeguarding the client’s interests. Where Beierholm is the processor of personal data, reference is made to Annex B to these general terms of business.
Personal data surname and name - date of birth ................................................................................................................................... - place, municipality and country of birth ....................................................................................... - last place of residence in the state of the Requested Party ...........................................................
Personal data. 9.1 The Customer warrants that the disclosure obli- gation in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation to those registered persons in the mate- rial to be used for the supplier's solution and subse- quent storage of the task of the supplier, has been observed.
Personal data. 11.1 Seller draws the attention to the fact that customer's personal information is left to external carrier to meet our delivery conditions.
11.2 Buyer's personal information is securely stored on our sealed drive.
Personal data surname and name......................................................................................................................... - name of father or mother............................................................................................................... - date of birth.................................................................................................................................... - place and country of birth..............................................................................................................