Instructions eksempelklausuler

Instructions. (a) The processor shall process personal data only on documented instructions from the controller, unless required to do so by Union or Member State law to which the processor is subject. In this case, the processor shall inform the controller of that legal requirement before processing, unless the law prohibits this on important grounds of public dataansvarlige under hele behandlingen af personoplysninger. Disse instrukser skal altid dokumenteres. (b) Databehandleren underretter straks den dataansvarlige, hvis instrukser fra den dataansvarlige efter databehandlerens opfattelse er i strid med Forordning (EU) 2016/679/Forordning (EU) 2018/1725 eller de gældende databeskyttelsesbe stemmelser i anden EU-ret eller medlemsstaternes nationale ret. interest. Subsequent instructions may also be given by the controller throughout the duration of the processing of personal data. These instructions shall always be documented.
Instructions. (a) The processor shall process personal data only on documented instructions from the controller, unless required to do so by Union or Member State law to which the processor is subject. In this case, the processor shall inform the controller of that legal requirement before processing, unless the law prohibits this on important grounds of public interest. Subsequent instructions may also be given by the controller dataansvarlige under hele behandlingen af personoplysninger. Disse instrukser skal altid dokumenteres. (b) Databehandleren underretter straks den dataansvarlige, hvis instrukser fra den dataansvarlige efter databehandlerens opfattelse er i strid med Forordning (EU) 2016/679/Forordning (EU) 2018/1725 eller de gældende databeskyttelsesbe stemmelser i anden EU-ret eller medlemsstaternes nationale ret. throughout the duration of the processing of personal data. These instructions shall always be documented.
Instructions. 6.1 The Supplier’s processing of personal data on behalf of the Municipality shall only take place according to documented instructions, cf. Appendix 3. [It is the Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that the Municipality’s instructions, cf. Appendix 3, are sent to any sub-processors, cf. section 5.3.] [See comments] 6.2 As of 25 May 2018, the Supplier shall immediately notify the Municipality if an instruction, in the Supplier’s opinion, violates legislation, cf. section 1.2. [See comments]
Instructions. The Processor shall only process personal data on instructions from the Controller. By entering into this Agreement, the Controller instructs the Processor to perform any processing activities required to meet the agreed obligations of the Standard Conditions and thus make the agreed products and services available to the Customer. The Processor may not process the personal data provided to him for his own purposes. The Processor may, however, process personal data without being instructed to do so by the Controller’s if this is required under EU or member state law.
Instructions. These instructions contain, with a reference to the provisions of the contract, a description of the Danish Rent Act in force. A number of provisions in the Danish Rent Act cannot be derogated from to the detriment of the tenant while other provisions can be derogated from by agreement. In these instructions a shadow text emphasises the particular areas where the landlord and the tenant may Agree differently than stipulated in the ordinary provisions of the Act. Such agreements may cause the tenant to have fewer rights or impose more obligations on him than the ordinary provisions of the Act. The instructions are not exhaustive. To s. 1 of the tenancy agreement: The parties and the premises The protection of the Danish Rent Act. Subletting.
Instructions. 4.1 Given the scope of the work to be performed and sup­ ported by the Controller, personal data will be processed in various ways under the agreement between the Par­ ties. The Controller is obliged positively to state whether any special conditions must be taken into consideration in connection with the provision of the service. 4.2 The Processor will act only on the documented instruc­ tions of the Controller. The Processor will ensure that the personal data transferred to it are not used for other purposes or processed in other ways than those set out in the Controller’s instructions. Any processing required for purposes of providing the services set out in the cooperation agreement is considered documented. 4.3 The Controller have the responsibility to secure, that the processing required according to this agreement, happens legally and with relevant and adequate security measures. If, in the opinion of the Processor, the instructions are inconsistent with the Danish Act on Processing of Xxx­ xxxxx Data or the General Data Protection Regulation, the Processor will inform the Controller of such inconsistency. 4.4 This Agreement and other agreements on the provision of services comprise all such personal data as are re­ quired for the provision of the service. In this connection, reference is made to the engagment letter or other more detailed descriptions of the service. 4.5 If the Processor processes, in full or in part, personal data using remote connections, including home workstations, the Processor undertakes to lay down guidelines for its employees’ processing of personal data using remote con­ nections, which connections, moreover, must comply with the requirements set out in the Agreement. 4.6 Where possible, the Processor will assist the Controller in fulfilling its obligations to respond to requests con­ cerning the exercise of the data subject’s rights, including requests for access to or rectification, restriction or erasure of personal data, where the relevant personal data are processed by the Processor. Where the Proces­ sor receives such a request from the data subject, the Processor will inform the Controller. 4.7 The Controller will pay any costs incurred by the Proces­ sor in providing such assistance, see clause 4.6, including costs for the subprocessor. Any assistance provided by the Processor will be settled based on the Processor’s hourly rates in force from time to time for the provision of such services.

Related to Instructions

  • Dokumentation Når ting er brændt eller stjålet, kan det være svært nøjagtig at huske tingenes værdi, udseende eller hvornår de er købt. For at få erstatning, skal du kunne dokumentere eller sandsynliggøre, at du har haft de beskadigede eller stjålne ting. Du skal også kunne dokumentere, hvornår tingene er købt og til hvilken pris. Hvis du ikke kan dokumentere eller sandsynliggøre dit erstatningskrav, kan DFA afvise kravet eller fastsætte erstatningen efter et skøn. I egen interesse bør du derfor gemme dokumentation for køb af alle nye ting, og i mindst 5 år for mere langvarige forbrugsgoder. Dokumentationen kan være kvitteringer, regninger eller købekontrakter. Er tingene købt privat, skal du sikre dig en dateret overdragelseserklæring, hvor det fremgår, hvad der er købt og til hvilken pris. Overdragelseserklæringen skal indeholde navn og adresse på både køber og sælger.