Processing of personal data eksempelklausuler

Processing of personal data. 9.1. When applying for credit at Novum, the Customer is registered in Novum’s system. It is stated in this connection that Novum is data controller in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and Novum’s privacy policy. Novum registers the customer's name, e- mail address, postal address, CPR number, phone number and credit information. In addition, Novum collects and processes information for the purpose of assessing the customer's creditworthiness, for the conclusion of the Loan Agreement and registers information at KreditStatus as detailed in 9.4 below. The information collected is further processed for Novum to fulfill its obligations to prevent and prevent money-laundering, terrorist financing (under the Money Laundering Act) and to detect and prevent fraud. 9.2. In addition, the collected information is also processed to ensure and improve the quality of 9.3. The processing of the information is necessary for the fulfillment of the Loan Agreement.
Processing of personal data. 12.1. 1260 A/S processes personal data in accordance with applicable legislation. 12.2. 1260 A/S retains the information for as long as necessary for the purpose for which it is processed. 1260 A/S neither discloses, sells, nor otherwise transfers information to third parties unless the customer and/or the data subject has given consent to this.
Processing of personal data. 3.1 Processor and the person(s) working under Controller’s management undertake to treat only Personal Data according to documented instructions by Controller and in accordance with Applicable Data Protection. Controller’s original instructions to the Processor about the subject and duration of the treatment, the nature and purpose of the treatment, the type of personal data and categories of registered are listed here:

Related to Processing of personal data

  • Behandling af personoplysninger Vi behandler dine personoplysninger fortroligt og i overensstemmelse med gældende lovgivning. Når du tegner en forsikring hos os, indhenter vi en række oplysninger i forbindelse med indtegning, anmeldelse af skade og brug af vores digitale platforme, f.eks. CPR-nr., telefonnummer, e-mailadresse, medlemskab af Sygeforsikringen ”danmark”, branche, beskæftigelse, civilstatus og eventuelle helbredsoplysninger. Disse oplysninger anvendes til at oprette og administrere forsikringen til brug ved skadesanmeldelse og i den løbende sagsbehandling, for at sikre bedst mulig service og som led i salgsstyring, produktudvikling, kvalitets- sikring, rådgivning og fastlæggelse af generel brugeradfærd. Vi opbevarer de indsamlede oplysninger, så længe det er nødvendigt og i henhold til gældende lovgivning. Du kan altid kontakte os, hvis du ønsker at få oplyst, hvilke personoplysninger vi har registreret om dig. Xx har ret til at få ændret forkerte oplysninger. På vores hjemmeside xx-xxxxxxx.xx kan du læse mere om datasikkerhed, og hvordan vi behandler dine personoplysninger. Vi videregiver i visse tilfælde personoplysninger om dig til de leverandører, som vi samarbejder med.