Delivery and return of Mobile Containers Musterklauseln

Delivery and return of Mobile Containers. 2.4.1 Insofar as the mobile containers are delivered to the customer by a carrier, the unloading of the truck shall be carried out by the driver of the carrier usually by means of a truck-mounted forklift. Sufficient space for unloading shall be ensured by the customer. The mobile containers are usually handed over to the customer in loading aids (pallets). 2.4.2 After the goods have been withdrawn, the mobile containers shall be returned without delay to the Air Liquide site or distributor from which they came, together with all fittings and in due and proper condition. The return to the Air Liquide site can also take place by handing over the emptied mobile containers to the driver of the carrier. For this purpose, the customer shall make the mobile containers available in loading aids (pallets) at an easily accessible location in the immediate vicinity of the loading point for collection by the carrier. The transport risk shall be borne by the customer. 2.4.3 A delivery note is issued for the return. If the customer is a merchant, he/she can only prove that he/she has returned the mobile containers by presenting the delivery note. 2.4.4 If the customer returns mobile containers other than those provided or returns them to any Air Liquide site or distributor other than the one agreed, this shall not release the customer from his/her obligation to pay rent for and return mobile containers. 2.4.5 If the return of mobile containers supplied is not made by the customer or by a third party commissioned by the customer, we shall credit the customer to whom the mobile container is actually attributable the container that is returned to stock, and will charge a handling fee for each container. The same will apply if the container is returned by a recipient of the customer other than the customer or customer’s recipient to whom the mobile container is actually attributable. The rent for the returned containers shall be due up to the date of the stock credit note. 2.4.6 If the customer is in default of payment, we have the right at any time to require that mobile containers be returned. Insofar the customer has no right of retention of the mobile containers. 2.4.7 In the event that, by way of an exception, we take back full cylinders, we may credit the customer, subject of examination for complete filling and damages with the value of the goods ex the agreed Air Liquide site or distributor after deduction of our costs. No credit will be given for residual amounts ...

Related to Delivery and return of Mobile Containers

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  • Währung, Emissionsvolumen und Laufzeit der Wertpapiere Die Abwicklungswährung der Wertpapiere ist Euro ("EUR"). Emissionsvolumen: 500.000 Wertpapiere Die Wertpapiere haben eine festgelegte Laufzeit. Mit den Wertpapieren verbundene Rechte Form und Inhalt der Wertpapiere sowie alle Rechte und Pflichten der Emittentin und der Wertpapierinhaber bestimmen sich nach dem Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Form und Inhalt der Garantie und alle Rechte und Pflichten hieraus bestimmen sich nach dem Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Wertpapiere berechtigen jeden Inhaber von Wertpapieren zum Erhalt eines potenziellen Ertrags aus den Wertpapieren.