Product Liability and Recall Musterklauseln

Product Liability and Recall. 12.1 If a claim is raised against MEUSBURGER due to a defect of the product which is due to faulty goods delivered by the supplier, the supplier will indemnify and hold MEUSBURGER harmless without fault, regardless of culpability. Even if the supplier delivers the products under the Meusburger label, the supplier is regarded as the manufacturer in accordance with §3 product liability law.
Product Liability and Recall. 1. In the event a product liability claim is asserted against us, the Supplier agrees to hold us harm-less from such claims if and to the extent the damage was caused by a defect of the supplies or services. The above indemnification shall not apply if the claim is based on our intentional or grossly negligent breach of duties. If the cause of the damage falls within the area of responsibility of the Supplier, the Supplier shall have the burden of proof to that extent. In the above cases the Supplier assumes all costs and expenses, including the costs for any legal action or a recall campaign. In addition the legal stipulations shall apply. Further damages shall remain unaffected.
Product Liability and Recall. If claims are asserted against us by third parties on the basis of product liability, then the Supplier shall be obliged to exempt us from such third party claims insofar as the damage was caused by a defect in the subject of the contract delivered by the Supplier. In the cases of a no-fault liability this shall only apply if the Supplier is at fault. If the cause of the damage lies within the Supplier's sphere of responsibility, it shall bear the burden of proof. In these cases, the Supplier shall take over all costs and expenses, including the costs of any legal proceedings or recall campaigns. The statutory provisions shall apply in all other respects. apply if the Supplier is at fault. If the cause of the damage lies within the Supplier's sphere of responsibility, it shall bear the burden of proof. In these cases, the Supplier shall take over all costs and expenses, including the costs of any legal proceedings or recall campaigns. The statutory provisions shall apply in all other respects. 1.A reservation of title of the Supplier shall only become part of the contract if the reservation of title expires upon payment of the price agreed for the conditional commodity and we have authority to resell and process it in the orderly course of business. Any additional reservation of title of the Supplier shall not be accepted. 2.Any parts and/or tools provided by us to the Supplier remain our unlimited property. The Supplier is obliged to use the tools exclusively for manufacturing the goods ordered by us. The Supplier holds these things carefully in safe custody. It is obliged to insure these tools at replacement value, at its own expense, against damage caused by fire, water and theft and to carry out any maintenance and inspection work required. 3.The Supplier is obliged to treat all received samples, drawings, calculations and any other documents and information as strictly confidential and to put its subcontractors under the same obligation. The obligation of secrecy shall also apply after carrying out this contract. It shall expire as soon as and insofar as the content of the samples, drawings, calculations and other documents provided has become a matter of common knowledge.
Product Liability and Recall. 8.1 If supplier is responsible for damage to a product, he is obliged to exempt us from claims to compensation for damages from third parties on demand to the extent, the reason for this product defect stems from his range of control and organization. In such cases the supplier shall assume all costs and expenses, including the cost in connection with a recall action.
Product Liability and Recall. 11.1 If the Seller has caused, or is otherwise responsible for, a product defect, the Seller shall upon VICTREX' first demand compensate VICTREX for associated damages incurred and indemnify and hold VICTREX harmless against any third party

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