Liability of the Hotel Musterklauseln
Liability of the Hotel. 7.1 The hotel is liable for harm inflicted on life, limb and physical health. Further it is liable for other damage caused with full intent or gross negligence or due to inten- tional or grossly negligent violation of obligations typical for the contract. A breach of obligation of the hotel is deemed to be the equivalent to a breach of a statutory rep- resentative or vicarious agent. All other claims for damages are excluded, if not de- termined differently in this No. 7. Should disruptions or defects in the performance of the hotel occur, the hotel shall act to remedy such upon knowledge thereof or upon objection by the customer made without undue delay. The customer shall be obliged to undertake actions reasonable for him to eliminate the disruption and to keep any possible damage to a minimum.
7.2 The hotel is liable to the customer for property brought into the hotel in accordance with the statutory provisions. It recommends the use of the hotel or room safe. If the guest wishes to bring with him money, securities, stocks, bonds or valuables with a value of more than 800 EUR or other things with a value of more than 3500 EUR, a separate safekeeping agreement is necessary.
7.3 Insofar as a parking space is provided to the customer in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot, this does not constitute a safekeeping agreement, even if a fee is ex- changed. The hotel only assumes liability for loss of or damage to motor vehicles parked or manoeuvred on the hotel’s property and the contents thereof only pursu- ant to the preceding No. 7.1, sentences 1 to 4.
7.4 Wake-up calls are carried out by the hotel with the greatest possible diligence. Messages, mail, and merchandise deliveries for guests shall be handled with care. The hotel will deliver, hold, and, for a fee, forward such items (on request). The ho- tel only assumes liability according to the preceding No. 7, sentences 1 to 4.
8.1 Amendments and supplements to the contract, the acceptance of offers or these general terms and conditions should be made in written form. Unilateral amend- ments or supplements by the customer are invalid.
8.2 For commercial transactions the place of performance and payment as well as, in the event of litigation, including disputes for checks and bills of exchange, the exclu- sive court of jurisdiction is at [Bitte Ort eintragen, wahlweise Standort des Hotels oder Sitz der Betreibergesellschaft]. Insofar as a contracting party fulfills the re- quirements of section 38, para....
Liability of the Hotel. 7.1 The hotel is liable for damage which it is accountable for resulting from injury to life, body or health. It is further liable for other damage which is based on an intentional or grossly-negligent breach of duty of the hotel or on an intentional or negligent breach of duties of the hotel typical of the type of contract [vertragstypischen Pflichten]. Du- ties typical of the type of contract are those duties which enable the proper execution of the contract altogether and which the customer relies on being performed and is able to rely on being performed. A breach of duty of a statutory representative or person engaged in performance of an obligation of the hotel [Erfüllungsgehilfe] is equivalent to a breach of duty of the hotel. More far-reaching claims for damages are excluded unless otherwise provided for in this Section 7. If there should be any dis- ruptions or deficiencies in the services of the hotel, the hotel shall endeavor to remedy this when it has knowledge thereof or upon a complaint being made without undue delay by the customer. The customer is obliged to contribute what it can be reasona- bly expected to contribute in order to remedy the disruption and minimize possible damage.
7.2 The hotel is liable to the customer in accordance with the provisions of statute for items brought with the customer. The hotel recommends the use of the hotel or room safe. If the customer wishes to bring with him or her money, securities or valuables valued at over Euro 800 or other property items valued at over Euro 3.500 a separate safekeeping agreement must be entered into with the hotel.
7.3 If the customer is provided with a parking space in the hotel garage or in the hotel parking lot, even if this is for payment, a custody contract is not concluded as a result. If cars parked or driven on the hotel premises or the contents thereof are lost or dam- aged, the hotel is only liable in accordance with sentences 1 to 4 of subsection 7.1 above.
7.4 Wake-up calls are made with great care by the hotel. Messages for customers are treated with care. After prior agreement with the cus- tomer, the hotel can accept, store and – if desired – dispatch for a charge mail and consignments of goods. In this connection the hotel is only liable in accordance with sentences 1 to 4 of subsection 7.1 above.
8.1 Alterations and supplements to the contract, to acceptance of the application and to these General Business Terms and Conditions shall be made in text form. Unilateral...
Liability of the Hotel. 1. The hotel is liable to exercise the duty of care of an ordinary merchant with the performance of its obligations arising from the contract. Claims of the customer for reimbursement of damages are precluded except for such which result from injury to life, body or health and the hotel is responsible for the breach of the obligation, other damage which is caused from an intentional or grossly negligent breach of obligation and damage which is caused from an intentional or negligent breach of obligations of the hotel which are typical for the contract. A breach of obligation of the hotel is deemed to be the equivalent to a breach of a statutory representative or employee. Should disruptions or defects in the performance of the hotel occur, the hotel shall act to remedy such upon knowledge thereof or upon objection without undue delay by the customer. The customer shall be obliged to undertake actions reason- able for him to eliminate the disruption and to keep any possible damage at a minimum.
2. The hotel is liable to the customer for property brought in to the hotel in accordance with the statutory provisions, i.e., up to one hundred times the room rate, not to exceed € 3,500 and up to € 800. For cash, securities and valuables. Cash, securities and valuables up to a maximum value of € (insert insured amount of hotel) may be stored in the hotel safe or room safe. The hotel recommends that guests utilize this possibility. Liability claims expire unless the customer notifies the hotel immediately after gaining knowledge of the loss, destruction, or damage (§ 703 German Civil Code). With regard to more extensive liability of the hotel, Nr. 1, sentences 2 to 4 supra shall apply respectively.
3. Insofar as a parking space is provided to the customer in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot, this does not constitute a safekeeping agreement, even if a fee is exchanged. The hotel assumes no liability for loss of or damage to motor vehicles parked or maneuvered on the hotel’s property, nor the contents thereof, excepting cases of intent or gross negligence. Nr. 1, sentences 2 to 4 supra shall apply respectively.
4. Wake-up calls are carried out by the hotel with the greatest possible diligence.Messages, mail, and merchandise deliveries for guests are handled with care. The hotel will deliver, hold, and for a fee forward such items (on request). Nr. 1, sentences 2 to 4 supra shall apply respectively.
Liability of the Hotel. 1. The hotel is liable for the performance of its obligations arising from the con- tract. Claims of the customer for reimbursement of damages are precluded ex- cept for such which result from death, injury to body or health and the hotel is responsible for the breach of the obligation, other damage which is caused by an intentional or grossly negligent breach of obligation and damage which is caused from an intentional or negligent breach of obligations of the hotel which are typical for the contract. A breach of obligation of the hotel is deemed to be the equivalent to a breach of a statutory representative or vicarious agent. Should disruptions or defects in the performance of the hotel occur, the hotel shall act to remedy such upon knowledge thereof or upon objection by the cus- tomer made without undue delay. The customer shall be obliged to undertake actions reasonable for him to eliminate the disruption and to keep any possible damage to a minimum.
2. The hotel is liable to the customer for property brought into the hotel in accord- ance with the statutory provisions. Accordingly, the liability is limited to, one hundred times the room rate but, however, a maximum amount of € 3,500.00 and, in deviation, for cash, securities and valuables, a maximum amount up to € 800.00. Cash, securities and valuables up to a maximum value of € 10.000,00 may be stored in the hotel safe or room safe. The hotel recommends that guests make use of this possibility.
3. Insofar as a parking space is provided to the customer in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot, this does not constitute a safekeeping agreement, even if a fee is exchanged. The hotel assumes no liability for loss of or damage to motor vehicles parked or manoeuvred on the hotel’s property and the contents there- of, except for cases of intent or gross negligence. For the preclusion of damage claims of the customer, the regulation of the above-mentioned No. 1, sentenc- es 2 to 4 supra shall apply respectively.
4. Wake-up calls are carried out by the hotel with the greatest possible diligence. Messages, mail, and merchandise deliveries for guests shall be handled with care. The hotel will deliver, hold, and, for a fee, forward such items (on re- quest). For the preclusion of damage claims of the customer, the regulation of the above-mentioned No. 1, sentences 2 to 4 supra shall apply respectively.
Liability of the Hotel. 1. The hotel is liable for the performance of its obligations arising from the contract. Claims of the tour operator for damages are precluded except for such which result from death, injury to body or health and the hotel is responsible for the breach of the obligation, other damage which is caused by an intentional or grossly negli- gent breach of obligation and damage which is caused from an intentional or negligent breach of obligations of the hotel which are typical for the contract. A breach of obligation of the hotel is deemed to be the equiva- lent to a breach by a statutory representative or vicarious agent. Should disruptions or defects in the perfor- mance of the hotel occur, the hotel shall act to remedy such upon knowledge thereof or upon objection by the tour operator made without undue delay. The tour operator or the guest shall be obliged to undertake actions reasonable for him to eliminate the disruption and to keep any possible damage to a minimum.
2. The hotel is liable to the guest for property brought into the hotel in accordance with the statutory provisions. Accordingly, the liability is limited to one hundred times the room rate but, however, a maximum amount up to € 3,500.00 and, in deviation, for cash, securities and valuables, a maximum amount up to € 800.00. Cash, securities and valuables up to a maximum value of € (insert insured amount of hotel) may be stored in the hotel safe or room safe. The hotel recommends that guests make use of this possibility.
3. Insofar as a parking space is provided to the tour operator in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot, this does not constitute a safekeeping agreement, even if a fee is exchanged. The hotel assumes no liability for loss of or damage to motor vehicles parked or manoeuvred on the hotel’s property and the contents thereof, except for cases of wrongful intent or gross negligence. For the preclusion of damage claims of the tour operator, the regulation of the above-mentioned No. 1, sentences 2 to 4 supra shall apply respectively.
4. Wake-up calls are carried out by the hotel with care. Messages, mail, and merchandise deliveries for guests shall be handled with care. The hotel will deliver, hold, and, for a fee, forward such items (on request). For the preclusion of damage claims of the tour opera- tor, the regulation of the above-mentioned No. 1, sentences 2 to 4 supra shall apply respectively.
Liability of the Hotel. 7.1 The hotel is liable for harm inflicted on life, limb and physical health. Further it is liable for other damage caused with full intent or gross negligence or due to intentional or grossly negligent violation of obligations typical for the contract. A breach of obligation of the hotel is deemed to be the equivalent to a breach of a statutory representative or vicarious agent. All other claims for damages are excluded, if not determined differently in this No. 7. Should disruptions or defects in the performance of the hotel occur, the hotel shall act to remedy such upon knowledge thereof or upon objection by the customer made without undue delay. The customer shall be obliged to undertake actions reasonable for him to eliminate the disruption and to keep any possible damage to a minimum.
7.2 The hotel is liable to the customer for property brought into the hotel in accordance with the statutory provisions. It recommends the use of the hotel or room safe. If the guest wishes to bring with him money, securities, stocks, bonds or valuables with a value of more than 800 EUR or other things with a value of more than 3500 EUR, a separate safekeeping agreement is necessary.
7.3 Insofar as a parking space is provided to the customer in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot, this does not constitute a safekeeping agreement, even if a fee is exchanged. The hotel only assumes liability for loss of or damage to motor vehicles parked or manoeuvred on the hotel’s property and the contents thereof only pursuant to the preceding No. 7.1, sentences 1 to 4.
Liability of the Hotel. 1. The hotel is liable for damage which is accountable for resulting from injury to life, body or health. It is further liable for other damage which is based on an intentional or grossly- negligent breach of duty of the hotel or on an intentional or negligent breach of duties of the hotel typical of the type of contract. Duties typical of the type of contract are those duties which enable the proper execution of the contract altogether and which the customer relies on being performed and is able to rely on being performed. A breach of duty of the hotel is deemed to be the equivalent to a breach of a statutory representative or vicarious agents. More far-reaching claims for damages are excluded unless otherwise provided for in this Clause VII. If there should be any disruptions or deficiencies in the services of the hotel, the hotel shall endeavor to remedy this when it has knowledge thereof or upon a complaint being made without undue delay by the customer. The customer is obliged to contribute what it can be reasonably expected to constribute in order to remedy the disruption and minimzie possible damage.
2. The hotel is liable to the customer in accordance with the provisions of statute for items brought in to the hotel with the customer. The hotel recommends the use of the hotel or room safe. If the customer wishes to bring with him or her money, securities and valuables valued at over Euro 800 or other property items valued at over Euro 3,500, a separate safekeeping agreement must be entered into with the hotel.
3. Insofar as a parking space is provided to the customer in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot, this does not constitute a safekeeping agreement, even if a fee is charged. For loss of or damage to motor vehicles parked or maneuvered on the hotel’s property and for the contents thereof, the hotel is only liable in accordance with sentences 1 to 4 of No. 1 above.
4. Wake-up calls are carried out by the hotel with the greatest possible diligence. Messages for customers are handled with care. After prior agreement with the customer, the hotel can accept and store and – if desired – dispatch for a charge mail and consignments of goods. In this connection the hotel is only liable in accordance with sentences 1 to 4 of No. 1 above.
Liability of the Hotel. 7.1 The hotel is liable for the damages it causes resulting in injury to life, limb or health. It is also liable for other damages that are due to deliberate or grossly negligent dereliction of duty by the hotel or a deliberate or negligent failure to fulfil typically expected contractual duties. Dereliction of duty by the hotel is equivalent to some such dereliction by a statutory representative or vicarious agent. Additional claims for damages are excluded, so far as they are not addressed in this clause 7. If defects or faults occur on the hotel’s services, the hotel will make every effort to resolve them once they become aware or as a result of an immediate complaint by the customer. The customer is obliged to make all reasonable efforts to resolve the defect and keep any damage as low as possible.
7.2 The hotel is liable to the customer for items brought into the hotel under statutory provisions. The hotel recommends the use of the hotel or room safe. If the guest brings in money, securities and valuables worth more than EUR 800 or other items with a value above EUR 3,500, a special storage agreement with the hotel is required.
7.3 If the customer is provided with or has paid a fee for a parking space in the hotel's indoor or outdoor car park, no storage agreement comes into force. If vehicles parked or manoeuvred on the hotel property are lost or damaged the hotel is only liable for them and their contents as per 7.1 Sentences 1 to 4 stated above.
7.4 The hotel will undertake wake-up calls with the greatest of care. Messages, post and goods shipped for guests are treated with care. The hotel will undertake the delivery, storage and - on request, in return for a fee - forwarding of any of the above articles. The hotel is liable for this only as per
7.1 Sentences 1 to 4 stated above.
7.5 Lost items are stored for 6 months and returned to the owner on request in return for a fee. Items cannot be stored or sent on after 6 months.
Liability of the Hotel. 7.1 The hotel is liable for damage which it is accountable for resulting from injury to life, body or health. It is further liable for other damage which is based on an intentional or grossly- negligent breach of duty of the hotel or on an intentional or negligent breach of duties of the hotel typical of the type of contract [vertragstypischen Pflichten]. Duties typical of the type of contract are those duties which enable the proper execution of the contract altogether and which the customer relies on being performed and is able to rely on being performed. A breach of duty of a statutory representative or person engaged in performance of an obligation of the hotel [Erfüllungsgehilfe] is equivalent to a breach of duty of the hotel. More far-reaching claims for damages are excluded unless otherwise provided for in this Section
Liability of the Hotel. 1. Should disruptions or defects occur in the performance on the part of the hotel, the hotel is to act without delay to remedy such upon complaint lodged by the customer. The customer is obligated to contribute to a reasonable degree to correcting the disruption and to keep any possible damage to a minimum. If the hotel does not become aware of deficiencies owing to culpable omission by the guest, any claim for diminution of the contractually agreed price is rendered null and void. The customer is moreover obligated to draw the attention of the hotel in good time to any possibility of uncommonly high damage.
2. The hotel is liable under the statutory provisions for all damages resulting from injury to life, body and health.
3. The hotel is liable with the diligence of a prudent businessman for its obligations under the contract. Customer claims for damages are excluded. This does not include damage resulting from injury to life, body or health, if the hotel is responsible for the breach of duty, and other damages resulting from an intentional or grossly negligent breach of obligation. A breach of obligation of the hotel is deemed to be the equivalent to that of a legal representative or vicarious agent.
4. The hotel is liable to the customer for property brought into the hotel in accordance with statutory provisions (§§ 701, 702 BGB), however, only up to € 3500, -. For valuables (cash, jewellery, etc.), this liability is limited to € 800, -. Liability claims expire unless the customer immediately notifies the hotel upon learning of the loss, destruction or damage (§ 703 BGB).
5. If the customer has a parking space in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot - even for a fee - made available to them, this does not result in a custody agreement. The hotel is not liable for loss of or damage to parked or moving vehicles on the hotel property or their contents, except in the case of intent or gross negligence attributable to the hotel. This also applies to agents of the hotel. Foregoing section 3 sentence 2 to 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis.