Liability Musterklauseln

Liability. (1) The liability clauses as agreed between the Parties in the Service Agreement are also applicable for this Data Processing Agreement. (2) Insofar as third parties assert claims against the Contractor which have their cause in a culpable breach by the Client of this Data Processing Agreement or of one of its obligations as a controller, the Client shall indemnify the Contractor against such claims.
Liability. 9.1 Within the scope of fault-based liability, we are liable - irrespective of the legal grounds - without limitation in case of intent and gross negligence. In the event of simple negligence, we are liable, subject to statutory limitations of liability (e.g. diligence in own affairs; insignificant breach of duty), only in the following cases: 9.1.1 damages resulting from injury to life, body or health (unlimited liability), 9.1.2 damages arising from the breach of a material contractual obligation (an obligation whose fulfilment is essential for the proper performance of the contract and on whose fulfilment the contractual partner regularly relies and may rely); in this case, however, our liability is limited to compensation for the typically foreseeable damage. 9.2 The typically foreseeable damage for the type of contract within the meaning of 9.1.2 above amounts to EUR 500’000 per claim. 9.3 In all other respects, liability is excluded. 9.4 The limitations and exclusions of liability also apply in favour of our vicarious agents and legal representatives. They do not apply if a defect has been fraudulently concealed or a guarantee for the quality of an item has been given or in the case of liability under the Product Liability Act. 9.5 With respect to a breach of duty that is not a defect, the Client may only revoke or terminate the contract if we are responsible for the breach of duty. A free right of termination of the Client (in particular according to Sec. 648 BGB) is excluded. In all other respects, the statutory requirements and legal consequences apply.
Liability. Unless liability is regulated differently elsewhere in these conditions, the supplier shall be liable for compensation for damage suffered by the buyer either directly or indirectly as a consequence of an incorrect delivery, or violation of official safety regulations or for any other legal reason attributable to the supplier, only as set out in the following. 1. In general the liability for compensation for damage exists only if the damage was caused by fault of the supplier. 2. If a claim is brought against the buyer based on no-fault liability under mandatory law, the supplier shall assume liability on the buyer’s behalf to the extent to which it would be directly liable. The principles of section 254 BGB shall apply mutatis mutandis to settlement of damages payments between buyer and supplier. The same shall apply in the event of a direct claim against the supplier. 3. The obligation to compensate for damages is excluded if the buyer, for its part, has effectively limited liability to its customer. The buyer shall endeavor to agree liability limitations to the extent permissible by law also in favor of the supplier. 4. Claims brought by the buyer are excluded if the damage was caused by violations attributable to the buyer of operating, maintenance or installation regulations, unsuitable or improper use, incorrect or negligent handling, natural wear and tear, or faulty repair. 5. To the extent provided by law, the supplier shall be liable for measures taken by the buyer to avert damage (e.g. product recalls). 6. If the buyer wishes to assert a claim against the supplier in accordance with the foregoing regulations, the buyer shall fully inform and consult with the supplier without delay. It shall give the supplier the opportunity to investigate the damage. The contractual partners shall consult with each other on the measures to be taken, in particular regarding settlement negotiations. 7. The principles set out in section VII subsection 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis if the supplier is not insured or is insufficiently insured.
Liability. Arconic is liable to pay damages and compensation of abortive expenditure within the meaning of Section 284 BGB (hereinafter referred to as “damages”) on account of a violation of contractual and non-contractual obligations only in case of (1) intent or gross negligence, (2) in case of negligent or deliberate fatal injury, physical injury or injury to health, (3) on account of assuming a quality or durability guarantee, (4) in case of a negligent or deliberate breach of material contractual duties, (5) on account of compulsory statutory liability pursuant to the German Product Liability Act or (6) aufgrund sonstiger zwingender Haftung. Der Schadensersatz für die Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten ist jedoch auf den vertragstypischen, vorhersehbaren Schaden begrenzt, soweit nicht Vorsatz oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit vorliegt oder wegen der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit oder der Übernahme einer Beschaffenheitsgarantie gehaftet wird. Eine weitergehende Haftung auf Schadensersatz, als in dieser Ziffer 8 vorgesehen, ist – ohne Rücksicht auf die Rechtsnatur des geltend gemachten Anspruchs – ausgeschlossen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Schadensersatzansprüche aus Verschulden bei Vertragsschluss, wegen sonstiger Pflichtverletzungen oder wegen deliktischer Ansprüche auf Ersatz von Sachschäden gemäß § 823 BGB. Soweit die Schadensersatzhaftung gegenüber Arconic ausgeschlossen ist, gilt dies auch im Hinblick auf die persönliche Schadensersatzhaftung der Mitarbeiter, Vertreter und Erfüllungsgehilfen von Arconic. Eine Änderung der Beweislast zum Nachteil des Kunden ist mit den vorstehenden Regelungen nicht verbunden.
Liability a. The liability of the organizer, his legal representatives or vicarious agents for contractual breaches of duty is limited to intent and gross negligence. This does not apply to injuries to the life, body and health of the visitor, claims under the Product Liability Act, fraudulent concealment of defects, breach of a guarantee and infringement of cardinal obligations, i. Obligations that arise from the nature of the contract and whose breach endangers the achievement of the purpose of the contract and the compensation for damages caused by default (§ 286 BGB). In that regard, the organizer is liable for any fault. This also applies to the legal representatives or vicarious agents of the organizer. The liability in the case of a breach of essential contractual obligations shall be limited in amount to the damages foreseeable at the time of the conclusion of the contract and typical for the contract. b. For objects brought in by the visitor, the organizer is only liable under the conditions of section 11 a.
Liability. 11.1 The Seller shall make good the loss suffered by the Buyer if the Buyer proves that such loss has been caused through gross negligence of the Seller; Seller shall not be liable for slight negligence. 11.2 The Seller shall make good damage to supplied goods, at the Seller’s option, either by repair or replacement, or by financial compensation, provided that the amount of damages shall in any case be limited to the value of the goods concerned. 11.3 Die Lieferung der Waren erfolgt ausschließlich auf Risiko und Gefahr des Käufers. Der Ver- käufer haftet in keinem Fall für den möglichen Schaden, den der Käufer – in welcher Form auch immer – durch einen Ausfall, eine Verzö- gerung oder eine abgeänderte Form von Liefe- rungen erleidet. 11.4 Der Verkäufer haftet dem Käufer gegenüber nicht für reine Vermögensschäden, Produktionsstillstand, entgangenen Gewinn, Nutzungsausfall, Geschäftsentgang, Schäden aus Ansprüchen Dritter oder jeden anderen Folgeschaden oder indirekten Schaden. 11.5 Der Kaufgegenstand bietet nur jene Sicherheit, die aufgrund von Zulassungsvorschriften, Betriebsanleitungen, Vorschriften des Verkäufers über die Behandlung des Kaufgegenstandes – insb. im Hinblick auf allenfalls vorgeschriebene Überprüfungen – und sonstigen gegebenen Hinweisen erwartet werden kann. 11.6 Sämtliche Schadenersatzansprüche aus Mängeln an Lieferungen und/oder Leistungen müssen – sollte der Mangel durch den Verkäufer nicht ausdrücklich anerkannt werden – innerhalb der vertraglich festgelegten Gewährleistungsfrist gerichtlich geltend gemacht werden, andernfalls die Ansprüche erlöschen.
Liability. The Noteholders’ Representative is liable to the Noteholders as joint creditors for the proper performance of his duties; in his activities, the Noteholders’ Representative must exercise the diligence of a prudent and conscientious manager. There is no breach of duty if the Noteholders’ Representative could reasonably assume when making a business decision that he was acting in the best interests of the Noteholders on the basis of appropriate information. The Noteholders’ Representative is not subject to a reversal of the burden of proof analogous to section 93 paragraph 2 sentence 2 of the German Stock Corporation Act. The liability of the Noteholders’ Representative's is limited to intent and gross negligence. Liability is limited to ten times his annual remuneration, unless he has acted with intent or gross negligence. The Noteholders shall decide on the assertion of claims for damages by the Noteholders against the Noteholders’ Representative.
Liability. 1. The photographer shall not be held liable for the breach of any rights (trademarks, company names, design rights) shown in the photographs or held by persons or objects depicted in the photographic material unless a duly signed release is enclosed. The customer shall be responsible for acquiring the rights of utilization over and above the copyright to the photograph in question and for obtaining releases from collections, museums etc., e. g. for images showing works of applied or plastic arts. The customer shall be responsible for the legend as well as the context in which the photograph is used. 2. The customer shall assume responsibility for the due and proper utilization of the photographic material as of the date of delivery.
Liability. Neither the employed trainers, nor the Spitfire Gym GmbH itself, assume liability for injuries, property damage and theft that occur before, during or after the training.
Liability. The parties shall be liable for damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence. Liability due to slight negligence is excluded for both contracting parties.