Registration Musterklauseln

Registration. You only need to register at our reception desk beforehand to be authorised to enter the plant. The staff shall be collected from there by our member of staff responsible and escorted to the workplace. In exceptional cases, in particular when extensive material and equipment is nec- essary to carry out the work, the “incoming goods” door may be used after consulting our member of staff responsible. The Contractor’s supervisor must log in and log out with our member of staff responsible on each working day and agree the work with him also with regard to occupational safety and health.
Registration. 1.1 Registration via the online registration tool of LMS 1.2 Registration is not confirmed. Any notice of receipt sent to the exhibitor is not a confirmation of participation in terms of 2.3. 1.3 At their stand, the exhibitors can only show exhibition arti- cles that originate from themselves, their co-exhibitors or the companies represented. These must be named at registration. These details are required in order to be able to provide the trade fair visitors with consistent information about the exhibi- tors and the range of products. Exhibition articles that are not explicitly mentioned in the registration or impinge upon third parties’ rights must be removed from the exhibition stand upon the request of the trade fair management. 1.4 If several exhibitors appear jointly as leasers, they are obliged to nominate one exhibition representative jointly au- thorised by them as a contact person to LMS. 1.5 Admittance for one or more co-exhibitors and additionally represented companies (see 3) as sub-leasers is only possible in exceptional cases and entitles LMS to enforce a special fee (see 3.6 of the Special Exhibiting Conditions). 1.6 Bis zur Entscheidung der LMS über die Zulassung ist der Aussteller an seine Anmeldung gebunden (vgl. auch 4). 1.7 Auf der Anmeldung aufgeführte Platzwünsche werden nach Möglichkeit von der LMS berücksichtigt, sind jedoch für die LMS nicht bindend. Ein Konkurrenzausschlusswunsch ist generell nicht zulässig.
Registration. Event registrations are submitted via the registration plat- form on the Internet. The registration becomes legally bind- ing only after a confirmation has been sent by e-mail. Only registrations received within the specified registration period can be considered for the event.
Registration. After online registration, you will receive a confirmation of your registration by email. Your registration will be processed further if we are sure that enough participants are registered in order to be able to cover the course costs. A participant spot is reserved for you regardless of the further processing. IMPORTANT: Please place only an accommodation reservation in a hotel that can be canceled free of charge at the respective conference location! We recommend that you take out a cancellation insurance to cover the financial risks of a cancellation. We will notify you by email at latest one month before the start of the course by sending you an invoice that is payable immediately and a description of how to get there. Invoices sent to the email address you provided last are deemed to have been delivered. We reserve the right to cancel the training four weeks before the start of the event if the number of participants is insufficient.
Registration. The special price for immediate bookers will be applied to registrations that are completed by 10 April 2018. Close of registration / beginning of placement is 10 September 2018. The spe- cial price for early bookers is available until that date. In the event that claims by Leipziger Messe continue to be in place past both deadlines, the entitlement to the applicable price shall be forfeited, even if Leipziger Messe received the registration in a timely manner. If registration occurs after 30. Januar 2019, a late booker surcharge amounting to 250.00 EUR per stand will be charged due to the short amount of time for processing the registration. Receipt of post at Leipziger Messe is definitive. Leipziger Messe reserves the right to adjust prices and the conditions for participa- tion during the early booking period (until the end of May 2018). Early bookers who do not agree to the changes can withdraw from the contract without charge within 30 days after notification of the change. The withdrawal must be submitted in text form (e.g. by e-mail). Changes to company, correspondence and invoice address data after registration should be reported to Leipziger Messe without delay in written form. The processing fee for changes to invoices is 33.00 EUR plus VAT. Leipziger Messe permits binding exhibitor registrations and approvals until 4 weeks before the start of the event. Changes to stand sizes or stand models up to 4 weeks prior to the start of the event are free of charge. After that time, a processing fee of 33.00 EUR plus VAT and possibly incurred costs (e. g. graphic design costs) will be charged.
Registration. (1) In order to be accepted into the Supplier Portal and to be able to use it, you need to register your company first. (2) The company data required for registration have to be entered truthfully and completely. You are solely responsible for the correctness and completeness of such data. You may at any moment view your company data in your User Account and make any changes you desire. (3) Only certain employees of the Supplier, who are authorised to represent the company, may register the Supplier. (4) Storck reserves the right to refuse a registration, in whole or in part, that is, for individual product categories. (5) Supplier has no legal claim for an approval of its registration. Supplier will be notified by e-Mail whether or not registration has been approved. (6) Once registration has been approved, Storck will contact Supplier in case that we deem Supplier suitable to take the process further. Supplier has no legal claim for this to happen, nor does Supplier have a legal claim to be taken into account in sourcing campaigns. (7) If you have an active business relationship with Storck already, then your data will be carried over by Storck into the Portal and you will receive your access credentials immediately pursuant to Item 2.
Registration. 5.4. Der Anmeldetermin ergibt sich aus den Speziellen Teilnah- mebedingungen. Nach Anmeldetermin eingehende An- meldungen werden nach Möglichkeit berücksichtigt, begründen jedoch keinen Anspruch auf Zulassung zu einer Veranstaltung. Für die Anmeldung sind ausschließlich die Anmeldeformu- lare der Leipziger Messe zu verwenden. Diese sind vollstän- dig ausgefüllt und mit Firmenstempel sowie rechts-ver- bindlicher Unterschrift versehen an die Leipziger Messe zu senden. Anmeldungen, die fristwahrend per Fax vorab zugesandt werden, sollen im Original unverzüglich nach- gereicht werden. Mit Bedingungen oder Vorbehalten eingereichte Anmel- dungen finden keine Berücksichtigung. Platzwünsche, die nach Möglichkeit Berücksichtigung finden, stellen keine Bedingungen für eine Beteiligung dar. Ein Konkurrenzaus- schluss wird nicht zugestanden. Mit Einsendung der unterzeichneten Anmeldung erkennt der Aussteller die Allgemeinen und Speziellen Teilnahme- bedingungen, die gültige Preisliste sowie die „Technischen Richtlinien“ an. Die vorgenannten Unterlagen werden dem Aussteller übersendet. Sie können in ihrer jeweils aktuellen Fassung von diesem jedoch auch auf der Internetseite der
Registration. A minimum number of participants is required for the event to take place. If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the event will not take place; reg- istered persons will be informed immediately. The maximum number of partici- pants is limited. Registration must be made online on the respective event website or by fax using the form available there. Registrations will be considered in the or- der in which they are received. In case of overbooking, the registering person will be informed immediately; in this case, no contract will be concluded. The participation fee can be found on the respective registration form and is sub- ject to the legally applicable VAT. Unless otherwise stated, the participation fee in- cludes the attendance at the event, event documentation, lunch and soft drinks as well as participation in the evening event for two-day events, if announced in the program. Individual parts of the events cannot be booked separately. After receipt of the invoice, the participation fee is to be transferred to the bank account stated on the invoice within the period of payment stated on the invoice, quoting the invoice number. Other means and ways of payment are not accept- ed. Cancellation of the registration up to three weeks before the start of the event will be charged EUR 100,– plus VAT for administrative expenses. After this date the full participation fee will be charged. Cancellations must be made in writing. The sending of a representative to be named in writing by the participant or a substi- tute participant is possible without additional costs if the participant would have to pay the same participation fee. Otherwise, the difference will be invoiced or cred- ited. If a registered participant fails to attend the event, the full participation fee will also be charged. The event will be carried out according to its type and scope as described in the currently valid event program. In exceptional cases, fka reserves the right to change speakers and to make changes to the program sequence and to maintain the overall character of the event. fka is entitled to cancel the event for important reasons, such as illness of a speaker, force majeure or other circumstances for which fka is not responsible. fka will endeavour to inform the participants of the cancella- tion as early as possible. If the event is cancelled by fka, there is only the obligation to refund the participation fees already paid. A claim for reimbursement of travel and ...
Registration. 2.1 The use of the Pneumatics Shop requires prior registration of the Customer at no charge. The Customer must provide correct and complete details as requested in the registration form. We can, at our discretion, accept or decline the registration. The Customer is obliged to keep the provided information updated at any time. We can, at our discretion, delete or close a Customer account at any time and without giving reasons. The Customer has no right to claim a registration or respectively a Customer account. 2.2 The Customer shall ensure that the Customer account will only be accessed for its own purposes. The Customer will in particular ensure that user name and password are not made available to any third party. In the event that login data become available to an unauthorized third party, the user must inform us so that the Customer account can be blocked. 2.3 The Customer may demand the deletion of its Customer account in writing or via email at any time, provided that this does not have an impact on currently running contractual relationships. In this case, we will close the Customer account and will subsequently delete all user data and all other personal data as soon as they are no longer required.
Registration. The registration takes place with the completed and signed registration form, which is given for the respective en- counter. This can be sent by email, fax, or post. In the case of minors, the registration must be carried out and signed by the parent or legal guardian. In addition to the registration form, participants can request additional documents at selected encounters (special qualifications for musicians, health questionnaires, swimming certificates, etc.).