General Musterklauseln

General. With effect from 11th of March 2010 military used areas will be established within FIR Wien according to the Commission Regulation (EC) 2150/2005 laying down common rules for the flexible use of airspace.
General. Notwithstanding the provisions in 1.2 and 1.3, an aircraft in distress shall use any means at its disposal to attract attention, make known its position and obtain help.
General. The military reserved area XXXX Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0 can also be activated without announcement by NOTAM. This area will only be activated together with its core area XXXX Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0. Additionally to the regulations according item (establishing radio contact, before entry of military reserved areas), pilots are responsible (while XXXX Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0 is activated) to keep a listening watch on the appropriate frequency of the military flight operation office, while operating within the area XXXX Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0 until the area has been vacated. Conditions concerning Military Training Areas (MTA's) see ENR 5.2, item 3.1. AIP AUSTRIA 30 DEC 2021
General. (1) The Contractor processes Personal Data on behalf of the Client within the meaning of art. 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This Data Processing Agreement governs the rights and obligations of the Parties in relation to the processing of Personal Data. (2) This Data Processing Agreement expresses the will of the Parties within the meaning of Art. 28 GDPR. (3) Terms such as “processing”, “personal data”, “controller” and “processor” shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679/EU) (hereinafter to be referred to as: “GDPR”).
General. Basically the ICAO-airspace classification is applicable within areas of airspace restrictions. Definition of specific conditions of usage of airspace restriction areas is regulated in ENR 5.1. For transit flights of IFR and VFR flights through active airspace restriction areas after reception of an appropriate clearance the rules of the respective specified ICAO-airspace classification are applicable. The times of effectiveness (activation times) of airspace restriction areas are regulated in ENR 5.1. AIP AUSTRIA 28 MAR 2019 In Gefahrengebieten ist mit besonderen Gefahren (z.B.: FlA-Schießen, Boden-Luftschießen) zu rechnen. Da der Durchflug durch Gefahrengebiete wegen der von diesen ausgehenden Gefahren mit erheblichen Risiken verbunden ist, werden die Luftfahrzeugführer dringend ersucht, diese Gebiete zu meiden bzw. vor dem Einflug über Sprechfunk mit den zuständigen Flugverkehrsdienststellen bzw. Militärflug- leitungen Kontakt aufzunehmen und den Status der Aktivierung zu überprüfen.
General. Items 7.1. c, formerly 7.1. b (Cancellation), 7.1. d, formerly 7.1 c (No show) and 8.1. (Price changes) listed under Section B are non-binding trade association recommendations under 1 Kt 718/91-3 and are, as such, now registered under 25 Kt 793/96-3 in the cartel register.
General. Basically the ICAO-airspace classification is applicable within areas of airspace restrictions. Definition of specific conditions of usage of airspace restriction areas is regulated in ENR 5.1. For transit flights of IFR and VFR flights through active airspace restriction areas after reception of an appropriate clearance the rules of the respective specified ICAO-airspace classification are applicable. The times of effectiveness (activation times) of airspace restriction areas are regulated in ENR 5.1. AIP AUSTRIA 28 MAR 2019
General. Die nachfolgenden Verkaufsbedingungen (nachfolgend „Verkaufsbedingungen“) gelten ausschließlich für den Verkauf von Produkten, Ausrüstung und dazugehörigen Teilen („Equipment“) durch HD Hyundai Infracore Deutschland GmbH („HDID“). Sie gelten nur gegenüber Unternehmern gemäß § 14 Abs. 1 BGB und juristische Personen des öffentlichen Rechts sowie öffentlich-rechtlichen Sondervermögen im Sinne von § 310 Abs. 1 BGB (nachfolgend „Käufer“). Unternehmer ist in diesem Sinne eine natürliche oder juristische Person oder eine rechtsfähige Personengesellschaft, die bei Abschluss eines Rechtsgeschäfts in Ausübung ihrer gewerblichen oder selbstständigen beruflichen Tätigkeit handelt. 1.1 The Terms and Conditions of Sale outlined herein (hereinafter referred to as the “T&C”) shall apply exclusively to the sales of products, equipment and parts relating thereto (hereinafter referred to as the “Equipment”) by HD Hyundai Infracore Deutschland GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “HDID”). They only apply to entrepreneurs pursuant to sec. 14 para. 1 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB) and legal entities under public law as well as special funds under public law within the meaning of sec. 310 para. 1 BGB (hereinafter referred to as the “Purchaser”). An entrepreneur within the meaning of this section is a natural or legal person or a partnership having legal capacity who or which, when entering into a legal transaction, acts in exercise of his/her/its commercial or self-employed business.
General. The order set out on the reverse is subject to the following purchase conditions. The purchase conditions are available in both German and English. In the event of discrepancies between the two versions the German-language version shall take precedence. Deviations from our conditions shall only be valid if they are specified in the duplicate of our order, which alone shall serve as the order confirmation, and if they have been confirmed by us in writing. Our order number must in all cases be quoted in all documents relating to the order. Oral orders placed in exceptional circumstances shall only be valid if given an order number. The order shall be deemed to be accepted if not contested immediately. Any declaration in which we assume obligations or relinquish rights must be made in writing and bear the signature of two appropriately authorised persons. This also applies to any declaration that a different procedure is to be used from the one defined above.
General. 1.1 In these Terms and Conditions: The Buyer means the person, firm, company or other organization who or which has ordered Products and/or Services from REACTIVE-ROBOTICS; The Contract means the contract for the sale and purchase of Products and/or Services between REACTIVE-ROBOTICS and the Buyer as may be further evidenced by REACTIVE- ROBOTICS's final written offer, quotation or order acknowledgement and no prior proposals, statements, representations or conditions will be binding on either party; The Equipment means all electronic equipment, hardware and other electronic or mechanical items agreed to be supplied by REACTIVE-ROBOTICS, excluding any consumables and spare parts sold separately; The Goods means all items agreed to be supplied by REACTIVE- ROBOTICS other than the Equipment and Software; The Products means any Goods, Equipment or Software agreed to be supplied by REACTIVE-ROBOTICS; and The Services means all advice given, all trainings and any other services performed by REACTIVE-ROBOTICS; and The Software means any firmware, software or data compilations (i) identified in the Contract or (ii) provided to Buyer by REACTIVE-ROBOTICS in connection with installation or operation of the Equipment. For the avoidance of doubt, Software shall not include any "open source" firmware, software or data compilations. as any such "open source" firmware, software or data compilations will be subject to the terms and conditions set out in the relevant "open source" license. 1.2 These Terms and Conditions shall be incorporated into the Contract and shall apply to the exclusion of any conditions of the Buyer. These Terms and Conditions may not be varied or waived except with the express written agreement of REACTIVE-ROBOTICS. The failure of REACTIVE-ROBOTICS to enforce its rights under the Contract at any time, for any period of time, shall not be construed as a waiver of any such rights.