a wide range of information definition

a wide range of information means in particular learning more about:- the age at which discontinuation of education and training occurs;- the relationship between early school leaving and truancy;- differences with regard to early school leaving according to gender, academic performance or achieved education levels;- the socio-economic background or a proxy, such as neighbourhood information;- the background and/or mother tongue of the learner.3. Where relevant, consider setting more ambitious national targets for reducing early school leaving, particularly if existing ones have already been reached. 4. Identify those schools or local environments which present a high risk of early school leaving and high levels of educational disadvantage and which might benefit from additional support or resources. 5. Pursue - as appropriate - the reform of education systems, looking at the whole spectrum of education and training, including non-formal learning and acknowledging the role of youth work, with a view to reinforcing structural, pedagogical, curricular and professional continuity, easing transitions, addressing segregation and inequalities in education systems and promoting measures which support learners' progress and educational achievement and motivate them to complete their education. 6. Ensure generalised, equitable access to affordable, high quality early childhood education and care. The cognitive and non-cognitive skills developed in early childhood education and care can help children to unlock their full potential and provide them with the foundations for life and success in school. Early childhood education and care structures should also encourage the effective acquisition of the language(s) of instruction, while respecting cultural and linguistic diversity. Developing a feeling of belonging and establishing secure and trusting relationships from an early age are crucial for children's further learning and development.7. Encourage and promote collaborative ("whole-school") approaches to reducing early school leaving at local level, for instance through:

Related to a wide range of information

  • Trade Secret Information means all information, regardless of the form or medium in which it is or was created, stored, reflected or preserved, that is not commonly known by or generally available to the public and that: (i) derives or creates economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; and (ii) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy. The Company’s Trade Secret Information may include, but is not limited to, all confidential information relating to or reflecting the Company’s research and development plans and activities; compilations of data; product plans; sales, marketing and business plans and strategies; pricing, price lists, pricing methodologies and profit margins; current and planned incentive, recognition and rewards programs and services; personnel; inventions, concepts, ideas, designs and formulae; current, past and prospective customer lists; current, past and anticipated customer needs, preferences and requirements; market studies; computer software and programs (including object code and source code); and computer and database technologies, systems, structures and architectures. You understand that Confidential Information and/or Trade Secret Information may or may not be labeled as such, and you shall treat all information that appears to be Confidential Information and/or Trade Secret Information as confidential unless otherwise informed or authorized by the Company. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to mean that Company owns any intellectual property or ideas that were conceived by you before you commenced employment with Company and which you have previously disclosed to the Company. Subject to Section 4.3(b), nothing in this Section 4.3(a) shall prevent you from complying with a valid legal requirement (whether by oral questions, interrogatories, requests for information or documents, subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process) to disclose any Confidential Information or Trade Secret Information.

  • Confidential System Information means any communication or record (whether oral, written, electronically stored or transmitted, or in any other form) provided to or made available to Grantee; or that Grantee may create, receive, maintain, use, disclose or have access to on behalf of HHSC or through performance of the Project, which is not designated as Confidential Information in a Data Use Agreement.

  • Program Information is defined in Section 13.8(a)(i).

  • Restricting Information has the meaning specified in Section 10.09(a).

  • Transaction Personal Information has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 9.1;

  • Other Confidential Consumer Information The Contractor agrees to comply with the requirements of AHS Rule No. 08-048 concerning access to information. The Contractor agrees to comply with any applicable Vermont State Statute, including but not limited to 12 VSA §1612 and any applicable Board of Health confidentiality regulations. The Contractor shall ensure that all of its employees and subcontractors performing services under this agreement understand the sensitive nature of the information that they may have access to and sign an affirmation of understanding regarding the information’s confidential and non- public nature.

  • Highly Confidential Information means Proprietary Information that is marked “Highly Confidential Information” when disclosed in written form or is otherwise designated as such hereunder.

  • Market Information means an electronic document (also available in paper form upon request) located on the Trading Platform which sets out the commercial details for each Market, including but not limited to: Margin Factors, the minimum and maximum Quantity and Our Spread. In the event you elect to use a third party hosting or trading application (for example, MetaTrader), information specific to such third party hosting or trading application located on the Website shall supplement the Market Information; however, to the extent there are any inconsistencies the Market Information will prevail. Note that certain components of Market Information may not be available via a mobile application and must be accessed via desktop.

  • FATCA Information means, with respect to any Certificateholder or Holder, any form or other certification, or such other information reasonably sufficient to eliminate the imposition of, or determine the amount of, FATCA Withholding Tax.

  • Competitively Sensitive Information means non-public information and data specific to a utility customer which the utility acquired or developed in the course of its provision of utility services. This includes, without limitation, information about which customers have or have not chosen to opt out of community choice aggregation service. (See D.97-12-088, App. A, Part I.D.)

  • Trade Secrets means trade secrets, know-how and other confidential or proprietary technical, business and other information, including manufacturing and production processes and techniques, research and development information, technology, drawings, specifications, designs, plans, proposals, technical data, financial, marketing and business data, pricing and cost information, business and marketing plans, customer and supplier lists and information, and all rights in any jurisdiction to limit the use or disclosure thereof.

  • Your Information means any information relating to you, your use of the EB Services, your Electronic Instructions, your Transactions and your Accounts, including any Personal Data you provide to us.3.3 ERP Linked Services.(a) The ERP Linked Services allow you to obtain information relating to your Accounts, provide Electronic Instructions to us via the ERP Platform and use such other features, facilities or functionalities as we shall make available from time to time.(b) You irrevocably and unconditionally authorise any User to sign up and activate the ERP Linked Services.3.4 Disclosure of Your Information. In addition to Clause 8.2 of Part A of these EB Services Terms and Conditions and Clause 2.1 of this Section, you acknowledge and agree that we and our officers, employees and agents are authorised to provide or disclose Your Information to any ERP Provider and/or its affiliates. You agree and acknowledge that we shall have no responsibility or liability or control over any ERP Provider’s disclosure, use or handling of Your Information.3.5 Use of the ERP Linked Services.(a) To use the ERP Linked Services, you must be a subscriber of the ERP Platform or have a valid licence from the ERP Provider to use its ERP Platform. You agree that you are solely responsible for all costs associated with your subscription to or licence of the ERP Platform and any infrastructure (including without limitation any equipment, software, network or communication facilities) required to support your use of the ERP Platform. We shall have no responsibility or liability for any act or omission of any ERP Provider.(b) It is your responsibility to at all times (i) comply with all guides, instructions and recommendations we provide to you from time to time in relation to the use of the ERP Linked Services; and (ii) assess the security arrangements relating to your access to and use of the ERP Linked Services to ensure that they are adequate to protect your interests.(c) You shall ensure that all Data and/or Electronic Instructions transmitted to us for or in connection with the ERP Linked Services is true, accurate and complete and you shall immediately inform us in writing of any errors, discrepancies or omissions. You must check all Data received by you on the ERP Platform in connection with the ERP Linked Services. If any such Data is incorrect or omit anything it should include, you should inform us in writing immediately.(d) You acknowledge that processing of any Electronic Instructions received via the ERP Linked Services is subject to successful receipt of such Electronic Instruction by us from the ERP Provider. We shall have no responsibility or liability where you submit any Electronic Instruction through the ERP Platform but such Electronic Instruction is not successfully received by us.(e) Receipt by us of any Electronic Instruction issued or purporting to be issued by you in connection with the ERP Linked Services will constitute full and unconditional authority to us to carry out or act upon that Electronic Instruction, and we shall not be bound to investigate or enquire as to the authenticity of any such Electronic Instruction unless we have received prior written notification from you which casts doubt on its validity.

  • Confidential Information has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

  • Department of Information Technology means the New Mexico Department of Information Technology which is responsible for operating the data center and all communications related items.

  • Standard Usage Information means the usage data that is made generally available by the gas utility to all similarly situated Customers on a regular basis, delivered by the gas utility in a standard format.

  • Commercially Sensitive Information means the Information (i) listed in the Commercially Sensitive Information Schedule; or (ii) notified to the Authority in writing (prior to the commencement of this Contract) which has been clearly marked as Commercially Sensitive Information comprised of information:

  • Sensitive Information means controlled unclassified information of a commercial, financial, proprietary, or privileged nature. The term includes technical data and computer software, but does not include information that is lawfully, publicly available without restriction.

  • Noteholder FATCA Information means, with respect to any Noteholder or Note Owner, information sufficient to eliminate the imposition of, or determine the amount of, U.S. withholding tax under FATCA.

  • Customer Usage Information means information regarding the historical electricity consumption of a Customer;

  • Portfolio Information means confidential and proprietary information of the Fund, the Adviser or the Sub-Adviser that is received by a party hereto in connection with this Agreement, and information with regard to the portfolio holdings, investment activity and characteristics of the Fund.

  • Transaction Information means any information provided to any Rating Agency, in each case, to the extent related to such Rating Agency providing or proposing to provide a rating of any Commercial Paper Notes or monitoring such rating including, without limitation, information in connection with the Seller, any Originator, the Servicer or the Pool Assets.

  • Secret or “Top Secret”; or  is exempt information as set out in Part 2 of FOISA (disregarding for that purpose whether a provision of Part 2 does not confer absolute exemption within the meaning of section 2(2) of FOISA).

  • Confidential commercial or financial information means any business information (other than trade secrets) which is exempt from the mandatory disclosure requirement of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552. Exemptions from mandatory disclosure which may be applicable to business information contained in proposals include exemption (4), which covers “commercial and financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential,” and exemption (9), which covers “geological and geophysical information, including maps, concerning wells.”

  • State Confidential Information means any and all State Records not subject to disclosure under CORA. State Confidential Information shall include, but is not limited to, PII, PHI, PCI, Tax Information, CJI, and State personnel records not subject to disclosure under CORA. State Confidential Information shall not include information or data concerning individuals that is not deemed confidential but nevertheless belongs to the State, which has been communicated, furnished, or disclosed by the State to Contractor which (i) is subject to disclosure pursuant to CORA; (ii) is already known to Contractor without restrictions at the time of its disclosure to Contractor; (iii) is or subsequently becomes publicly available without breach of any obligation owed by Contractor to the State; (iv) is disclosed to Contractor, without confidentiality obligations, by a third party who has the right to disclose such information; or (v) was independently developed without reliance on any State Confidential Information.

  • Confidential personal information means a party’s or a party’s child’s Social Security number; date of birth; driver license number; any other names used, now or in the past; and employer’s name, address, and telephone number.