Academy Website definition
Examples of Academy Website in a sentence
Prior to disposition of Student Data at the direction of the LEA under this section or Article II, Section 3 (Separate Accounts), Provider may permit users or parents to maintain the Khan Academy Website account as a personal account for purposes of retaining any content generated or provided by the user (including Learning activity).
ACCEPTING AND DECLINING PLACES All parents will be required to accept or decline the school place offered by the published date as stated on the Academy Website.
Prior to disposition of Student Data at the direction of the LEA under this section or Article II, Section 4 (Separate Accounts), Provider may permit users or parents to maintain the Khan Academy Website account as a personal account for purposes of retaining any content generated or provided by the user (including Learning activity).
The final version of each President-Elect Candidate’s presentation will be posted to the Academy Website as submitted.
For Possible Action.) This notice and agenda has been posted on or before the sixth day before the meeting at the following locations: (1) Kamalani Academy Website.
Some required consumer information must and will be available on the Penrose Academy Website such as the school’s Annual Security and Safety Report, retention rates, placement rates and general information about the school and the student body diversity.
Any notice required under this Agreement shall be provided to the other party in writing, except that Oracle may provide notice of changes to its Oracle Academy program offering, including changes to Benefits, by posting such information to Oracle Academy members at the Academy Website.
STEM School & Academy Website Team will respond directly to your inquiry by providing the requested information in an alternate format or by otherwise making our online program, service, or activity accessible to you.
Students can request to see a counselor by filling out the online form and submitting electronically on the counselor’s web page on Bragg Street Academy Website.
Announcements of school closings will be posted on the tfriends Academy Website,, and broadcast on Channel 12 Cablevision and tfios.