Examples of Access revenues in a sentence
Open Access revenues Fees paid to cover the cost of publishing Open Access articles are recognised in the month that confirmation of article acceptance is delivered, which takes the form of an invoice.
Access revenues are therefore πU (θL, a) = 0.5 · D (1, θL) = 0.5θL ≈ 0.
Access revenues are derived for the intrastate jurisdiction by billing access charges to interexchange carriers and to regional Bell operating companies.
Upon written request, the Franchisee shall furnish the Franchising Authority and/or its designee(s), no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days after the end of the Franchisee's Fiscal Year, a Statement of Income upon which the annual Franchise Fee is based, including: all Subscriber Revenues, including but not limited to, regular Basic Service charges, Pay Cable charges, Pay-Per-View revenues, installation revenues (including reconnection, second set, etc.), Leased Access revenues.
Fixed line revenues for the quarter, analysed by major products and services, are summarised as follows: In the quarter endedChange(N1)31 Dec 201331 Dec 20142013/2014€m €m Access (rental and connections) Access revenues decreased by 3% compared to the corresponding prior year quarter.
BellSouth shall take financial responsibility for its own actions in causing, or its lack of action in preventing, unbillable or uncollectible World Access revenues.
Access (rental and connections) The following table shows rental, connection and other charges and the percentage changes for the periods indicated: For the six months ended Access revenues for the six months ended 31 December 2018 of €227 million decreased by 6% compared to the corresponding prior year period.
The adjustments include: the treatment to be afforded leased equipment (Moultrie); the treatment to be afforded pro forma adjustments for anticipated Interstate Special Access revenues (Gridley); and adjustments to cash working capital balances (Frontier companies and Alhambra).
EBITDA) 44,697 RLEC access lines (YoY 3% decline) Access revenues increased 10% YoY Adjusted EBITDA increased 5% YoY Broadband penetration at 33% Competitive ($58 Revenues / $19 Adj.
Full competition since 1998 - homework done/market consolidation Access revenues* (€ biIIion) Market share stable - 1.65 customer retention, happy digits, calling plans Soft re-balancing with T-ISDN and T-DSL starts to work out World class penetration rates T-ISDN and T-DSL Access increase nearly compensates calling revenue declines New T-DSL products: premium T-DSL, SDSL Majority holdings in key Eastern European markets - No. 1 positions ····T· Deutsche Telekom * Domestic revenues only; unaudited.