Files and Records means all files and records of Seller relating to the Business, whether in hard copy or magnetic or other format including customer and supplier lists and records; equipment maintenance records; equipment warranty information; plant plans, specifications and drawings; sales and advertising material; computer software; technical and research analyses; engineering, sales, marketing and other studies, data and plans; bid information; quality assurance records; and records relating to those employees of Seller who may become employed by Purchaser following the Closing.
Client Records has the meaning set forth in Section 3.14.
Student Records Means both of the following: (1) Any information that directly relates to a student that is maintained by LEA and (2) any information acquired directly from the student through the use of instructional software or applications assigned to the student by a teacher or other LEA employee. For the purposes of this Agreement, Student Records shall be the same as Educational Records, and Covered Information, all of which are deemed Student Data for the purposes of this Agreement. Service Agreement: Refers to the Contract or Purchase Order to which this DPA supplements and modifies.
Pupil Records Means both of the following: (1) Any information that directly relates to a pupil that is maintained by LEA and (2) any information acquired directly from the pupil through the use of instructional software or applications assigned to the pupil by a teacher or other local educational LEA employee.
Case file means a record that is assembled and maintained for each application approved for state cost sharing.
Property records means the records created and maintained by the contractor in support of its stewardship responsibilities for the management of Government property.
Collection Records means all manually prepared or computer generated records relating to collection efforts or payment histories with respect to the Receivables.
Lease File means, for each Lease, the Collateral Lease File applicable to such Lease.
Receivable Files means the documents specified in Section 3.3.
Personnel records means those records pertaining to any- one who is directly retained or employed by an intermediary in connection with insurance including subagents, secretaries, phone solicitors, and independent contractors.
University Records means records or record systems that Proposer (1) creates, (2) receives from or on behalf of University, or (3) has access, and which may contain confidential information (including credit card information, social security numbers, and private health information (PHI) subject to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 (Public Law 104-191), or education records subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). General Protection of University Records
Company’s Reports means (i) the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019 as filed with the SEC, including the audited financial statements contained therein; (ii) the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2020, as filed with the SEC, including the unaudited financial statements contained therein, and (iii) the Company’s public reports for the year ended December 31, 2019 and the period ended June 30, 2020, as filed with the FRB as required by regulations of the FRB.
Contract File means with respect to each Contract, the physical and/or electronic files in which Credit Acceptance maintains the fully executed original counterpart or “authoritative copy” (in each case, for UCC purposes) of the Contract (to the extent required in accordance with Section 3.03 of this Agreement), either a standard assurance in the form commonly used in the industry relating to the provision of a certificate of title or other evidence of lien, the original or electronic instruments modifying the terms and conditions of such Contract and the original or electronic endorsements or assignments of such Contract.
Servicing Records means all documents, books, records and other information (including, without limitation, computer programs, tapes, disks, data processing software and related property rights) prepared and maintained by the Servicer with respect to the Transferred Loans and the related Obligors.
Public records means all writings and recordings that consist of letters, words or numbers, or their equivalent, set down by handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostatting, photography, magnetic impulse, optical or magneto-optical form, mechanical or electronic recording or other form of data compilation, however stored, and regardless of physical form or characteristics, prepared or owned by, or in the possession of a public body or its officers, employees or agents in the transaction of public business.
Files means the records, memoranda, opinions, minutes, and similar written materials that were formerly in the physical dominion of a board abolished by this act and the records, memoranda, opinions, minutes, and similar written materials of a board created under this act.
Loan Files means the documents specified in Section 2.1 of the Sale Agreement.
Medical Records the Study Subjects’ primary medical records kept by the Institution on behalf of the Study Subjects, including, without limitation, treatment entries, x-rays, biopsy reports, ultrasound photographs and other diagnostic images. Zdravotní záznamy: primární zdravotní záznamy Subjektů studie vedené Zdravotnickým zařízením ve vztahu k Subjektu studie, zejména záznamy o poskytnuté péči, zázanym o RTG vyšetřeních, protokoly o provedených biopsiích, snímky z ultrazvukových vyšetření a další snímky diagnostické povahy. Study Data: all records and reports, other than Medical Records, collected or created pursuant to or prepared in connection with the Study including, without limitation, reports (e.g., CRFs, data summaries, interim reports and the final report) required to be delivered to Sponsor pursuant to the Protocol and all records regarding inventories and dispositions of all Investigational Product. Studijní data a údaje: veškeré záznamy, zprávy a protokoly, jež jsou odlišné od Zdravotních záznamů, a které jsou získány, shromážděny či vytvořeny v návaznosti na či připraveny v souvislosti se Studií, zejména zprávy, záznamy a protokoly (např., CRFs, datové přehledy, mezitímní zprávy a protokoly, a závěrečná zpráva), které jsou požadovány, aby byly poskytnuty Zadavateli v souladu s Protokolem a veškerými záznamy ohledně inventurní evidence a nakládání s veškerým množstvím Hodnoceného léčiva.
Education records means an education record as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and its implementing regulations, 20 USC Section 1232g and 34 CFR Part 99, respectively.
Inspection Report means the report delivered by the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as the case may be, substantially in the form of Exhibit L hereto.
Vital records means certificates or reports of birth, death, fetal death, marriage, dissolution, annulment, and related data.
confidential records means those portions of correspondence, memoranda, files, manuals, books, lists, financial, operating or marketing records, magnetic tape, or electronic or other media or equipment of any kind in Executive’s possession or under Executive’s control or accessible to Executive which contain any proprietary information. All confidential records shall be and remain the sole property of the Company during the Term and thereafter.
State Records means any and all State data, information, and records, regardless of physical form, including, but not limited to, information subject to disclosure under CORA.
Electronic File means any text, illustration or other matter supplied or produced by either Party in digitised form on disc, through a modem, or by ISDN or any other communication link.
Privacy Statements means, collectively, all of the Company’s and the Company Subsidiaries’ publicly posted privacy policies (including if posted on the Company’s or the Company Subsidiaries’ products and services) regarding the collection, use, disclosure, transfer, storage, maintenance, retention, deletion, disposal, modification or processing of Personal Data.
Personnel file means, for the purposes of Part III (8VAC20-90-60 et seq.), any and all memoranda, entries or other documents included in the teacher's file as maintained in the central school administration office or in any file regarding the teacher maintained within a school in which the teacher serves.