Account Information Services Provider definition

Account Information Services Provider means a third-party payment service provider, which is authorised by its Regulator, to provide Account Information Services with your explicit consent, and under a separate agreement that you have signed with them.
Account Information Services Provider means a third- party payment service provider, which is authorised by its Regulator, to provide Account Information Services with your explicit consent, and under a separate agreement that you have signed with them.
Account Information Services Provider means a third-party payment service provider, which is authorised by its Regulator, to provide Account Information Services with your or Account Manager’s explicit consent, and under a separate agreement that you have signed with them. “Account Limits” means maximum limits that you can have in relation to the Tide GBP E-Money Account, such as the number of Tide GBP E-Money Accounts, Account Maximum Balance of your Tide GBP E-Money Account, and limits on transactions as referred to in paragraph 2.

Examples of Account Information Services Provider in a sentence

  • Account Information Services Provider means a third-party payment service provider, which is authorised by its Regulator, to provide Account Information Services with your explicit consent, and under a separate agreement that you have signed with them.

  • Authorised Account Information Services Provider – A third party payment service provider which is authorised by its Regulator to provide Account Information Services to you with your explicit consent and under a separate agreement which you have signed with them.

  • Account Information Services Provider – a third party payment service provider which is authorised by its regulator to provide Account Information Services to you with your explicit consent and under a separate agreement which you have entered into with them.

  • If you wish to make use of an Authorised Account Information Services Provider to provide you with Account Information Services on your Account, you may do so provided that you have signed up to use My Account and your Account is active.

  • Authorised Account Information Services Provider – A third party payment service provider which is authorised by its Regulator to provide Account Information Services with your explicit consent and under a separate agreement which you have signed with them.

  • The interven- tion was implemented as a cluster randomized control trial in order to assess its effective- ness in improving maternal and neonatal health outcomes.It aimed to impart information and mobilize the local community (village) to act on is- sues relating to pregnancy, childbirth and newborn health, with the overarching goal ofimproving maternal and child health outcomes (Lewycka et al., 2010; Lewycka, 2011).

  • If we refuse to provide access to an Authorised Account Information Services Provider to your Account, we will inform you immediately after refusal to explain why, unless that would break the law or we have security reasons not to do so.

  • Account Information Services Provider – a third party payment service provider that’s authorised by its regulator to give Account Information Services to you with your explicit consent and under a separate agreement which you’ve entered into with them.

  • Account Information Services Provider – A third party payment service provider which is authorised by its Regulator to provide Account Information Services with your or Account Manager’s explicit consent and under a separate agreement which you have signed with them.

  • Account Information Services Provider – A third party payment service provider which is authorised by its Regulator to provide Account Information Services to you with your explicit consent and under a separate agreement which you have signed with them.

Related to Account Information Services Provider

  • Wireless services provider means a person who provides wireless services.

  • flight information service means a service provided for the purpose of giving advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights;

  • Client Information means any data, information, software or other materials that you provide to Red Hat under the Agreement.

  • Information Services means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s Electronic Municipal Market Access System; or, such other services providing information with respect to called municipal obligations as the District may specify in writing to the Paying Agent or as the Paying Agent may select.

  • Support Services means support in relation to the use of, and the identification and resolution of errors in, the Hosted Services, but shall not include the provision of training services;