Actuarial table definition

Actuarial table means the forms and re- lated material for the crop year approved by us which are available for public inspection in your service office, and which show the production guarantees, coverage levels, pre- mium rates, prices for computing indem- nities, practices, insurable and uninsurable acreage, and related information regarding potato insurance in the county.
Actuarial table means the forms and related m aterial for the crop year approved by us which are available for public inspection in your service office, and which show the production guarantees, coverage levels, premium rates, prices for computing indemnities, practices where applicable, insurable and uninsurable acreage, and related information regarding dry bean insurance in the county.
Actuarial table means the forms and related material for the crop year approved by us which are available for public inspection in your service office, and which show the amounts of insurance, coverage levels, premium rates, insurable and uninsurable acreage, and related information regarding prevented planting insurance in the county.

Examples of Actuarial table in a sentence

  • The only agreement referenced in the Complaint is the Subordinate Mortgage.

  • Actuarial table m e a n s t h e fo r m s a n d r e- l a t ed m a t e r i a l fo r t h e c r op y e a r a pp r oved b y u s.

  • Actuarial table m e an s t h e fo r m s an d r e- l a t ed m a t e r i a ls fo r t h e c r op y e ar a pp r oved b y u s.

  • Actuarial table m e a n s t h e fo r m s a n d r e- l a t ed m a t e r i a l fo r t h e c r op y e a r a pp r oved b y u s w h ic h a r e a v a il a ble fo r p u blic i n spec t io n i n y o ur se r vice office, a n d w h ic h s h ow t h e a m o un t of i n s ur a n ce, cove r a ge levels, p r e- m i u m r a t es, p r a c t ices, a n d r el a t ed i nfo r m a- t io n r eg a r di n g c r op i n s ur a n ce i n t h e co un t y .b.

  • Tracts in this category were affordable to moderate-income, mixed moderate-income, and high-income households in 2017.

More Definitions of Actuarial table

Actuarial table means the forms and re- lated material for the crop year approved by us which are available for public inspection in your service office, and which show the amounts of insurance or production guaran- tees, coverage levels or amounts of insur- ance, premium rates, prices for computing indemnities, practices, insurable and unin- surable acreage, and related information re- garding crop insurance in the county.
Actuarial table means the forms and
Actuarial table means the forms and re- lated material for the crop year approved by us. The Actuarial Table is available for pub- lic inspection in your service office and shows the production guarantees, coverage levels, premium rates, prices for computing indemnities, practices, insurable and unin- surable acreage, and related information re- garding macadamia nut insurance in the country.
Actuarial table means the forms and related materials approved by the Corpora­ tion which are on file for public inspection in the office for the county, and which show the applicable amounts of Insurance, pre­ mium rates, and related information regard­ ing citrus crop insurance in the county.
Actuarial table means the forms and related material u. “Unit” means all insurable acreage of apples in the for the crop year approved by us which are available for county, located on contiguous land, on the date public inspection in your service office and which show insurance attaches for the crop year: the production guarantees, coverage levels, premium (1) in which you have a 100 percent share; or rates, prices for computing indemnities, practices, (2) which is owned by one entity and operated by insurable and uninsurable acreage, and related another entity on a share basis. information regarding apple insurance in the county. Land rented for cash, a fixed commodity payment, or any
Actuarial table means the forms and re- lated material for the crop year approved by us which are available for public inspection in your service office, and which show the amount of insurance, coverage levels, pre- mium rates, practices, and related informa- tion regarding crop insurance in the county.
Actuarial table means the forms and related