Acute Services definition
Examples of Acute Services in a sentence
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Acute Services Division N HS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Acute Services are delivered currently from three Sectors covering North Glasgow, South Glasgow and Clyde and three Directorates with cross site responsibilities covering Women and Children’s Services, Regional Services and Diagnostics.
We will provide benefits for the services listed in paragraph 3 only when such services are Acute Services provided by a participating free standing facility licensed to provide inpatient physical rehabilitation services or by a unit of a participating Hospital designated as providing such services.
This gives an approximate indication of the number of complaints completed pro rata to the patient activity levels of the Acute Services Division.
Critical judgements and estimation uncertainty (Cont.)2.2 Hospital Acute Services (Set Aside) (Cont.)The methodology to cost these set-aside services is complex.
Our operational frontline services are provided through four distinct operational units – Acute Services and the Health and Social Care Partnerships in East, North and South Ayrshire.