Examples of Adjustment Statements in a sentence
The data collected in the ILR and information submitted through the Earnings Adjustment Statements will be used to ensure that the AEB funding devolved to the GMCA is being spent in line with its statutory duties and its wider skills ambitions.
In 2021/22 GMCA will use the data recorded on the ILR and information submitted through the Earnings Adjustment Statements to calculate funding earned by all providers.
Refer to Attachment B: Adjustment and/or Dispute Codes for Reconciliation of State Invoices (ROSI) and/or Prior Quarter Adjustment Statements (PQAS) for the proper utilization of CMS adjustment and dispute codes.
Funding will be claimed via the Earnings Adjustment Statements and the manual funding claims at the end of the following ILR return points: R03 R06 R09 R12 and R14.
Use of DAM is 018, 019, 020 or 021 and aim is not one of the dummy codes Historic DAM codes for Earning Adjustment Statements that are not valid for 2022/23 learners Removing the DAM code from the ILR.
Monthly recapitulation by station for each carrier billed must be prepared from Initial Switching Settlement Statements (Form AD-163), Adjustment Statements (Form AD-164) and Exceptions Statements (Form AD-164).
Each of the Adjustment Statements was true, accurate and not misleading as at the Operative Date, the Second Court Date and the Effective Date and is true, accurate and not misleading on the Implementation Date.
Funding will be claimed via the Earnings Adjustment Statements and the manual funding claims at the end of the following ILR return points: R04, R06, R09, R12 and R14.
Students are responsible for paying the depreciated value of all texts or supplemental books and materials that are lost or damaged.
The Adjustment Statements shall exclude any items for amounts with respect to Taxes.