Examples of Administrative Secretary in a sentence
Administrative Secretary – 15 days before the start of school and 10 days after school ends.
Human Resources Analyst; Aimee Reeder; Ass’t Management Analyst; Eve Franklin, Administrative Secretary.
Also present were Todd Barlow, Superintendent/Principal and Margaret DeSantos, Administrative Secretary.
Soveral Martins), (Administrative Secretary: L.F. Rodríguez), ICC, shareholders agreement, law of African Republic, English language.
Roll Call: Chairman, Richard Mazzoni called roll and a quorum was established with the following members present: (P = Present A = Absent) _P_Richard Mazzoni, Chairman _P_Amy Buesing, Vice Chair _P_Neal Dungan, Secretary _P_Teri Rolan _P_Joe Anderson _P_Chris Woodul _P_Cathleen Wingert Board staff members present were Executive Director, Ben Kesner; Administrative Secretary, Debra Wilhite; board counsel Assistant Attorney, Kara Szkotak.