Examples of Advisory letter in a sentence
SJCOG’s RTP has placed an emphasis on quantitative objectives and performance measures, which will help with the new - federal legislation.
We will notify staff and families of children in cohort using Contact with a Contact Advisory letter.
Advisory letters serve two purposes: In cases where there is some question as to whether the pilot knew the policy, procedure or work rules, the Advisory letter can be used to communicate the rules to that particular pilot.
See 7-29-2021 Advisory letter regarding grass mats (attached to meeting minutes).Jen Anderssen, Director of Parks and Recreation, joined the meeting at 7:45 pmJen Anderssen shared information on what the architect will sign-off on for the mats– we have AAB approval for using the mats and move forward with the plan in place.
Dr. Farmer stated that he was sympathetic to the patient but opined this does not warrant an Advisory letter.